Saturday, March 16, 2013

Beach, boys, cooking, and shopping

Let's start with a beautiful sunny Monday. Love that I can get up and walk to the bakery and get a fresh loaf of bread. the house cleaner was coming today so we decided to find the beach. We took the subway to the peir found out what bus would take us to the beach had to ask again were to find the bus,  our ability to get lost is amazing,  I don't mind it because I like to just wonder around.  So we find the bus and the beach. It was so hot out. So we walked around trying to find a good place with out to many creapy old men. It is always the old guys that will talk to us. So we found a place got the bikinis on and I went for a swim it was cold but no colder then big Island... Well more like I fell in lol I was walking in and it is rocks about the size of my palm and we'll they shifted and i fell. I did want to get in any way. Shauna got some attention so that was fun. But mostly we just started at the guys they play this paddle game with tennis balls and wooden paddles so we watch multiple groups play this. And we'll tryed to guess age and weather or not they would be jail bait. It was alot of fun.
The next day we decided to go back tothe beach it was just a little cooler out. This time I went with my dress so much easier then jeans at the beach.
We were able to get off at a different stop and hop on the tram so much faster. The wind was very strong so it made it chilly so the dresses stayed on and I was very happy I packed a sweater. It was very clear out so you could see the islands they are very close and big. From there we went home to change. And then back to our favorite creap place. So busy we had trouble finding a seat. I got a chocolate and banana one yaaa chocolate.
The next evening we had our cooking class. We did one in Rome and it was so much fun we decided to try one in Athens. So it did not start till 6:30 pm. Well we were the only once there. It was not as hands on but still very interesting they are all about simple and fast. I don't think I will make much of it, other then for people to try and the lamb that was good. There was so much food and shaunas stomach was upset I felt bad for not eating it all but I just could not we made pastry things with three different fillings. One was a type of ham with tomatoes and cheese one had eggplant and types of cheese and the third one was cheese and dill and other stuff. I liked the shells but shauna did not I would have made them a bit thiner. To close them we did this cool twist thing it looked neet can't wait to try it out on a pie. We made eggplant sailed what was more of a dip in my books. We made the cucumber dip that shauna loves however we also made a beat dip that I liked.
Next we did lamb she showed us have they stuff it. Very good.
They had live entertainment apparently someone famous. We were going to stay but shaunas stomach has been upset so we decided to leave because she was feeling very sick. It was a lovely cooking class lots of information I just don't think greek food is the food for me.
Thursday shauna was still felling a little under so we had a chill at home day. LOL my charger was in my room so I had the play book carging and I get a Facebook message from shauna asking if I wanted to go see a movie.  So we got read and away we went to the movies we pick the new oz movie. We had time to kill before the movie started so we walked around the mall they have a cool arcade with a playground above it. It reminded us of adventure play ground. Looked like lots of fun then they also have a bowling ally and it is the big balls we are excited to try.
Now there theaters you get a assigned seat so we looked at our tickets and found our seats well there seats are bigger and they have little tables inbetween them so u can put ur popcorn down. Just as the movie was about to start these kids come in and they say we are in there seats we look at the numbers they Are right well we were in the wrong row so we had to gather our stuff and move one row back.... There was maybe ten people in the entire theater.
Friday was a shopping and cookie land day. I have tryed on so many dresses I am trying to find on for a wedding looks like I will just be wearing one I already own. But the big thing I got was two pairs of shoes one pair of flats that don't hurt my feet to much, and a pair of black heals I tryed on theses awasum blue high heals oh man were they sexy but I could not even stand in then let alone walk. But oh how I loved them. We ended up going to a greek yoget shop and got some with fress strawberries so good then latter we got smoothies it was a good day. Now today I woke up with a soor throut and a foggy head this better pass fast.

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