Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Shauna and her big mouth

On Sunday it was beautiful. A little chilly in the wind but great when in the sun. I have such a great farmers tan going on. I think I have gotten as dark as I will because I just get red pink in the sun now. Do not burn. This is great so should not need sunscreen this summer.
Shauna was facetiming her parents that afternoon and was going on about how there is never a cloud in the sky.
Well Monday morning we wake up to dark clouds rolling through. OK we can still work and it was nice to have shade. We had to request carotts, zucinies, brockly, and some others from the evil weeds. They have this vine like weed here. It is so hard to get out because it wraps aroud every plant it can. So it was all through the carrots. It was very hard to get out. We need to be taking before and after shots the garden looks so different once we are done. There is atualy ground underneath.
We did a second bed and then it was lunch time. As we were weeding the second one a man came he has a small garden. He is from France he wind surfs. And he brought us a traditional north France cake for desert.
So for lunch. There was fryed potatoes, fryed zucchini, salid. It was very good and an egg to go on top of your salid. This cack was so good and it had plums in it. Just like big dryed raisins. We made beet dip using a beet from the garden. Took that down for dinner, witch was pizza but with lunch on top so zucchini salid and eggs. She likes to make left over pizza alot. Then there was an apricot cake for desert.
This morning I did not even here the alarm. I slept so good I have not been sleeping well on my weird pull out coach.
So this morning it was dark out the clouds were promising rain. I blame shauna. She provoked the clouds to come. We got chased inside once due to rain. I has been a very slow day but we are almost finished another garden were we rescued beets. And apparently some of them are as big as shaunas head.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Market protest fun!

On the car ride to the market we got the down load. Now I was sitting in the back so I missed somethings.
The market is in a very small town and it is the only one close to a cluster of small villages that is free. It has been going on for more then ten years. There are alot of hippies that live there. Apparently last week at the market the police showed up full gear guns out. And the fined every one, children, elderly every one. They even confancated people's stuff. So not only were these people just trying to make a little extra they got fined and had there stuff taken. How is that good for the economy is don't know.
So we drive past and I guess there were very few people there, normal it is much fuller. So we go park and the parking lot had six cars and apparently it normal is full. So we walk to the market place. And there are gypsys there. Horse and donkeys and carts in all. I was very shocked and surprised to atuly get to see some with the horse drawn cart.
Any who we walk over to were there are like camper vans pulled in a circle. And people are sitting on the ground looks like one big picnic going on. We pull up some grass. Our host woman brought some beer plus the colslaw with no untincles woops.
There was a group of people play interments and singing songs. Oddly enough English was the lauange spoken most there. More people would join in as the arived. There was a woman with a ucilaily, man with guitar and he was the main singer older gentleman with a floral shirt on also played dishes and ac ordain this man he had three picks on his fingers I have never seen some one picking like that before very intersting, a younger gentleman about 30 playing a guitar he also played spoons, another older man playing a small drum, a woman with a tamporin an egg shaker and a wooden recorder, a woman played the flute, a kazzu was floting around, there was also a man with a hermonaca, as we were leaving another man with gitar showed up. There was a woman in a yellow dress that would also sing or hum along.
On a side note I don't care what the studies say your boobs will sag with out a bra on. Just I side not!
It was nice all the kids were playing together the dogs were running around, people were singing, lots of beer drinking, lots of conversation. It was very lovely.
Around one. This guy did this show and it was a fire show. This man was so funny. He did juggling fire and some hat tricks, he tryed to balance a bike on his chin and juggle fire but it was two windy. He rode a unicical and juggled. It was funny it was him that made the show very good stage presence. Very funny the kids loved him the adults loved him. It was wonderful
Like any performer he asked for money at the end. Here are this people that have very little them selves, have just gotten a fine and they were giving what they could.  Sadly I did not bring any money because I knew the market would not be set up.
After that the music picked up again and we head back home.
So duing all this I was taking some photos and this woman came up to me she was from Germany visiting and she forgot her camara and asked me to email her photos of it. So I have her email and will do it once I get home. She was very nice we had a lovely chat.
It was a very good day.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


