Monday, March 25, 2013

There's a storm a coming

We got up this morning to winds and dark clouds. As we were getting breakfast the host tells us that all the ferries have been canceled. The winds are to high. The german guy has a flight to ketch tomorrow morning. Thankfully he was able to get a flight to Athens.
We went into town to the blue star ticket booth to get new tickets. The next ferry is at 7:30pm tomorrow evening. We won't get back to Athens till 530am and we have to be out of the apartment by 11 that same day. Here is hoping the run tomorrow.
From there we started to drive to the other end of the island to see the arcualogy Site and the red beach. Well we did it get out of town far when the winds were so hard the poor bike was maybe going 19 and it was a straight stretch. We were getting pelted by dirt so we decided to go back to town there was a very good chance that the first hill we would come to it would not be able to make it up.
So we went into town to watch the parade it was for this day that the Greeks won there freedom. It was people in traditional dress and kids from schools the little ones in there traditional dress were so cute.
From there we just wondered around town. No much to see since it is a holiday and very gloomy out.
We went to this restaurant because it had a sign for wine and homemade waffles. Well I ended up getting pork with honey and yogurt. It was so good. Very very good I am so full from it. The wine we got was very thick like serup and very sweet tasted like they were coming up the bitterness by just adding sweet syerp.
On our walk home because we had to return the 4wealer it started to rain big drops but not hard just a drop here and there.
We are back at the hostel thankful we can stay another night because hewas going to be full with people coming in on the ferry. But since non of them could come we are all alone here. Wish shauna played crib or backgammon.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hike a volcano why not

So we got up breakfast was served at 9 so we did not need to get up early. We get up and the host was like there is a boat tour the the volcano u get to hike it then go to the hot springs. So we changed our plans to do that.
So off we go and he was going into town so we got a lift again. We took the cable cars down to the port in fira. It is 600 steeps down and they arethe big ones that are two steeps till the next steep up. So we get down and on out boat. It is a very nice sail boat. We got to the volcano and they give you over and hour and half to hike it took us less then half an hr to get to top look around then back down we were the first ones back to the boats that hiked to the top how would we know this because there were only two guys that got to the top before us. And every one on the boats were old or fat so u know they did not make it up. Some people were in heals or flip flops.
It was however so interesting to see the lava fields they were so interesting to look at. Check off the bucket list touch a lava rock.
From there we went to the hot springs. Well kind of because it was two shallow for the boats u had to jump in and swim in. We did not have our suits so we did not get in apparently it was freezing and one guy was yelling at the crew because it. Was not hot in there but he did say it would only be maybe 7 digress more in there. Oh well. Once we got back to port the guys were there trying to get u to take the donkeys up to the top only a ten minute ride. It was 1€ more then the cars so donkeys it was. Well first we went to look at they they looked bright and we'll feed clean and healthy so we went for it. Well they don't walk ur donkey up they just go up on there own. It was very fun but the donkey was sweating once we got to the top so I don't think I could ride one I. The summer heat. They should shave them like the horses in Rome might help.
From there we walked around town priced taxis because the busses did not run after 2 on Sundays and we still had stuff to see. Out of curiosity we stopped to price four wealers and scooters for rent well it was the same price as one taxi ride. So we got a four wealer. 15€ plus gas
From there we went to the black beach it is crushed volcanic rock very interesting. Then we went to oia. For the sun set supost to be one of the best places in the world to see it.
We got there and walked around the town had about an hr to kill. Well it was not hard the town is stuning. Just takes ur breath away. I would come back in a heartbeat just to walk around. It is a 3hr walk from oia to cave land that is stopping to take lots of pictures but since we had the four wealer it took maybe half an hour and we stored on the way there it was dark on the way back. We got dinner at this place and there was a cat in the restaurant and it pooped in the flower pot beside shauna. Very classie place. Oh mom we went in this book store the alantic and it is ranked in the top. Of some book store list it was very different we had to go down these narow steeps and it was different alot of books of different languages.
It was a great day and I have a major sun burn heading back to Athens tomorrow.

