Friday, March 8, 2013

Don't have money to pay bill ok, have a drink

I will start with yesterday,  yesterday I went to a dark place. OK re wind
When we got up it was raining so we decided the mall because it was by the subway they had a catwalk and we did not know we're the museums were.
So off to the mall it was pouring but every time we went out side it stoped raining it was great. So we went shopping.
Lots of stores that shauna liked. Because of the change of diet I guess I have put on weight. A noticeable amount. I hate wearing the flowey shits to cover my stomach and back fat, the problem with the flow tops they all come up to u neck and I don't like that I like my neck and top of the chest I have come to love it for its elegant look. So I hate to cover it but all the shirts do, and so many were lace. There was no happy medium they were over all to tight or baggy. I got very upset with the way I look.
But that was nothing with how upset I got once I realized that I did not like my body. It has been since high school that I truly disliked the way I looked. It was very upsetting because that was not a way of thinking that I want to fall back into. It was very upsetting.
I fell offel because I know shauna knew something was up but true fully I would have started to cry witched upset memore because I don't cry that is not me.
This mall had a movie theater in it. And the play English movies. We went to see beautiful creatures. 6€ for the movie 6€ for popcorn oh ya. The movie was good kept me guessing so that was great hate movies you can predict.
Then we went home.
This morning we got up it was sunny then turned cloudy. So we decided to go to the museum. I did the dishes. New adventure using a cup as a plug.
The museum of Acropolis is very interesting. Today must have been bring the school day so many kids from elementary to high school there. However secretary went fast because we went in middle of school group lol. there is so much history and interesting peices they even have little samples of what it would look like painted I can't imagine what they would have looked like all done up because some color is still on it and it is soooo old.
From there we decided to wonder around plaka it was sonice out. You did not need your jacket. After wondering around we decided to go to eather the crape place again or out greek Canadians place. Well we found the restaurant that the greek Canadian owned and no our body gaurds were not there we though maybe old. Guy was out side the musume but we did not know. So we are looking at the menu and the guy greats us and clearly he does not remember us. So we get a seat inside and he asked were he is from we tell him and he goes ahhh well I bet you can't guess we're I am from we look at each other and say trornto  . He looks at us and goes I npmet you the other day we say yes he goes oh my girls we both get a hug and a kiss on the check well then he starts telling us good dishes and he is like do u like vinager I say no so he says ok so not that dish. So in the end I had no clue what we are getting but it would be very good. So then we ask about wine and we go with the house one that every one loves it is a sweet dry wine white. It was good.
Soooo we got, a cucumber dip with pita, zukinni cakes, and cabbage roles. That is the best I can do to describe it I loved it all well notbthe cucumber dip in did not like that to much. So we then asked if they take credit card nope... We had 5€ ..... Hum so we say one of us would go to the atm. Oh at this point we are both nicely buzzed because we drank an entire bottle of wine.
He says no problem my friend will take u so u safe.... So we had to wait for this friend. As we waited he said here I get you drink it is what real Greeks drink after a meal. Well it was gross. It tasted like black jelly beans.  Thank fully I had have a glass of wine.
Then they had a shift change it was 6.  We got there just before 4..... Finally this friend came so for some reason shauna did not want to go.   The owner was so funny he told his friend that if any guy Even trys to touch me to kill him and bring the body back so he can see that he did his job. So off I went with his friend who spoke very little English. The atmosphere was so easy to find it was a strait shot like so easy. This friend did not know what snow was very hard to explain.
So back to the restaurant to a waiting shauna. Payed or bill it was now after 7. He then talked to us about coming back tomorrow to dance because it is carnival here. Very nice man we will be going back.  Great food and we left a good tip.
Oh my what an interesting day.
Now you may ask why did a write about my small mental breakdown because I am a firm believer that to over come something you have to talk about it.
Can not wait for more greek food.

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