It is lagos not logos. Don't know we're my head was at. 
I was going to back up and explain the cottage a little better but there is just so much to tell u. Next week I will elaborate on the cottage. 
On Friday afternoon we arrived at the house. Apparently she was not ready because she thought we would rather go into logos and spend the night there. Like I have the money to stay any wear that is free. 
We are staying in the up stairs apartment we have our own door. There isone room, bathroom, kitchen, living room, big butt tarios. The bed room only has one bed so I am stuck on the pull outcoach.
It is like no other pull out I have seen. I will explain how to set it up. 1 pull out from bottom would wooden panales. 2 pull cushion off, un zip cushion. Un fold cushion, lay down on wooden slats. 3 make bed. 
It is very low to group very hard and u can feel the three parts. 
Just for the weekends. 
Saturday there is a market in logos so the family was heading into town, we went with them. Once we got there we went around the market we got there around lunch so most of the stuff was picked over. They had this cute jars of honey. It has the town right on the jar. Shauna got one. 
We wondered around town. Got talked into taking a boat tour of the caves.
It was 10€ .it was so worth it. U get in this little tin boat. Well first u get a " life jacket " I am with Shauna I think it would sink u. Tons of holes, and it was heavy.  Just one tub that went around ur neck. We could not figure out how to do it up. There was a young couple beside us and he did his up and was showing us by doing up his partners. I could still not get it. So get did mine and shauna up. And the women goes see that is why I bring u. They were very nice. Then they tryed to put shauna between the couple. 
The boat ride was very nice they have some intersting rocks. Camal, camale head, elephant, titanic and ice burg. They take u right into the caves. It was very interesting there were parts that hid sky lights and the water would be different colors depending on how much sun was hitting it. There is alot of beaches. 
There is potato beach because a ship coming back from the new world sank right off the coast and all the patattos on the ship washed ashore. There is the collage beach just for students, we pull up to one and shauna goes that man is naked kristy how did u not spot that first.  And then we find out that was the nude beach. There were a few more non with cool names or story's. Except this one and the "path" to get down was very a crack between the cliffs. I think it would be even harder then the cottage. There was another one with over 200 steeps to get down. 
It was a very cool trip.
At the house we found a map with shops advertised on it. We decided to find this bakery. You would think after all this time shauna would learn that some other the best things are in the residential part of town. 
Unfortunately the pizza shop and phamicy that was on the map were there but no bakery. So we head back into town. 
We tryed to find a chocolate shop could not find it. We past a place with cakes so we got a slice of cake and a milkshakes.  Then off to find the icecream place. I got orange carrot. It was horrible I had to toss it out :( shauna gt chocolate and it was very gross how u mess up chocolate I have no idea. 
Then it was off to the bus stop. There is only two busses on the weekend so unless we want to pay for a taxi we had to wait for the bus. And since neither of us had a watch we were early witch is fine because I truly did not wish to pay for a taxi. 
It was a good day. 
We were just chilling at home and the host woman came up. She was going to a protest tomorrow because the police shut down a market and wanted to know if we wished to go with her. It was picnic style. We said yes.
The next morning we got up and we're getting ready. I was just starting the colslaw I was going to make to bring. And she came a calling thankfully she was ok with waiting and even got us A contain to put it in.
As we were driving there she was explaining about the market. 
Stay tuned next time for market protest fun. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

We finished up surfing with a bang / lagos new work away

Our last surfing lesson was on Saturday because we took wed off.  The morning went great we were ketching green waves left right and center. The photographer was there again. Got some great waves. My best wave was when I tryed for one stood up and started to loose the wave. But with a push down on the nose I came down nicely. It was a beautiful wave. The only sad part was due to the fact that I turn to my back side so well I needed waves that break left. So I was surfing away from the photographer so not that many shots of me. What a great day for it, being the weekend not many people there.
The afternoon went just as well except there were some real dicks out there. There were blocking us. And if we moved over to the less favorite waves they followed. It was very annoying.

On Sunday night two more girls came. They brought there own surf boards. They flew with EasyJet and they damaged one of the boards. They managed to take a big chunk and dent out of the board. We have no idea how they managed to do that.
I hope they will comansate her.
Monday we caught the bus at lunch time. It was a very long bus ride. It was 8 hr long. When we got to there the bus was 45 min late. G was there to meet us. G is one of the owners. He was in a little car and had just picked up groceries so we had to cram the bags in the back seat.
We went to the house were his wife was and she had dinner ready witch was great. It was very good. There daughter has it the best for launages, her mother and father are doth french from France, step father is English and goes to a public school so also know Portuguese.
After dinner we went to the " cottage" as they call it. It is a home that they have converted into three summer vacation homes. Each is its own yuint with full kitchen and bathroom.  The view is stunning just rolling hills. There are very few houses or people this way. The house sits on over 40 acers of land and they have cork trees
Did you know
Corks like the ones in wine dottles come from a tree. It is atuly the bark of the tree. It takes ten years for the bark to grow thick enough to be collected and used. The trees are funny looking because u can see were they harvested up to. The usaly just take from the trunk.
The trucks have been going through and I am hoping the colect before we go I would live to see it. The do it all by hand.
The cottage is lovely there is no Internet we are two far out. On Wednesday night the man went back in town so me and shauna were alone. We were in bed shauna was snoring, and I remember that I left the hose running. So I got up got my flashlight and out I went. I don't know if it was because the house was just painted white the other day. It was so bright out. I did not need the flashlight. The birds were even signing. It was so odd. It was not even a full moon. Friday night will be spent in town.
As will the weekend.
So the have two dogs that live at the cottage johnny and shebia. They are lovely friendly dogs. So much fun and we take them for a walk ever day that takes around 45 min. They are so much fun to have around.
Having a great time. So great to be out in the middle of no were.  

