Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Acropolis and area

We went to the Acropolis today. If you don't know what that is Google it because I am still not sure lol. We started by waking to this old theater. Most of the top seating was coveredcin grass. It was not just stone going up a step. They had actually stone chairs. We got to sit in one well half of one the back part was missing but still don't know how they sat in stone chairs.
We then walked to the top shauna gave me sleep cool tips about what we were seeing. But to be trufull they looked like all the other ruines. But u get a better idea of how big and we'll used these places were. We walked over to a small rock outcrop that was cool. From there we wentdown to this parkvwith ruines in it turn out to to be a government building part of town there was a small museum that had models of whatvthe area looked like at different times once we finished up there it was 3 I am sorry 14:00 and every thing closed. So we walked back to the square withvthe starbucks because there were supposed to be good restaurants there with othentic greek food.
We found one place got seated out side. I got chicken kabobs on peata bread with French frys onions and tomatoes. I set the onions and tomatoes aside but I almost ate every thing else. It was so good and I dont normal like spices on my chicken. It was very good, the only down side is all the people and kids trying to sell you stuff.
From there we went to starbucks and the icecream place right next door. We got our stuff and went to sit in the square to eat/ drink in the sun.

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