Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Delphi mountain in 2 hr... Just sprint to top

We decided to take a day trip to the town of Delphi. We got instructions on how to take the bus there. So off we go to find the bus stop... Why we have such problems is because they do not know how far things are. She said walk one block we walked atleast 5. We found the bus station and got our tickets it was 15€ each way. Is not bad since it is a 3hr drive. We passed through this town that was built into the clifs and it was busy and gorgeous we wish we could have looked around.  Once we got off the bus it was such a nice day out. It was the perfect spring day. We got to the gate and the informed us that the place closed at 3 and we got there around 1:30. She suggested that we go right to the top and take our time coming down so we did that.
Climbing a monutian at a fast pace when you have a head cold not that easy but I am happy I did. What an amazing views. There were a bunch of tour groups so it was ok that we were not stopping to read the signs because we would just take pictures and lessons to there guides. That way we got to here they did important things here, what important things you might ask well we do not know. I think that was the best. The steeps here are very wide so you take two steeps then steep up. It is odd. For some reason the stadium was closed off. There was a cool little waterfall. It was very nice I think the view was one of the best parts.
The spring that the orical would bath in is closed off so that sucked. We got to see the rock that marks the center of the world.
Because it all closed at 3 we did not get in the musume, gymnasium, or temenos of athena pronaia. But we could see them from up on the cliff.
As we are walking back into town along the edge of the cliff we could here bells we thought it may be goats but we could see non so then we thought maybe it was windchims at the mouth of a cliff. But then we saw a goat. So it was goat bells we were hearing. As we got back into town we had close to three hours to kill till our bus. So we went to eat. Worst food we have had all trip. We did not even eat it. The pizza had cheese slices for cheese on top. Very gross.
From there we walked around town we got some jewelry. Got a hot chocolate from a different cafe. Then back on the bus to come home.

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