Friday, May 17, 2013

Wetsuit repair shop... Very mad Mario

When Joe brought our breakfast wed morning he mentioned to me about going into lourinha. He would be back later that day. So we spent the day recoparating. It was a nice relaxing day hiding inside from the wind.
So Joe shows up and we are now going to peniche. Is the town that we surf around so it was exciting to see. They have the old stone walls still up. There is a water house that use to be were women went to do laundry now u just fill ur jugs there. The islands are clearly seen from there. We drove up one side and it is a penicila so it was very windy the waves were very large and they were crashing into the rocks and spraying so high. The ocean look very up set so wavy and rooly. As we continue to drive I noticed what I thought were grave markers, I asked but because I was in the back no one hurd me. They were spraticly placed most had a cross or the praying hands with the beeds in them. It made me wonder if they were prayer spots for save journey on the ocean.  It is a fishing village that is how most men make a living there.
We went to the point and u can just make out our town and beach. Very exciting. As we drive down the other side it is a whole different story. It was much calmer. The wind and much less and this is the side we have been surfing on now we know why they were taking us to that side. We went to this place he had some business to do so we sat in the van when he went in to do his thing. The people here never cease to amaze me with there driving. Can't get a parking spot up close no problem just stop in the lain way and put ur four ways on and go about ur day. If the owner of said cars come and see they are blocked in no big they will just honk and the person comes out.
Now if you are a scooter do not worry about were to drive or were to park because the city was kind and put in sidewalks just for you. So don't forget to honk at any people who dare walk on the sidewalk they should know better sidewalks are for scoters.
U can never park to close to a stop sign, sidewalk, or cross walk. Park on all three at the same time no big we know u did not want go drive around to find a legal spot. Oh yes the parking is great fun to watch.
From there we wentvon a goose chase to find the repair shop we went to one place but it was not there. They moved. So we drove some more. And there u have it we found it. Now how do we get in... Doors are locked but we were just talking to them on the phone. Finally we are let in. The pace smelled like wetsuits fancey that. We found out that is were they make there rashgaurnds. The instructors are getting new ones global surf orange the material looks cook. They do not just repair wetsuits they also make them. They had this awasum pink color.  Shauna fell in love with it. So how might one rip a wet suit they are very tough material. Well I asked this and apparently when u fall the fins on the surf board have enough force to cut them.... Happy it is the suit and not my skin. I try to mega push the board away when I fall now, I like my skin on my body, crazy I know.
It was a fun day seeing the town.
So Thursday all rested ready to go. We fail miserable. I did get one wave at the start and it was beautiful.
Mario sent me on another he gave me a push I was right in the perfect zoon. Oh crap there is a girl beside meandering right beside her is a guy. The guy is yelling at her I am trying to think of how to get out but every thing I think of would end up with my board hitting her. Well the enable happen my board took out her legs we got tumbled around in the wave together not good. So once the wave let's us go I get up seeing she is up I say u ok she says something in a different language then as a look at her funny she says are u ok. We both say yes. Then the oh so fun task of un tangling our boards as waves are still crashing. Now I felt bad until Mario told me it was the same girl shauna almost took out because she cut her off if Mario had not grapped shauna then she would have surfed right over the girl. Then due to wave edict she should not have gotten the wave with me because the guy beside her had right away.  She should have stoped paddling when he dropped in there was enough room for me to finsh my drop and turn out of his way. So I felt a little less bad still feel bad but a little less. So when I go to get out Mario is all ready out and he looked so mad
Never have we had mad Mario. I get out and he is so mad his English is stuttering. He told me he does not care we are doing white water in the afternoon, we are going backwards. He was mad.
So we go home heads hung. Apparently he was bringing the whip and rope to tie shauna so her hip is in the right place. So we made a plan u see in Roma we got Mario a gift. It was so him we had to get it. So we get there Joe just gave us a look and we got in the van and we gave Mario his gift and said we were sorry for crashing and burning. He could not stay mad at us then.
What is this perfect gift u might get ur surf instructor.  I might add we spend at least 15 min driving there and back twice a day. So we do get to know him. Because we grill him no lol. The poor boy for having to be in a car with us for so long.
OK with out an more delay we got him a very mini jar of nutella. Because he loves nutella, like thinks Weare crazy for putting peanutbutter on our toast not nutella. And with all our driving he loves to make fun of the old man penchian cars. They are so tiny I think a motorcycle could be bigger.
He loved it this jar is so tiny u might get a peice of toast covered with it. he said he was going to put it inhis room to remember his Canadian girls.
The afternoon went ok.
That night a big storm rolled in and stupid us did not get our stuff when the first dark cloude rolled in. So our stuff was socked. Shauna rented a movie so we cuddled up to watch it. They get alot of wind with there storms. So the shutters banging all night kept me up then in the morning it blew ours open so the sun came right into my eyes.
This morning they did not know what it would be like with all the rain and wind there was only one place to go that would be sheltered enough. We get there and compared to the other days it was dead. So we did some white waters I got a beautiful green. Got slamed by another green witch Mario got upset about because I could have had it I just looked down. I can see why he gets up set, I get up set I should be catching these little waves.
So we were out of his bad books after that.
In the afternoon we got there and it was a little more crowded but shotly after we got there the other schools left. Ya.
So shauna and Mario are doing ground work and I go for a wave.
Oh yes big side not I slamed my shin hard into the board on Thursday I have a nice dent.
So my shin hurts like walking funny hurt. So I fall and my shin is going towards the board so I manage to move last min and save the shin a hard hit. It still hit but just not hard. The price paid was my chin. I am ok still got all my teeth. So I am laying on my board in pain and just let the board float in, thank fully it was low tied so I could do that. the look I get from Mario was price less he was so worried but prying not to laugh because I just go ug I died. Once shauna starts to laugh he calms down I rolled off the board and sit in the sand and shauna is like u sure u are ok, I was like yep be back to life in a few. And back out we went.
Good times.
Ohhhh I forgot one of the funniest things
It started to pour when we got to the beach and we are putting our wet suits on. So we all get in the van to get changed it was so funny Mario in the back us in the middle seats. Very hard to put on a wet suit when in a vanall hunched over. The best part is Mario was traped in. We had to let him. Out.
Good day in the hood.
Oh I said that  when we were getting charged in the van, and shauna is like what and so I say. Well we are right by the hood of the car.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Football and surf

