Sunday, March 10, 2013

Here we go again, carnival

So apparently they don't celebrity carnival when the rest of Europe did. It is this weekend. So we decided to go out for it. The place we went to dinner the other night was having live music. So we set off around 4. We went to cookie land. Yes there is a store called cookie land. I bet you can guess what they sell. I got a chocolate moose mixed with cake it was so good. I loved it. Shauna got a cupcake she said it was very good. From there we did some shopping we went to a shop called shana lol I found pants there yaaa. It had four floors we were trying on clothing and ganam style came on so I started to dance and shauna joined in. LOL It was a very fun. From there we went to a shop that sold bathing suits. I got new bottoms and shauna got a new suit.
We decided to have a girly day. We went and got manicure, they had tanks were you could put your feet in it and fish eat your dead skin. We watched a couple of women do it, it looks so weird. I don't know if I can do it. Steeping on one fish was enough for me. It was my first manicure it went well I got a nice green color.
From there we went to starbucks. Shauna loves her starbucks. They gave her the wrong size they gave her the next size up. Ya extra big took longer to drink. When we were sitting these two older guys started taking to us, one of them lives on a active volcano island. It was nice to talk with someone other then Shauna.
From there we headed two our new favorite restaurant for some food and live music. Such a welcoming place.  I ordered lamb but it was finished so the suggested something else no clue what it was but it was good.
The band was very good. Shauna had a good view of a table full of hot guys. I got a table of old people to look at. We did not have a very good people watching table.
The walk back to the subway was fine. There were tons of people still out so that was great.
We got home around one... It was so late for us.
The other day I posted on trip advisor that we were looking for things to do for carnival. Sorry one posted back about a parade, he posted exactly how to get there via the subway.
So off we went to the parade, when we got off the subway there were people in costumes so we followed the crowd. Well the music hit us first then we could see the ropes blocking the street. There was a stage in a square,  there was a pony there and you could get a ride. We walked down the street and found a place to sit stand that was under some orange trees. Right before the start time it started to rain. But it passed quickly.
Oh ya the past two days you have not needed a jacket it has been so nice out.
The energy level was so amazing every one was smiling and laughing and dancing and just having fun. We'll except shauna, her loss.
There was a father and son on one side and they had a backpack that was full of streamers that u get to work by blowing into the center and it goes out very interesting.  There was a couple beside me and she must be new because she keep asking her boyfriend questions. The only one I fully understood was that at the end they have a floot with all the sponcers logos on it. This year it was a train.
There was only one flot and they were tossing oranges into the crowd me and her almost caught one but it was just a little to high and the tree branches got in the way the guy behind us got it. Her boyfriend caught one and she offered me a piece.
So much fun. There were tons of different walking groups. They were so cool and very fun and upbeat.  The best group was a group of farmers there were wearing cow hids had sticks with it can only guess was olive branches on top but the best part they had three cow bells hanging on them. Well I can only guess they were cow they were quite big I wish I could have gotten a picture but my memory card was full and I did not want to look through it I was happy to be in the moment.
After it was over we walked back to the square were the cow hide group gathered in front of the stage and we're signing songs and saying stuff it sounded like a prayer.  It was in greek so don't know what they said. As they were doing it people were setting up on stage looked like a band. But we left before they ever started because shauna looked miserable and we were both getting hungry.
It was such a great experience.
Hope I got to do it again some day.

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