8hr ferry ride

We got up at 530am this morning to ketch our 730 ferry. We got on the ferry. Dad the trucks get on first and the back in, the cars have to wait. Though u would like that and they were very efficient when unloading at the ports.
We sat in these comfy seats well apparently u have to pay more. So we went to the outside comon seating. We had a seat in the sun so it was not to bad.
It was a long ride.
So once we got here we got right on the bus and told him we needed the bakery stop. Back up when we went to get off the ferry every one was piled infront of the cars and u walked off that way. Once we got off there were all kinds of hostels and hotels looking to pick there guest up. Tons of taxi. The road going up was steep one car brook down it sent people into a honking frenzy.
Once we got off the bus we started our walk down hill the directions were very clear it was great. We got welcomed by the welcoming committee four dogs. We got checked in the guy was great we are in the mix dorm and he gave us the two beds in the back cave so it is like our own room. There is one guy from Germany staying with us. The owner sat down with us and told us the must sees so that was great with his help we maped the day out. The capital is called fira and it is a 13 min walk from were we are staying. So we decided to spend what little of the day we had left there.
A girl was leaving so we got a three min ride into town.We got to see a very stunning sunset. Alot of the shops are not open yet this is opening weekend and finish repair. It is a very nice town. And we did not have to worry about the town at all there is one police station for the entire town and the have 20 office. And if someone got robed it would be the talk of the town for the entire town. He was very adimiment on how safe it is. And I can see why it is very friendly people stop to chat with u. Very laid back and welcoming.
We walked back in the dark no problem.
So out hostel is called cave land. Great place the room we are staying in is one of the original rooms built in the 1720 yep that is right we are staying in a true cave room we are under ground it is so cool. A very neat thing forsher. There is a rock sticking out of the wall in the bathroom. It is so interesting to see the rooms the are so odd. Oh something I did not know there water is shipped in they do not have and natural springs.
They make wine here and there grape vines grow in a circle, to protect from the sun, beter collect water and sunlight. It is so odd to see fields of these circles in them. Only down side it is cold in the cave.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fish got my toes

Attempt three for the hot springs. OK we got to the bus without problem. Got on the bus no problem. Now when we got the bus stop, the government building had even more bleaches set up. There was a line of police officers all done up in gear and what shelds but they let tourist pass to watch the changing of the gaurds.
We were on the bus and started to wonder were the stopwas and so I asked the driver and he said two more. When we got off there was a picture perfect blue beach on one side the other a big cliff wall there. Waz a fountain and a drive way so we went down the drive way because we knew it was across from the beach. So as we walk down the drive way the lake comes into view. Words can not describe it. It has to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.It was not that Worm out like 14 the water temperature was 20. This is because in the winter the ocean tide is higher so more ocean water gets in.
It was also externally windy. It was 8€. And what a nice place bathrooms showers change rooms very clean chairs umbrellas lawn chair. All in cluded in the price. So I got changed and got in shauna took some more coxing. The thing that got her as she was standing on the stairs the fish started to come towards her so she got in. Half way around the lake my camera stoped working mega sad face I have no idea why. So after are swim and a chat with a not to bad looking guy who needs to swim more because he was struggling to keep his head up and keep a conversation going. Made me laugh because I thought of how many conversations we had at waterpolo and everyone just chilled and did not struggle. How I miss waterpolo.
So as we got out we decided to try the fish well they loved shaunas feet. She had tons I had one... So she got out asnd the came to me oh man it was the weirdest felling ever. Then we got changed and are sitting there shauna sees a cat and calls it over. And it came over tubing on her legs shauna starts to pet it then it looks and me and walks straight for me and hops in my lap and lies down I was so shocked.
From there we headed back to town we were going to go to the peir to get tickets for a ferry to go to Santorini in the morning when at the subway we noticed signs saying the subway would be on strike this weekend and we planed to take the subway to the ferry in the morning. We were very upset so went to ask guy said all metro so we went home to look for a bus to get the the ferry. When we got off our stop I noticed no signs up so I went to ask the attended there, if anything they may know what bus we could take. It turned out that it was only the upper part of town so we could take the subway in the morning. So we ran home to change got back on subway went and got our tickets 50€ round trip. 8hr ferry ride. From there we went into town to get creaps for dinner. Then home to pack we needed to be on the subway no latter then 630am.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Hot Springs trip fouled by protesters