Sunday we were informed of a big football game. So we decided to go watch it that night. But during the day we went for a walk along the beach. Shauna went to sun tan and I kept going. There was a guy out fishing on the rocks and he got an otapus it was so cool. He was showing it to a little girl that was there crab hunting with her mom, and so I walked over to see it and he like shoved it in my face to see I was to chicken to touch it.
Then just read in the sun most of the day.
That night we went to the bar to watch the game. 1€ for a glass of sangria.
It was the champion game and we'll the team every one was routing for lost. I thought the girl sitting at our table was going to start crying. Then to be funny she pulled out like three cigarettes to start smoking them all at once.
There was no mad party that night.
Back to surfing
We both had this one awasum afternoon were we caught green wave after green. I even got one turned and had it making the tunnel behind me and I stayed on the green part. That was the best one so far and I don't think I will ever for get it.
The others were ok alot more falls then getting up, yesterday I got up got into spot and fell off... Mario thinks eather the wind since it was very windy, or to much weight on the back leg. Or both.
Oh good news
Back track when we got here the put us on 7'6" boards hard.
I got moved down to a 7'2" board, ya I rock. It responds so differently on the wave. However u have to paddle so much harder to get it. To go and u have to wait for just the right moment to stand. If not u will miss the wave, or do a face plant.
Now the big crash so far.
Mario "paddle paddle"
kristy inerdilog " paddle paddle paddle, now up up up up.......... up to surfas must breath air"
kristy standing there stuned mario right there "u ok"
kristy inerdilog well of corse mario got that wave... shake head to clear "yep, that was fun" 
so what happen well i was paddling my little arms off, curnt put me side ways so i did a beautiful bunch of log rolls.... the wave i was in caught up to a second one. so more tossing around. get to surface " covering my head, very windy day" come up under board.... stand up stunned......latter found out Mario did not catch wave i just stood there not resonding long enough for him to paddle closer to me.... 
I am ok and we'll I went back out to try again.
Today is Wednesday and we are taking a day off we are both physical tired from all the padling, and the wind is very bad making it hard to surf big swell, so all the schools would be in one place not fun. So day off ya. LOL my poor body hurts all over.

Happy birthday to me!

