Friday, May 17, 2013

Wetsuit repair shop... Very mad Mario

When Joe brought our breakfast wed morning he mentioned to me about going into lourinha. He would be back later that day. So we spent the day recoparating. It was a nice relaxing day hiding inside from the wind.
So Joe shows up and we are now going to peniche. Is the town that we surf around so it was exciting to see. They have the old stone walls still up. There is a water house that use to be were women went to do laundry now u just fill ur jugs there. The islands are clearly seen from there. We drove up one side and it is a penicila so it was very windy the waves were very large and they were crashing into the rocks and spraying so high. The ocean look very up set so wavy and rooly. As we continue to drive I noticed what I thought were grave markers, I asked but because I was in the back no one hurd me. They were spraticly placed most had a cross or the praying hands with the beeds in them. It made me wonder if they were prayer spots for save journey on the ocean.  It is a fishing village that is how most men make a living there.
We went to the point and u can just make out our town and beach. Very exciting. As we drive down the other side it is a whole different story. It was much calmer. The wind and much less and this is the side we have been surfing on now we know why they were taking us to that side. We went to this place he had some business to do so we sat in the van when he went in to do his thing. The people here never cease to amaze me with there driving. Can't get a parking spot up close no problem just stop in the lain way and put ur four ways on and go about ur day. If the owner of said cars come and see they are blocked in no big they will just honk and the person comes out.
Now if you are a scooter do not worry about were to drive or were to park because the city was kind and put in sidewalks just for you. So don't forget to honk at any people who dare walk on the sidewalk they should know better sidewalks are for scoters.
U can never park to close to a stop sign, sidewalk, or cross walk. Park on all three at the same time no big we know u did not want go drive around to find a legal spot. Oh yes the parking is great fun to watch.
From there we wentvon a goose chase to find the repair shop we went to one place but it was not there. They moved. So we drove some more. And there u have it we found it. Now how do we get in... Doors are locked but we were just talking to them on the phone. Finally we are let in. The pace smelled like wetsuits fancey that. We found out that is were they make there rashgaurnds. The instructors are getting new ones global surf orange the material looks cook. They do not just repair wetsuits they also make them. They had this awasum pink color.  Shauna fell in love with it. So how might one rip a wet suit they are very tough material. Well I asked this and apparently when u fall the fins on the surf board have enough force to cut them.... Happy it is the suit and not my skin. I try to mega push the board away when I fall now, I like my skin on my body, crazy I know.
It was a fun day seeing the town.
So Thursday all rested ready to go. We fail miserable. I did get one wave at the start and it was beautiful.
Mario sent me on another he gave me a push I was right in the perfect zoon. Oh crap there is a girl beside meandering right beside her is a guy. The guy is yelling at her I am trying to think of how to get out but every thing I think of would end up with my board hitting her. Well the enable happen my board took out her legs we got tumbled around in the wave together not good. So once the wave let's us go I get up seeing she is up I say u ok she says something in a different language then as a look at her funny she says are u ok. We both say yes. Then the oh so fun task of un tangling our boards as waves are still crashing. Now I felt bad until Mario told me it was the same girl shauna almost took out because she cut her off if Mario had not grapped shauna then she would have surfed right over the girl. Then due to wave edict she should not have gotten the wave with me because the guy beside her had right away.  She should have stoped paddling when he dropped in there was enough room for me to finsh my drop and turn out of his way. So I felt a little less bad still feel bad but a little less. So when I go to get out Mario is all ready out and he looked so mad
Never have we had mad Mario. I get out and he is so mad his English is stuttering. He told me he does not care we are doing white water in the afternoon, we are going backwards. He was mad.
So we go home heads hung. Apparently he was bringing the whip and rope to tie shauna so her hip is in the right place. So we made a plan u see in Roma we got Mario a gift. It was so him we had to get it. So we get there Joe just gave us a look and we got in the van and we gave Mario his gift and said we were sorry for crashing and burning. He could not stay mad at us then.
What is this perfect gift u might get ur surf instructor.  I might add we spend at least 15 min driving there and back twice a day. So we do get to know him. Because we grill him no lol. The poor boy for having to be in a car with us for so long.
OK with out an more delay we got him a very mini jar of nutella. Because he loves nutella, like thinks Weare crazy for putting peanutbutter on our toast not nutella. And with all our driving he loves to make fun of the old man penchian cars. They are so tiny I think a motorcycle could be bigger.
He loved it this jar is so tiny u might get a peice of toast covered with it. he said he was going to put it inhis room to remember his Canadian girls.
The afternoon went ok.
That night a big storm rolled in and stupid us did not get our stuff when the first dark cloude rolled in. So our stuff was socked. Shauna rented a movie so we cuddled up to watch it. They get alot of wind with there storms. So the shutters banging all night kept me up then in the morning it blew ours open so the sun came right into my eyes.
This morning they did not know what it would be like with all the rain and wind there was only one place to go that would be sheltered enough. We get there and compared to the other days it was dead. So we did some white waters I got a beautiful green. Got slamed by another green witch Mario got upset about because I could have had it I just looked down. I can see why he gets up set, I get up set I should be catching these little waves.
So we were out of his bad books after that.
In the afternoon we got there and it was a little more crowded but shotly after we got there the other schools left. Ya.
So shauna and Mario are doing ground work and I go for a wave.
Oh yes big side not I slamed my shin hard into the board on Thursday I have a nice dent.
So my shin hurts like walking funny hurt. So I fall and my shin is going towards the board so I manage to move last min and save the shin a hard hit. It still hit but just not hard. The price paid was my chin. I am ok still got all my teeth. So I am laying on my board in pain and just let the board float in, thank fully it was low tied so I could do that. the look I get from Mario was price less he was so worried but prying not to laugh because I just go ug I died. Once shauna starts to laugh he calms down I rolled off the board and sit in the sand and shauna is like u sure u are ok, I was like yep be back to life in a few. And back out we went.
Good times.
Ohhhh I forgot one of the funniest things
It started to pour when we got to the beach and we are putting our wet suits on. So we all get in the van to get changed it was so funny Mario in the back us in the middle seats. Very hard to put on a wet suit when in a vanall hunched over. The best part is Mario was traped in. We had to let him. Out.
Good day in the hood.
Oh I said that  when we were getting charged in the van, and shauna is like what and so I say. Well we are right by the hood of the car.

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