Saturday, March 2, 2013


On Thursday we went to do the roman form then back to the first restaurant that we ate at when we got here. We got a pizza, eggplant, and potato wedges, to share. And a bottle of wine. That is right we drank an entire bottle of wine between the two of us.
After lunch we went shopping. I got a new leather coat, it is awasum.
Then we wanted icecream there was a little shop so we stopped in there and got a bowl I had 3 scoops and shauna had four. Well we almost fell over when we got the bill after we ate it... It was 25€ each 25€ for ice cream and it was not even that great. I was shell shocked on top of that they did not take credit card thank good I went to the bank machine earlier.

That tramadic event aside.

On Friday we went to Pompeii.
We got up at 5:30 bus left at 7:30 and was on other side of town.
We get there early and there was a coffee shop on other side of plaza so off we go lights were on doors were open we walk in guy behind counter says good morning we are closed. OK so away we go we walked around the area I bit to see if any were open no luck. So back to middle of plaza . We're we meet a couple from London well out side. They were very nice and it was great to be wait with other people. Then the loude mouth Americans show up. And right away they start talking about them selfs and how they had a foot of snow at home and how cold. The look me and shauna gave each other was priceless. Next was a coupe from Montreal Canada. They were very nice she put the American in her place with amount of snow and cold weather.  Hehe ya lol. Then there was a family of four from Norway. And a couple from..... I want to say pacastan but that is not right. All i know was this was there one year anaversary and he loved history. that was our little tour group. Plus Ralph or guide. And Carlos our bus driver.
So away we go on a 3 hour bus ride. We stopped in a vally right under the benadic monastery.  In world war 2 the USA bommed it. Well just so u know our lovely (rolls eyes) American couple the man was an X military and she knew everything she "read it in a book". Ya so I tunded out at that part somthng about because of that the USA started going in and taking stuff before bombing a place.
We then stopped in napples. To go to the musume of Pompeii. We had an hour there. We did the musue because you are not allowed to climb vasuvious in the winter.
We thought we would be done early... Nope there was so much to see we were 2 min late and every one was already on getting bus because they finished early we have no clue how. It was so interesting they had wall paintings and mosaics that would have been on the floor. There was a naughty room they. Found over 20 brawthls so far. It was a sea port city.
They also had Alot of the status from the bath house that we went to the other day so we had to check them out. So much stuff.
Oh side note they did not have toilet seats so u had to squat. Very hard.
At Pompeii iot was just as big. I though it is a barrier city after all. It was so interesting to see the roads with the Wagon wheel ruts. They really built parts so u could see what it was like. Most of it they left it how they uncovered it. So intersting.
I enjoyed every minute and would go back in a heartbeat. The cast of the dog is not there they loned it to Madrid.
Ohhhh before we went into Pompeii we stopped for lunch and had pizza. It was ok I won't lie I was a little disappointed in the pizza.
After Pompeii we got back on the bus.stopped in the vally again. We were back in the plaza around 7:30 pm. We headed home from there.
We leave for Athens tomorrow so today will be spent packing ad cleaning.
Onto another country :D

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