OK so the big birthday. Started of with my best friend wishing me a happy birthday ya go shauna.  So we suited up. Headed down to surf shack. Talked with Mairo and Joe about the surf today. We were out side looking at sky telling the clouds to take a hike. And Mario says oh girls come inside quickly. So we go inside and they have a little tart ( the oh so good amazing yummy tarts) with a candle and a little birthday sign. So the start to clap and sing what I think is happy birthday day, I don't truly know it got very fast in the middle. So I have now been wished happy birthday in Portuguese.
So off to get some waves, the morning went ok.
Then back to the house the sun final came out ya.
Back to afternoon surf, the waves were better so we paddled out to ketch some green waves. .... Did not get a single one.  It was up setting. I tryed very hard but for some reason I kept switching feet yep I would put my back one forward.  I am an odd cookie I need to concentrate harder.
After surf we went back to house got on the bikinis and went to the beach.
Got some great photos.
Then did some reading in the sun/ naping.
That night we went out to dinner with Mario and Joe. Went to the fish restaurant got fish, it was so cool they had shark in the display case. Wish it was not so expensive would have tryed it.
Then we went to the bar for coffee and drinks and chat. Then dancing once the dj got there. There were these two guys and they were dancing up a storm they were so funny to laugh at. They would try to dance with local girls and they would push them away. It was funny.
I said french Joe said gay french.
It was a great day and night.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Portugal get ur surf on

So Sunday was just a relax get the kinks out from sitting so long. Went to our favorite cafe bar for dinner.
Monday was when the hard work started.
We are on 6 and a half foot boards, and they are hard not foam.... Moving up in the surfing world. The dig difference is that it hurts now when you fall, hit the board, or the board hits you. I was very excited I got up on my very first green that I tryed to get. Felt awasum. Missed surfing and waves.
The water is cold like anckle numing, but thanks to the wet suits not to bad.
Got a few great waves enjoyed it so much.
Our morning lesson was at 9:30 and the afternoon one was at 4:30 well with in that time our body's let us now how much they love the new harder boards.
We went to the bakery and got us some of our favorite tarts they are very very good.
At 4:30 well get to wear our wetsuits down because we are surfing right in front of the house. Feel like a true surfer.
Ture to us we bring the clouds and the big waves.
We have now been sticking to the white waves. I can turn to my back side quite well witch is good because most waves here are braking left.
So as we are playing in the shallow safe water... Ya right. Let me introduced you to our new friends the backwards wave. Oh yes not only do waves hit you from the front now the back and the oh so fun when they collide.
The beach is sloped that is what alows for these back wards waves. You will be standing there if u can with the under toe and it will all ovasuden disappear and you can see the 2- 3 ' wave infront of u but not the 1-2' one behind u. What a sight it is to see the two colied and they will nock u on ur butt so fast. I was going to ketch one wave and did not look to see if a back wash one was coming my bad right there. I was just at the peak when the two colided. I was flung up into the air our tacher Mario was laughing his but off when I came up. There were some good fallls that day.
One day we went to a different beach and we were jumping over the waves no big so I go to jump over one... Well I mega underestimated it. My board did not even reach the top. Who knows my feet can touch my head. I did three full rotational how u might ask well other then my made skill to stay calm when be thrashed around under water. Because my head was so nicly draged through the sand. Plus it felt like doing sumersults in terms pool.
At the same beach it seemed very busy so I asked mairo is this bussy. " can u see sand" he loves to leave u guessing for more. So I guess it is a very very busy beach I can see why they avoid it.
So this morning went very well. I think I now know why I have such a hard time turning to my front side it puts alot of pressure on my left anckle.
But back side turn is going great.
This afternoon we padled out. Shauna managed to break her leash so her surf board started to run away.
I tryed to ketch some waves ony got in on two the first one I wentbto stand up wrong,  the second one I was doing great Mario was yelling up I started to get up then my brain kicked in I looked down and we'll I got to go for another roll.
Now trying to get out was just a peach. Because the tide was high rember the bank is sloped the waves were crashing right on the sand so we get into the break point on my arms are on fire from paddling so hard. And one wave just drops right from under me. So I get up and try to get my board that was my mistake should have just ran. I got slamed from behind and all I could think was shot as my board came up in the air from a back wave and all I could see was it hitting me in the face. How my board missed me I don't know when I came up to the air my board was not far off I grabbed it and ran up the slop draging my board. Then I sat down and watch shauna get tossed by the waves. We have so much sand in our hair I am still picking it out and I have showered hair has dryed and this was over four hours ago. My shoulders and arms hate to move so more reading in the sun is in order.
I will hopefully but up all the birthday fun we get up to on Sunday.