We decided to go to the hot springs well it is a lake. Hundreds of years ago during an earthquake a cave collapsed causing a lake, the lake has an under water hotspring that feeds it along with the ocean when it is hight enough.  This lake has the little fish that they have at spas to eat ur dead flesh and it is beg enough to swim laps in. It is supposed to heal skin things like excema.
Sounds great so we pack up head out. We'll as we are switching subways shauna steps on my flip flops causing it to break. After pulling off to side witch is a hard task in its s lf we see that the side string thing came out theses are walmart flipflops so I don't care. But I can not walk in it. So I ended up bandaiding the string to the bottom we get the subway to monastic the shopping part of town and go on the hunt for I now have a pair of hand maid leather greese Sandle they even put in an extra hole for the health buckle.
 So off to the subway again we get off the subway and need to find a street that the bus will stop at because it is 30 min out side town. So we asked a guy he pointed out the street I noticed he had a green peace jacket and there were atleast 6 others with that jacket on in the square. So we find the bus stop and there is no list of busses so we switch sides to see if the one on the other side does because we did not know what side we needed. So we are see our bus on the sign and we are going the right way so we wait for the bus. And wait. And as we are waiting the tram busess start pulling up and making every one get off and un hook from the wires now we don't speak greek but we can tell people are up set and dot know why they have to get off. So after a while we notice that trafic has backed up well they have blocked off the street infornot of the government building ok that is odd. The are redirecting the trafic. No new busses are coming and when they do they make every one get off. So we decided to forgo the lake and see what she going on. It is a protest. A very mellow one people were just standing around eating this pretzel looking thing. There were some banners and a guy with a mikerphone thing. But they were all well dressed and just standing around the middle of the street talking. So we were curious so we stuck around just hung around.
Now there is a wall that is called the toom of the fallen or forgot solder. And it is guarded. And in tripadvisor a must see is this changing of the gaurds. Well we just lucked out they were doing it. So we got closer. There out fitts well the best part is the big pompom on the tip of the shoe. It was very interesting to see. I can see why in Athens it is a must because it does not have that much going for it. So after the changing of the gaurds we booth fell it is time to call it a day. Other things went wrong like we got frozen yogurt and it was sour (we have had it before and it never tasted like that). My Sandle was loose and falling off so back we went to get more holes put into it.
We went home after that. Thankfully shaunas mom sent her mail and so we were able to get a member ship at the movie rental place and got a comedy ya
The next day we decided to try for the hot springs again.

Guys I am sorry I got my days mixed up. Out line
Day one late leaving home, protesters block street no busses, changing of the gaurds
Day two broken flip ,bus on wrong side of road, bad yogurt, creepy man, movie membership.
Oh u might ask what they are protesting we wondered as well. So I asked. The answer anything and everything.  Yep that is the answer we got.
So the second day we got the bus on the wrong side not know and took the bus to the end witch was at a butifull university. So in ore defit and trying to regroup we sat down and this man stoped and asked if we needed help finding something. Then he told us some history about the buildings around us witch was cool. Then he asked if we would like to get coffee this man looked to be 50 we said no thank you. He told us to have a nice trip and walked away.
So I think that was all for the first two days of trying to get to the hot springs.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Delphi mountain in 2 hr... Just sprint to top

We decided to take a day trip to the town of Delphi. We got instructions on how to take the bus there. So off we go to find the bus stop... Why we have such problems is because they do not know how far things are. She said walk one block we walked atleast 5. We found the bus station and got our tickets it was 15€ each way. Is not bad since it is a 3hr drive. We passed through this town that was built into the clifs and it was busy and gorgeous we wish we could have looked around.  Once we got off the bus it was such a nice day out. It was the perfect spring day. We got to the gate and the informed us that the place closed at 3 and we got there around 1:30. She suggested that we go right to the top and take our time coming down so we did that.
Climbing a monutian at a fast pace when you have a head cold not that easy but I am happy I did. What an amazing views. There were a bunch of tour groups so it was ok that we were not stopping to read the signs because we would just take pictures and lessons to there guides. That way we got to here they did important things here, what important things you might ask well we do not know. I think that was the best. The steeps here are very wide so you take two steeps then steep up. It is odd. For some reason the stadium was closed off. There was a cool little waterfall. It was very nice I think the view was one of the best parts.
The spring that the orical would bath in is closed off so that sucked. We got to see the rock that marks the center of the world.
Because it all closed at 3 we did not get in the musume, gymnasium, or temenos of athena pronaia. But we could see them from up on the cliff.
As we are walking back into town along the edge of the cliff we could here bells we thought it may be goats but we could see non so then we thought maybe it was windchims at the mouth of a cliff. But then we saw a goat. So it was goat bells we were hearing. As we got back into town we had close to three hours to kill till our bus. So we went to eat. Worst food we have had all trip. We did not even eat it. The pizza had cheese slices for cheese on top. Very gross.
From there we walked around town we got some jewelry. Got a hot chocolate from a different cafe. Then back on the bus to come home.

