Friday, March 22, 2013

Hot Springs trip fouled by protesters

We decided to go to the hot springs well it is a lake. Hundreds of years ago during an earthquake a cave collapsed causing a lake, the lake has an under water hotspring that feeds it along with the ocean when it is hight enough.  This lake has the little fish that they have at spas to eat ur dead flesh and it is beg enough to swim laps in. It is supposed to heal skin things like excema.
Sounds great so we pack up head out. We'll as we are switching subways shauna steps on my flip flops causing it to break. After pulling off to side witch is a hard task in its s lf we see that the side string thing came out theses are walmart flipflops so I don't care. But I can not walk in it. So I ended up bandaiding the string to the bottom we get the subway to monastic the shopping part of town and go on the hunt for I now have a pair of hand maid leather greese Sandle they even put in an extra hole for the health buckle.
 So off to the subway again we get off the subway and need to find a street that the bus will stop at because it is 30 min out side town. So we asked a guy he pointed out the street I noticed he had a green peace jacket and there were atleast 6 others with that jacket on in the square. So we find the bus stop and there is no list of busses so we switch sides to see if the one on the other side does because we did not know what side we needed. So we are see our bus on the sign and we are going the right way so we wait for the bus. And wait. And as we are waiting the tram busess start pulling up and making every one get off and un hook from the wires now we don't speak greek but we can tell people are up set and dot know why they have to get off. So after a while we notice that trafic has backed up well they have blocked off the street infornot of the government building ok that is odd. The are redirecting the trafic. No new busses are coming and when they do they make every one get off. So we decided to forgo the lake and see what she going on. It is a protest. A very mellow one people were just standing around eating this pretzel looking thing. There were some banners and a guy with a mikerphone thing. But they were all well dressed and just standing around the middle of the street talking. So we were curious so we stuck around just hung around.
Now there is a wall that is called the toom of the fallen or forgot solder. And it is guarded. And in tripadvisor a must see is this changing of the gaurds. Well we just lucked out they were doing it. So we got closer. There out fitts well the best part is the big pompom on the tip of the shoe. It was very interesting to see. I can see why in Athens it is a must because it does not have that much going for it. So after the changing of the gaurds we booth fell it is time to call it a day. Other things went wrong like we got frozen yogurt and it was sour (we have had it before and it never tasted like that). My Sandle was loose and falling off so back we went to get more holes put into it.
We went home after that. Thankfully shaunas mom sent her mail and so we were able to get a member ship at the movie rental place and got a comedy ya
The next day we decided to try for the hot springs again.

Guys I am sorry I got my days mixed up. Out line
Day one late leaving home, protesters block street no busses, changing of the gaurds
Day two broken flip ,bus on wrong side of road, bad yogurt, creepy man, movie membership.
Oh u might ask what they are protesting we wondered as well. So I asked. The answer anything and everything.  Yep that is the answer we got.
So the second day we got the bus on the wrong side not know and took the bus to the end witch was at a butifull university. So in ore defit and trying to regroup we sat down and this man stoped and asked if we needed help finding something. Then he told us some history about the buildings around us witch was cool. Then he asked if we would like to get coffee this man looked to be 50 we said no thank you. He told us to have a nice trip and walked away.
So I think that was all for the first two days of trying to get to the hot springs.

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