Monday, May 6, 2013

5am to 2am

We got up at 5 am car was to come at 6am flight to Roma 8:45. The car showed up at 5:30.
We checked in no problem I was even over weight because I forgot to take out all the clothing I planed to wear. But she said no problem.
I was so tired I remember the initial speed up but not the wheels coming off the ground. I woke up and was like man we are taxing still then I noticed ever one was eating, my tummy was grumbling but I didn't think I could get my meal since they were colecting everyone else's so back to sleep. I did scare the crap out of shauna. I tryed to get her ipod so I could plug the earphones in and listen to the movie but the cord was under one of her fingers.
We got to Roma
Now it was cheaper for us to but two tickets then one with layover.
Did u know that u can only check into a flight 3 hr before a flight. We were 9 hr before our flight. There were no plugs two little cafes that was it. Took so long shauna had a nap.
So it was check in time. I get all my layers out. We were under weight and she did not even question our backpacks yaaa.
Ohhhh funny side not. At both air ports I set off the medial detector.  And got thorly felt up. One women even un tucked my shirt and ran her finger along the inside of my pants.
We got boarded no problem after waiting another three hr. So we were in 24 so the back of the bus. So I am walking along and it is all full at the back so I I say excuse me to the woman in my seat and show her my ticket she laughed and said go talk to someone. So I found the guy showed him my ticket and he says ok can you please just wait here. So shauna joins me there is five of us waiting to be seated, he did offer us water.
We got to sit up front. We had the rudest most obnotice people behind us. They were calling and yelling and talking very loud. Constantly kicking our seats. Did not get much sleep and it was a late night flight.
We land just before 11pm. Got our bags and go out, but can not see our guy any were and no one had our sign. So finally I go out side to see if he is weighting there. And sure enough there is the van. So I go back get the bags and shauna and away we go. We get back to the surf house and he said there were three french man there and there was a bbq going on when he left. And sure enough the back is filled with people well 8 plus us three so we go out there talk a bit. It is 2 am and decided to go to bed since we did loose two hrs. What a long boring day.

You can call me lady killer

After watering and other farm work we were running late did not get off till 12. My cellphone starts to go off. So I answered it.... OK we need to fast forward or rewind, yes rewind
Wednesday when playing backgammon we realized that we did not know the two guys names,  one of them goes you can call my lady killer.. That was it. We had to ask his friend for his name so he will be lady killer. Now fast forward and the other guy I had trouble saying his name right so I was allowed to call him honey.
Oh funny side Story when we were playing backgammon with every one, shauna had to us the washroom so we called lady killer over to ask were it was. well he picked shauna up and started to run up this hill to take her to the bathroom. Yep it was awesome. Every one at the table were laughing so hard.
OK so there u have it they will be ladykiller and honey for this blog.
So we are just about to start walking back my phone starts to ring, it is honey. He asked if we wanted to go to the beach, and just as he asked if fall and twist my ankle. So I hand the phone to shauna because I have very bad words that want to come out of my mouth. So shauna talks to them as I decided if it was broken or just being a pain. So it was decided that we would go to the beach. We were to meet in 25 min at the hotel. Now on a good day the walk is 20min. But with my now gimp walk it took longer. We got our gear and away we went. We went back to turtle beach. But went in a different spot. They thought the water was cold. Shauna and honey tag teamed me to get me dunked under the water. It was alot of fun. The bottom was very sandy and gradually got deeper. So it was great. Sadly the camara battery was dead both of them so no photos.
We were walking  down the beach and there were guys playing football and the ball landed in the water infront of us.... Honey told me a had to kick it back so I tryed well I kicked the top of the ball...it just went deeper in the water so second go I got it honey was laughing the guys had a quick conversation witch ended in all them all laughing, I can only guess at my mad football skills.
The droped us off ladykiller had to work.
Me and shauna decided to go for drinks. We ended up at ladykillers work we got sex on the beach and the owner was like oh give them an extra shot of vodka... So we mix it in with the drink. It was close to closing and honey was folding the table cloths and the owner goes you will make a very good house wife and winks at me.
So the two guys come to our table and they say if we can down our drinks they are on the house so I only had a little left. So they finsh closing they we move to another area were a restaurant has closed me shauna and honey sit down lady killer shows up with beer. So we drink our beer and go for a walk. End up walking around the harbor, and sitting on the stone wall looking at the sea and stars. Honey is very intersting know 5 launages, turkish, rushan, german, English, airabick. Works for six months of the year then travels in the winter. Use to own a hand bag shop before having to surve in the military. There is alot of military on that side of the island. Also found out that they put a hormone supesent in there food because when surving in the military u have to be celibate.
I got home around 2 am, nicly buzed. Woke up at 5:30, good chance I was still buzed, I went to work shauna called in sick. It was very hot out again. Got home from work packed did laundry.  Went to play backgammon with M.  Got there first. So honey played with me and once again there was a bet.  He wins I have to come back to Cyprus or turkey some day, if I win (I tryed to get him to go to Canada but no luck way to cold) so now he has to go to Australia.
We were playing first to five. What an intense game there was a couple sitting next to us and they had a good time laughing at us each game came down to the last toss. It was very very intense. Won't lie there was trash talking. We had to leave the game to be continued it was 3/3 and he had to go get ready it was opening night at his place he worked at. Shauna came down so I waited for her we had a game of backgammon, then we left I went to pay and the woman that owns the place is so great she gave us a great deal 10 tl for what should have been around 20tl. We run into honey at his new job, he looked very good. I might add that all the guys that worked there were over an 8 tobad it opened our last day. We are at home talking with the girls and decided to not to go to disco and honey calls saying he was off work and that we should go meet him.
Back track after backgammon we walk to the farm for dinner and a boom fire can b ever cook. As we are having the boom fire I tested Is ( the man who is full time worker on farm) to say good buy. Next thing he calls and comes over to say goodbye. The group got us a cake it was so good. It was a wonderful evening and I will miss that group alot. They made the work away that much better.
OK so me and shauna head down to the waterfront we met up with the guys but this time honey had another friend we will call him chef because that was all I could understand.... Honey even got me a rose.
So we head back had to get some sleep oh ya shauna got mad at honey he changed his shoes and shauna want me to see them because they were the very nice Italian shoes.
I went the full day on maybe 3 hr of sleep very proud of my self and did not get grumpy till the very end go me.
That is it for Cyprus amazing time and I will go back.