National archaeological museum

Apparently Monday the 18 is a holiday here. So everything was closed. However the museum was open ya. We were getting our apartment cleaned that day so it gave us a great place to go. I know life is so ruf. I have been fighting a head cold, and I will win. We had a lazy weekend just trying to get over this. So we decided since we needed to be out we would check out the museum.
I wore my new shoes... Why girls do this to there feet all the time I do not know.  My poor feet never get treated like that but I need some flats so guess they have to lurn.
The museum was very interesting. My favorite part was they have an ship wreak exhibition right now. It was so intersting to see the marble status that the found and part of them are un recanisable and the other part completely conserved thanks to the sand. They had a 3D video about an insterment that the found that can tell u the sun and moon position, dates soler eclipse, and some other things it is very interesting to think some one came up with this so many years ago.
There was an Egyptian collection so much gold. Gold on sorwards, gold masks for the dead. Lots of gold jewelry. It was so interesting.
The gift shop had alot of replica status and we'll they were very very expensive.
From there early went to a cafe restaurant that we got a 20% off coupon for when we went into the musume.
 When we entered there was a big group of cops sitting there so we know the coffee had to be good.
Shauna got a club sandwich. She enjoyed it and so did the cats. She had this cut little orange taby thatvshe was feeding prices of chicken to. It would wake her arm to get her attention it was so cute.
I got a chocolate creap I was not in a very good eating mood.
From there we headed home to our fresh clean apartment. We have such a great land lady last time she came she left us cheese pie and this time she left us little cheese biskits.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Beach, boys, cooking, and shopping

Let's start with a beautiful sunny Monday. Love that I can get up and walk to the bakery and get a fresh loaf of bread. the house cleaner was coming today so we decided to find the beach. We took the subway to the peir found out what bus would take us to the beach had to ask again were to find the bus,  our ability to get lost is amazing,  I don't mind it because I like to just wonder around.  So we find the bus and the beach. It was so hot out. So we walked around trying to find a good place with out to many creapy old men. It is always the old guys that will talk to us. So we found a place got the bikinis on and I went for a swim it was cold but no colder then big Island... Well more like I fell in lol I was walking in and it is rocks about the size of my palm and we'll they shifted and i fell. I did want to get in any way. Shauna got some attention so that was fun. But mostly we just started at the guys they play this paddle game with tennis balls and wooden paddles so we watch multiple groups play this. And we'll tryed to guess age and weather or not they would be jail bait. It was alot of fun.
The next day we decided to go back tothe beach it was just a little cooler out. This time I went with my dress so much easier then jeans at the beach.
We were able to get off at a different stop and hop on the tram so much faster. The wind was very strong so it made it chilly so the dresses stayed on and I was very happy I packed a sweater. It was very clear out so you could see the islands they are very close and big. From there we went home to change. And then back to our favorite creap place. So busy we had trouble finding a seat. I got a chocolate and banana one yaaa chocolate.
The next evening we had our cooking class. We did one in Rome and it was so much fun we decided to try one in Athens. So it did not start till 6:30 pm. Well we were the only once there. It was not as hands on but still very interesting they are all about simple and fast. I don't think I will make much of it, other then for people to try and the lamb that was good. There was so much food and shaunas stomach was upset I felt bad for not eating it all but I just could not we made pastry things with three different fillings. One was a type of ham with tomatoes and cheese one had eggplant and types of cheese and the third one was cheese and dill and other stuff. I liked the shells but shauna did not I would have made them a bit thiner. To close them we did this cool twist thing it looked neet can't wait to try it out on a pie. We made eggplant sailed what was more of a dip in my books. We made the cucumber dip that shauna loves however we also made a beat dip that I liked.
Next we did lamb she showed us have they stuff it. Very good.
They had live entertainment apparently someone famous. We were going to stay but shaunas stomach has been upset so we decided to leave because she was feeling very sick. It was a lovely cooking class lots of information I just don't think greek food is the food for me.
Thursday shauna was still felling a little under so we had a chill at home day. LOL my charger was in my room so I had the play book carging and I get a Facebook message from shauna asking if I wanted to go see a movie.  So we got read and away we went to the movies we pick the new oz movie. We had time to kill before the movie started so we walked around the mall they have a cool arcade with a playground above it. It reminded us of adventure play ground. Looked like lots of fun then they also have a bowling ally and it is the big balls we are excited to try.
Now there theaters you get a assigned seat so we looked at our tickets and found our seats well there seats are bigger and they have little tables inbetween them so u can put ur popcorn down. Just as the movie was about to start these kids come in and they say we are in there seats we look at the numbers they Are right well we were in the wrong row so we had to gather our stuff and move one row back.... There was maybe ten people in the entire theater.
Friday was a shopping and cookie land day. I have tryed on so many dresses I am trying to find on for a wedding looks like I will just be wearing one I already own. But the big thing I got was two pairs of shoes one pair of flats that don't hurt my feet to much, and a pair of black heals I tryed on theses awasum blue high heals oh man were they sexy but I could not even stand in then let alone walk. But oh how I loved them. We ended up going to a greek yoget shop and got some with fress strawberries so good then latter we got smoothies it was a good day. Now today I woke up with a soor throut and a foggy head this better pass fast.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Here we go again, carnival

