Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pope Benedetto xvl

We got up at seven am we wanted to get good standing room to see the pope. We got thee before 9. It started at 10:30. They made me throw out the cap to my water bottle so I had to carry around the bottle open.
We picked a place that had no banners or flags and that we could see the jumpo tv. They also had a special bus running.
Sadly thee was a group of teenage boys infront of us and they were tall. The pope drove around the square. We were maybe three feet from us. It was very exciting. He would stop to kiss babies.  From there he gave his speech then I think it was cardinals would go up and say thank u from the different lauange and he would say his speech again in that lauange. After all that was done he lead every one in a song, to hear the crowd sing with him was very moving. And older lady that was also by the boys reached over and pulled down one of there hoods.
There were flags and banners from all over. Very disappointed there was no Canadian flags or groups,  they thanked groups that came some from schools so from other churches and groups. But no Canadian.
There were lots of USA schools.
When we were leaving it was a shuffle to get out. You could stay and the pope would bless your holy items but we had nothing.
We decided to try the subway and not the bus because the street  that we had to walk down to get to the bus was packed.
We walked to a bus stop and decided to take a bus to the plazza by the musume that I wanted to see. So we were doth hungry and being the smart girls we are we decided to pack a lunch so we sat on a wall and ate our samwiches and watched all the people there were quite a few nunns.
So our bus came after we were done eating and we cramed on. Well I had this nun beside me that kept moving and bumming into me it was very annoying half way through the ride I had to lift one foot because it would not fit she was taking up that much room. So me and shauna decided to get off sooner because it was so tight we go to get off and the two women in front of us would not move they wanted us to use the back door witch had atleat ten people in the way. This was a group off 3 nuns and 2 women. So we could not get off. When we got to our stop I said exuse me again and again they tryed to tell me to go back I started pushing forward the guy in front of them told them some things my guess was move the said move he started to usher them to the side and I just pushed my way through. I am sorry but it is a bus and people need to get off you move out of there way.

We went to the musume but it was closed. So we decided to go to the island in the middle of the river witch has the hospital on it. So yet another bus not as full this time but close we had to stand up front and when people wanted off we moved because that is what you do.
The island was cool. The river was flowing quite strong.
From there we walked back to the neighborhood that we had our cooking class in. There was one church open, all the other churches we saw today were closed.
After wondering around there we went to a restaurant to eat I got the artichoke bad idea it was cold like it was pickled and not cut right eather.
From there we find our selfs at home. Going to enjoy some of the pie we got team other day tonight.

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