Boat tour and tropical fish (long)

So dinner Tuesday night. We had omelets. The eggs came from the farm, there were chicken and duck eggs. M made the omelets, and B made the salid. To cook the omelets we used the camp stove J built. It is very neet u light a fire inside then cook on top. Then we put every thing on the floor and all sat around and ate. It was very nice. Such a lovely evening.
Wednesday we decided to do our own group outing. We were going on a boat tour. On Tuesday me and shauna went down to the harbor to get our tickets. We did not know exactly how many people were going. We get to the six brothers boat. We look at the boat earlier in the week but he got us on again. And they advertise free snorkeling. So I asked to see the gear. It was two masks and one snorkel. I knew me and shauna and M were going for shere and we would all want to snorkel. So we say thank you we are going to talk to others we will let them know.
So we walk down went to look at another boat asked about the snorkeling gear. He had 8 brand new sets. Same price as the other one. Smaller boat but less people. It also got its food from the restaurant that we play backgammon. As me and shauna are waiting to pay my phone started to ring. Now we had had a possible propane leak since we got there. It was the hotel saying there were people there to look at it. So I hand Shauna the key tell her she needs to book it back to the apartment. I was paying so it was ok. So she takes off the guy comes over to talk every thing over because I did not know how many people were going 3,4,5. So we decided that me and shauna would pay in full and then the others could pay tomorrow. So I pay it was 40tl. What u got was lunch, snack, three beachs, with at least and hr to swim at each.
So I start to go back and on my way the guy at the other place says now u come with us. I said sorry no we have decided to go with another company. He said please tell me why. I said the snorkeling gear. Then he said we could go buy it cheep at store. I just responded that I already payed him. And walked away.
Now something to note. For a later blog to come. As we were looking for boat tours they are mixed in with the restaurants. So u get asked to come in for a drink or eat. The good part is that if you say no thank you, they back off. As we make our way down this one guy starts a conversation with us. So we get talking oddly enough B had also been talking with him. He thought it was great that the three of us were living together. So we talked to him and his friend for a bit. And they were all upset that they had not seen us before. So I tell themthat they have met me before, because his friend was the one that called me American. It was funny.
So ya keep those two guys in mind they will be making another aperance.