So apparently they don't celebrity carnival when the rest of Europe did. It is this weekend. So we decided to go out for it. The place we went to dinner the other night was having live music. So we set off around 4. We went to cookie land. Yes there is a store called cookie land. I bet you can guess what they sell. I got a chocolate moose mixed with cake it was so good. I loved it. Shauna got a cupcake she said it was very good. From there we did some shopping we went to a shop called shana lol I found pants there yaaa. It had four floors we were trying on clothing and ganam style came on so I started to dance and shauna joined in. LOL It was a very fun. From there we went to a shop that sold bathing suits. I got new bottoms and shauna got a new suit.
We decided to have a girly day. We went and got manicure, they had tanks were you could put your feet in it and fish eat your dead skin. We watched a couple of women do it, it looks so weird. I don't know if I can do it. Steeping on one fish was enough for me. It was my first manicure it went well I got a nice green color.
From there we went to starbucks. Shauna loves her starbucks. They gave her the wrong size they gave her the next size up. Ya extra big took longer to drink. When we were sitting these two older guys started taking to us, one of them lives on a active volcano island. It was nice to talk with someone other then Shauna.
From there we headed two our new favorite restaurant for some food and live music. Such a welcoming place.  I ordered lamb but it was finished so the suggested something else no clue what it was but it was good.
The band was very good. Shauna had a good view of a table full of hot guys. I got a table of old people to look at. We did not have a very good people watching table.
The walk back to the subway was fine. There were tons of people still out so that was great.
We got home around one... It was so late for us.
The other day I posted on trip advisor that we were looking for things to do for carnival. Sorry one posted back about a parade, he posted exactly how to get there via the subway.
So off we went to the parade, when we got off the subway there were people in costumes so we followed the crowd. Well the music hit us first then we could see the ropes blocking the street. There was a stage in a square,  there was a pony there and you could get a ride. We walked down the street and found a place to sit stand that was under some orange trees. Right before the start time it started to rain. But it passed quickly.
Oh ya the past two days you have not needed a jacket it has been so nice out.
The energy level was so amazing every one was smiling and laughing and dancing and just having fun. We'll except shauna, her loss.
There was a father and son on one side and they had a backpack that was full of streamers that u get to work by blowing into the center and it goes out very interesting.  There was a couple beside me and she must be new because she keep asking her boyfriend questions. The only one I fully understood was that at the end they have a floot with all the sponcers logos on it. This year it was a train.
There was only one flot and they were tossing oranges into the crowd me and her almost caught one but it was just a little to high and the tree branches got in the way the guy behind us got it. Her boyfriend caught one and she offered me a piece.
So much fun. There were tons of different walking groups. They were so cool and very fun and upbeat.  The best group was a group of farmers there were wearing cow hids had sticks with it can only guess was olive branches on top but the best part they had three cow bells hanging on them. Well I can only guess they were cow they were quite big I wish I could have gotten a picture but my memory card was full and I did not want to look through it I was happy to be in the moment.
After it was over we walked back to the square were the cow hide group gathered in front of the stage and we're signing songs and saying stuff it sounded like a prayer.  It was in greek so don't know what they said. As they were doing it people were setting up on stage looked like a band. But we left before they ever started because shauna looked miserable and we were both getting hungry.
It was such a great experience.
Hope I got to do it again some day.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Don't have money to pay bill ok, have a drink

