Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fish got my toes

Attempt three for the hot springs. OK we got to the bus without problem. Got on the bus no problem. Now when we got the bus stop, the government building had even more bleaches set up. There was a line of police officers all done up in gear and what shelds but they let tourist pass to watch the changing of the gaurds.
We were on the bus and started to wonder were the stopwas and so I asked the driver and he said two more. When we got off there was a picture perfect blue beach on one side the other a big cliff wall there. Waz a fountain and a drive way so we went down the drive way because we knew it was across from the beach. So as we walk down the drive way the lake comes into view. Words can not describe it. It has to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.It was not that Worm out like 14 the water temperature was 20. This is because in the winter the ocean tide is higher so more ocean water gets in.
It was also externally windy. It was 8€. And what a nice place bathrooms showers change rooms very clean chairs umbrellas lawn chair. All in cluded in the price. So I got changed and got in shauna took some more coxing. The thing that got her as she was standing on the stairs the fish started to come towards her so she got in. Half way around the lake my camera stoped working mega sad face I have no idea why. So after are swim and a chat with a not to bad looking guy who needs to swim more because he was struggling to keep his head up and keep a conversation going. Made me laugh because I thought of how many conversations we had at waterpolo and everyone just chilled and did not struggle. How I miss waterpolo.
So as we got out we decided to try the fish well they loved shaunas feet. She had tons I had one... So she got out asnd the came to me oh man it was the weirdest felling ever. Then we got changed and are sitting there shauna sees a cat and calls it over. And it came over tubing on her legs shauna starts to pet it then it looks and me and walks straight for me and hops in my lap and lies down I was so shocked.
From there we headed back to town we were going to go to the peir to get tickets for a ferry to go to Santorini in the morning when at the subway we noticed signs saying the subway would be on strike this weekend and we planed to take the subway to the ferry in the morning. We were very upset so went to ask guy said all metro so we went home to look for a bus to get the the ferry. When we got off our stop I noticed no signs up so I went to ask the attended there, if anything they may know what bus we could take. It turned out that it was only the upper part of town so we could take the subway in the morning. So we ran home to change got back on subway went and got our tickets 50€ round trip. 8hr ferry ride. From there we went into town to get creaps for dinner. Then home to pack we needed to be on the subway no latter then 630am.

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