Now the big day Wednesday the big boat tour.
Oh you may be wondering why we were able to go on the tour and not at the market belly dancing. Our boss was away so no market.
Boat left at 10:30 had to be there for 10. We get there right before ten. Great timing.
M and J came with us B decided to work because every one else were taking off.
Off the 4 of us go on our adventure.
There was about 20 people on the boat, there was lots of space you could lie in the shade or sun.
We get to the first beach, so I go and ask for the gear. We all got a new pair and a couple got a pair. The couple and m were all ready in the water. We were having trouble adjusting them. I was very sad to find out that they were all to big for my face no mater how tight the sides would come off. Thank fully the women came back on the boat here's was a kids so I switched her. It worked out great.
The first beach had two rock outcrops to explore. Shauna, m, and,j.  Could not breath out of there snorkel. The water was crystal clear. There were fish of all sizes. The bottom was mostly sand. Then we got back on boat and got lunch. It was a very good lunch. Then we were off again. Me and shauna wanted to lay in the sun but most of the beds were taken. Then we spyed beds on the roof. We had to figure out how to climb up there. We managed to get up there. We had 8 beds all to our self, it was great. The next beach was explore beach. Now you have to pay to get on it. They hamics in the water,there was a boat offering pair guiding. But the best part was this island oh rocks. After looking at the others gear I noticed that there was no hole in the snorkel, so there were still sealed shut. We found one that was open. For shauna. The boys were on the island trying to find a place to jump off. Ps we only used the latter to get out. Jumping off different points was funner. Tons of fish , but I great videos just swimming around. It was so clear I had an amazing time just looking around. Another boat came and I watched and hurd his ancor drop that was so cool.
From there we made our way to a third beach. Oh something to note, that couple from Australia that also did snorkeling and I switched gear with her, we'll we talked with them alot. Oh also attached the hotel and resorts along the cost had elevators to get down to the beach.
So associated we are sailing to our next spot M and J joined us up on top it was a great place to get sun. So we stop at our third and final beach. At the last place me and shauna were contemplating if we could jump off the top there. We told the boys and sure enough M went first and then Shauna then J and now it is my turn at this point every one is watching us at this point. ... I went to jump and tryed very hard but was not able to keep in the squal. I could here the people anthem boat chuckling. Then I got my camara and got video of the others jumping. J did a flip twist. It was so much fun the intended think a total between 8 and 10 people got in the water. Why you would go on a boat tour to breaches to swim and then not I don't know. It was alot of fun. At one point I tryed to dive but lost my footing and did a graceful belly flop.
It was a very great day. We got back around 4:30. Me and M decided to play backgammon. Shauna asked if we were going to go to the place with the hot guys. I said sure we knew they had a board. The Australian couple went home to shower.
Now when me and shauna were talking tothe guys before we talked about backgammon. It sounded like the may have set it up differently. So we got a board M got his coffee and me and shauna got milkshakes the woman that owns it is very nice. She always puts extra chocolate in our milkshakes. Me and m were half way through our game when u guys showed up for work. So they pulled up chairs to join us. Something to note. Almost all the guys that work in the harbor are hot or atlest good looking. They dress very nicely. They were very very easy on the eyes. So one of them.... I will give you the names latter.... So me and one of the guys set up to play. It was set up the same way. And he goes so we are betting the bet we maid yesterday I was like no... The other day when talking about playing he want to bet " I win I get you, you win you get me" so I was like no not agreeing to that. M is convinced that they go to school to become smoth talkers. So we play he wins. I play four others, one of them was shauna yaaa they smoth talked shauna into playing yaaaaaa so after wining some games he decided to take me on again. So again he wanted bet so we had to explain in Canada a bet only counts if you shake on it. So shauna pipes up she wants a chocolate cake. So the bet was he won he came to the farm and had dinner with us. If I will he had to make us chocolate cake. So it was a very intense game. It came down to the roles and I won it was all very exciting.  After a few more games of different people playing. He left to go buy stuff to make cake the group of us went to dinner. Went to this roof top place with a view over looking the harbor. Then it was off to bed had to get up and water the next morning 5:30 comes early.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Another week down

Me and m play backgammon so much fun. On Friday night me and M decided to try out a casino. We go to one he picked out. We enter and the first floor is all slot machines. The second floor is cards. We stand and watch them play poker, it was called lucky poker. It was very odd. All the players showed each other there cards. They could buy more cards. Very interesting to watch. Then there was rolet tables, watched that for some time. We got to see atlest three staff changes.
They also had rushan poker. Once again they would show each other there cards. Very odd to me.
On our way home , (M instead on walking me home since it was after midnight. ) as we are walking past the strip of resurants on the harbor, this on guy yells at me hay you American girl. Well normal I just ignore them but that night I don't know some thing snaped. So I spin around and say I am Canadian not American thank you very much. He said come sit talk I said no thank you and continued to keep walking M was laughing.
Saturday we worked
Sunday we took a trip back to the beach so I forgot to put this last time across the road were u get the bus there is a farm, dog, chickens, peekhouck, horses donkeys and ostriches. Yep he has ostriches . It is so cool to see them just wondering around.
So the beach was just as beautiful the second time, but this time J can and he brought goggles.  He was nice enough to share with us yaaaaaa well it was so cool to see. Sadly I did not take my camara with me to swim.
Got to see fish.
We had these two met sit about seven feet away from us. Now J and M. Decided to set up right near the walk way, me and shauna went farther down to the nicer sand. So these two guys show up one in 40 other 30. And shauna was replaying sunscreen. So these two were joking around about coming to talk to us they kept saying to drink more beer, at one point on said something about helping with suncrean. It was hard to fully easdrop because it was a mixture of English and turkey.
Tuesday we had a group dinner at the farm house it was very good.
Will finsh Tuesday when I post about our awesome boat trip yesterday