I will start with yesterday,  yesterday I went to a dark place. OK re wind
When we got up it was raining so we decided the mall because it was by the subway they had a catwalk and we did not know we're the museums were.
So off to the mall it was pouring but every time we went out side it stoped raining it was great. So we went shopping.
Lots of stores that shauna liked. Because of the change of diet I guess I have put on weight. A noticeable amount. I hate wearing the flowey shits to cover my stomach and back fat, the problem with the flow tops they all come up to u neck and I don't like that I like my neck and top of the chest I have come to love it for its elegant look. So I hate to cover it but all the shirts do, and so many were lace. There was no happy medium they were over all to tight or baggy. I got very upset with the way I look.
But that was nothing with how upset I got once I realized that I did not like my body. It has been since high school that I truly disliked the way I looked. It was very upsetting because that was not a way of thinking that I want to fall back into. It was very upsetting.
I fell offel because I know shauna knew something was up but true fully I would have started to cry witched upset memore because I don't cry that is not me.
This mall had a movie theater in it. And the play English movies. We went to see beautiful creatures. 6€ for the movie 6€ for popcorn oh ya. The movie was good kept me guessing so that was great hate movies you can predict.
Then we went home.
This morning we got up it was sunny then turned cloudy. So we decided to go to the museum. I did the dishes. New adventure using a cup as a plug.
The museum of Acropolis is very interesting. Today must have been bring the school day so many kids from elementary to high school there. However secretary went fast because we went in middle of school group lol. there is so much history and interesting peices they even have little samples of what it would look like painted I can't imagine what they would have looked like all done up because some color is still on it and it is soooo old.
From there we decided to wonder around plaka it was sonice out. You did not need your jacket. After wondering around we decided to go to eather the crape place again or out greek Canadians place. Well we found the restaurant that the greek Canadian owned and no our body gaurds were not there we though maybe old. Guy was out side the musume but we did not know. So we are looking at the menu and the guy greats us and clearly he does not remember us. So we get a seat inside and he asked were he is from we tell him and he goes ahhh well I bet you can't guess we're I am from we look at each other and say trornto  . He looks at us and goes I npmet you the other day we say yes he goes oh my girls we both get a hug and a kiss on the check well then he starts telling us good dishes and he is like do u like vinager I say no so he says ok so not that dish. So in the end I had no clue what we are getting but it would be very good. So then we ask about wine and we go with the house one that every one loves it is a sweet dry wine white. It was good.
Soooo we got, a cucumber dip with pita, zukinni cakes, and cabbage roles. That is the best I can do to describe it I loved it all well notbthe cucumber dip in did not like that to much. So we then asked if they take credit card nope... We had 5€ ..... Hum so we say one of us would go to the atm. Oh at this point we are both nicely buzzed because we drank an entire bottle of wine.
He says no problem my friend will take u so u safe.... So we had to wait for this friend. As we waited he said here I get you drink it is what real Greeks drink after a meal. Well it was gross. It tasted like black jelly beans.  Thank fully I had have a glass of wine.
Then they had a shift change it was 6.  We got there just before 4..... Finally this friend came so for some reason shauna did not want to go.   The owner was so funny he told his friend that if any guy Even trys to touch me to kill him and bring the body back so he can see that he did his job. So off I went with his friend who spoke very little English. The atmosphere was so easy to find it was a strait shot like so easy. This friend did not know what snow was very hard to explain.
So back to the restaurant to a waiting shauna. Payed or bill it was now after 7. He then talked to us about coming back tomorrow to dance because it is carnival here. Very nice man we will be going back.  Great food and we left a good tip.
Oh my what an interesting day.
Now you may ask why did a write about my small mental breakdown because I am a firm believer that to over come something you have to talk about it.
Can not wait for more greek food.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Climb a mountain to see... A turtle

We went and climbed lykavitos today. We get off the subway and all the buildings are two big we can't see the hill. So we pull out he map a genlman stops asks what we are trying to find we point to the hill on the map he points behind us and said just go straight well that is what we do. We could see the hill on the other side of the train station.  Still a little ways away. As we go straight we pass a hospital lots of cafes and flower shops.
We start going up and up and up all theses stairs soooo many the top of all the stairs is a rock wall.... So out comes the map. We see the train to go up the hill should be right there no such luck. So out comes the map well we don't know there are some over grown stairs let's try ok dirt little path let's take it. Well we come to what looks like a better path. So up we go up this winding path that semed to never end. At one point we are stopped was watching a cat, and I am like is that a turtle it is so a turtle. So we stand and watch this thing on a platform below us. And it is so a turtle just munching away.... Like what is going on we are quite a way up. Up around the bend was the top. There was a very small church an out door restaurant. The view was amazing we could see the Acropolis, ocean and mountains. There were alot of pools on the roofs.
After our descending down the mountain, we got back on the subway. We went into paka a part of town that is were the locals go. There were lots of places to go shopping. Lots of the stores were 3 and 4 stories high. Shauna found a place online that is a creape restaurant. It was in this neighborhood so we decided to find it. So off we go in the kind of general area. We think we are going the right way on the street we wondered up one street nop not it. So we ceep going. We stopped at a corner to check the map and this guy asked where we want to go. So we show him and he goes how did u get here. So the road we thought maybe we should go up was the road to go up. So we back track and go up the road.
We come to another intersection were the guy said to ask someone at this point as we are standing here pondering what way to go. This very old dog he was black with a white specialed face from age comes over and I did not pick my hand up, so he comes over sniffs my hand then moves so it is on his head so I move it down to pet his check well that was it he was in love started to lean on me. He was a little over weight john would think he was the ideal weight. His coat wqs shiny and look very healthy no colar but was looked after. Shauna would not pet him. Well his younger friend came over once he saw me giving out pats he was in the same condition so I did not mind patting him eather. They were some of the cleanest dogs we have sean.
So we picked a Couse said good bye to the dogs and away we go. Well they decided to fallow us well the old one walked with us and the young one went ahead. We found the street we need so we are standing there trying to decide what way to go up or down and the dogs start barking and chasing the cars and scooters. We go to walk down the road one way and there is a guy on television side walk so we wait for him to pass well young guy did not like him he barked at him and even started to chase him then he nipped him on the back of the leg.... Oh my so we go on our way with our body gaurds we passed an old man in a parking lot but they left him alone. So we stop when we noticed that the street has ended and turned in to the street we wondered up earlier... We did see one place on the other side of the street that could have been it but shauna didn't think that was the name so we were standing in this side waking Streator trying to come up with what to do. The dogs both sat down as if to just wait till the crazy humans figure out what to do. So I decided to dig out my camera and get some pictures of our body gaurds. As I go to get shaunas pictures with them I back up and up and fall right on my ass guess there were stairs behind me. Thankfully I did not hurt my jacket my elbow is red. So I was trying to get a picture with old guy and he put his paw on my. Just like miss mya my heart broke right there, oh how I miss my dogs.
So we are both starving so we decided to go look at the menu for the two restaurants that we saw on this road. The first one was fully in greek not going there. The second one was full of creaps yaaaaaa we found it so excited.... So we go in well the dogs that followed us. Oh yes as we went back up the road we re passed the old man in the parking lot he goes looks like you got body gaurds. One guy on a scooter tryed to kick the dog. Then we passed a poor guy and the young one started to size him up I could she the hacks starting to raise so I stoped clucked to him when he ear turned I said non of that and he turned and joined us.
So as we ented the restaurant they started to cry.
The creaps were amazing I had cheass pineapple and sweet and sour sauce in mine it was amazing then the pig I am we both got two. I got cinnamon and butter and sugur. It was so good can not weight to go back.
  After we were done we walked down the street we saw a sign for a bath thing. So we decided to walk down to check it out. We passed another restaurant that had alot of people at it. The was a man sitting out side and asked if we were sisters we said no so he was like then very close friends. We said yes. And guess who was napping on the other side of the street.  We did not wake our body gaurds up we felt safe with were we were. So the road just ended we did not find the bath thing. So we turned around and went back the way we know. As we were passing the restaurant a guy stopped us telling us to come eat we said we just ate. He then asked us were we were from gave us a card and had us guess we he was from. Turns out he is a greek Canadian lol then he gave us a hug and then took shaunas hand and made us come see the restaurant on the inside told us about the live music on the weekends. As we were leaving our body gaurds woke up and just looked at us they did not get up.
Away we went
Did more window shopping, then headed home.
Very fun day

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Acropolis and area

We went to the Acropolis today. If you don't know what that is Google it because I am still not sure lol. We started by waking to this old theater. Most of the top seating was coveredcin grass. It was not just stone going up a step. They had actually stone chairs. We got to sit in one well half of one the back part was missing but still don't know how they sat in stone chairs.
We then walked to the top shauna gave me sleep cool tips about what we were seeing. But to be trufull they looked like all the other ruines. But u get a better idea of how big and we'll used these places were. We walked over to a small rock outcrop that was cool. From there we wentdown to this parkvwith ruines in it turn out to to be a government building part of town there was a small museum that had models of whatvthe area looked like at different times once we finished up there it was 3 I am sorry 14:00 and every thing closed. So we walked back to the square withvthe starbucks because there were supposed to be good restaurants there with othentic greek food.
We found one place got seated out side. I got chicken kabobs on peata bread with French frys onions and tomatoes. I set the onions and tomatoes aside but I almost ate every thing else. It was so good and I dont normal like spices on my chicken. It was very good, the only down side is all the people and kids trying to sell you stuff.
From there we went to starbucks and the icecream place right next door. We got our stuff and went to sit in the square to eat/ drink in the sun.


I find my self in Athens, Greece. The flight here was not fun. I do not like it when the plane goes side to side.  And that falling in you pit of the stomic feeling dislike that. So when the plane did that when landing I was not impressed but when we were taxi in you could tell how windy out it was the grass was bent over.
So they did a good job. The over all flight was good however we flew with easy jet they are just so cheep. U can only take one bag on asnd the guy infort of us had two then he took to spot right above our seats and the next closest one grrr. We were in row 2 our bags in ten so we could not get off the plane till have the people had gotten off.

We found our driver no problem and the building owner was here when we got here. Thankfully he boyfriend was also here so our driver and him carried our bags up four flights of stairs. So happy they were there.  Lots of stairs thy are curved so it makesthem harder.
Our landlady is so nice. She is very bubble and jumped all over the place. She is very helpful with a manual and every thing.
We have a kitchen with a toaster oven with three little burners on top. Making meals will be interesting. There is a bedroom. With a rolling clothing rack that had plenty of hangers but no wardrobe so living out of suitcase again. The bathroom room is bigger then our one in Madrid. The only bad thing is there is no thing to hold the shower head up. So guess taking baths it is.
We have a second room that is also our living room. There is only one chair and a bunkbed. The best part of this place is it has a deck, with plants it lookes over the street. Very nice
Our first day here was Sunday, so everything was closed thankfully the bakery across the road so we got a treat and some bread for breakfast. Then we went to the mini mart to get tomatoes and spaghetti for dinner. We have a dvd player so we can watch movies, and the tv only has sub titles. Nice to have background noise again.
Because it was Sunday the stores were closed so we just went to the bakery and the little mini mart across the street. We got tomatoes and spaghetti for dinner and some bread for breakfast. I got an apple pie tart. There apples here have no flavor. It was very bland.
Our first full day here we decided to explore the area that we are staying in. There are alot of shops, and restaurant and little cafes. We did try the grocery store well they are big but donot have much. I did find peanut butter yaaa.
Shauna had seen that there are lots of star bucks so we went into town to try and find one. It was not to hard. We going into the square and there it was just down the road so we got shauna her chitea lauta, and wondered around the area well I think u could find anything you want there. Holly jumping there was a shop for paintbaling, motorcycle, dirtbiking, weapons, sweet pants, lots of jewelry. There was so much stuff. And it is overflowing the the street they have it hanging above your heads. What a place to shop. It was very interesting and there are dogs laying around everywhere. Some have colars with tags.
It was a good day. We found a place to rent movies but they would not sign us up because we did not have something that came in the mail. So boo. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013


On Thursday we went to do the roman form then back to the first restaurant that we ate at when we got here. We got a pizza, eggplant, and potato wedges, to share. And a bottle of wine. That is right we drank an entire bottle of wine between the two of us.
After lunch we went shopping. I got a new leather coat, it is awasum.
Then we wanted icecream there was a little shop so we stopped in there and got a bowl I had 3 scoops and shauna had four. Well we almost fell over when we got the bill after we ate it... It was 25€ each 25€ for ice cream and it was not even that great. I was shell shocked on top of that they did not take credit card thank good I went to the bank machine earlier.

That tramadic event aside.

On Friday we went to Pompeii.
We got up at 5:30 bus left at 7:30 and was on other side of town.
We get there early and there was a coffee shop on other side of plaza so off we go lights were on doors were open we walk in guy behind counter says good morning we are closed. OK so away we go we walked around the area I bit to see if any were open no luck. So back to middle of plaza . We're we meet a couple from London well out side. They were very nice and it was great to be wait with other people. Then the loude mouth Americans show up. And right away they start talking about them selfs and how they had a foot of snow at home and how cold. The look me and shauna gave each other was priceless. Next was a coupe from Montreal Canada. They were very nice she put the American in her place with amount of snow and cold weather.  Hehe ya lol. Then there was a family of four from Norway. And a couple from..... I want to say pacastan but that is not right. All i know was this was there one year anaversary and he loved history. that was our little tour group. Plus Ralph or guide. And Carlos our bus driver.
So away we go on a 3 hour bus ride. We stopped in a vally right under the benadic monastery.  In world war 2 the USA bommed it. Well just so u know our lovely (rolls eyes) American couple the man was an X military and she knew everything she "read it in a book". Ya so I tunded out at that part somthng about because of that the USA started going in and taking stuff before bombing a place.
We then stopped in napples. To go to the musume of Pompeii. We had an hour there. We did the musue because you are not allowed to climb vasuvious in the winter.
We thought we would be done early... Nope there was so much to see we were 2 min late and every one was already on getting bus because they finished early we have no clue how. It was so interesting they had wall paintings and mosaics that would have been on the floor. There was a naughty room they. Found over 20 brawthls so far. It was a sea port city.
They also had Alot of the status from the bath house that we went to the other day so we had to check them out. So much stuff.
Oh side note they did not have toilet seats so u had to squat. Very hard.
At Pompeii iot was just as big. I though it is a barrier city after all. It was so interesting to see the roads with the Wagon wheel ruts. They really built parts so u could see what it was like. Most of it they left it how they uncovered it. So intersting.
I enjoyed every minute and would go back in a heartbeat. The cast of the dog is not there they loned it to Madrid.
Ohhhh before we went into Pompeii we stopped for lunch and had pizza. It was ok I won't lie I was a little disappointed in the pizza.
After Pompeii we got back on the bus.stopped in the vally again. We were back in the plaza around 7:30 pm. We headed home from there.
We leave for Athens tomorrow so today will be spent packing ad cleaning.
Onto another country :D