Monday, May 6, 2013

Boat tour and tropical fish (long)

So dinner Tuesday night. We had omelets. The eggs came from the farm, there were chicken and duck eggs. M made the omelets, and B made the salid. To cook the omelets we used the camp stove J built. It is very neet u light a fire inside then cook on top. Then we put every thing on the floor and all sat around and ate. It was very nice. Such a lovely evening.
Wednesday we decided to do our own group outing. We were going on a boat tour. On Tuesday me and shauna went down to the harbor to get our tickets. We did not know exactly how many people were going. We get to the six brothers boat. We look at the boat earlier in the week but he got us on again. And they advertise free snorkeling. So I asked to see the gear. It was two masks and one snorkel. I knew me and shauna and M were going for shere and we would all want to snorkel. So we say thank you we are going to talk to others we will let them know.
So we walk down went to look at another boat asked about the snorkeling gear. He had 8 brand new sets. Same price as the other one. Smaller boat but less people. It also got its food from the restaurant that we play backgammon. As me and shauna are waiting to pay my phone started to ring. Now we had had a possible propane leak since we got there. It was the hotel saying there were people there to look at it. So I hand Shauna the key tell her she needs to book it back to the apartment. I was paying so it was ok. So she takes off the guy comes over to talk every thing over because I did not know how many people were going 3,4,5. So we decided that me and shauna would pay in full and then the others could pay tomorrow. So I pay it was 40tl. What u got was lunch, snack, three beachs, with at least and hr to swim at each.
So I start to go back and on my way the guy at the other place says now u come with us. I said sorry no we have decided to go with another company. He said please tell me why. I said the snorkeling gear. Then he said we could go buy it cheep at store. I just responded that I already payed him. And walked away.
Now something to note. For a later blog to come. As we were looking for boat tours they are mixed in with the restaurants. So u get asked to come in for a drink or eat. The good part is that if you say no thank you, they back off. As we make our way down this one guy starts a conversation with us. So we get talking oddly enough B had also been talking with him. He thought it was great that the three of us were living together. So we talked to him and his friend for a bit. And they were all upset that they had not seen us before. So I tell themthat they have met me before, because his friend was the one that called me American. It was funny.
So ya keep those two guys in mind they will be making another aperance.

Now the big day Wednesday the big boat tour.
Oh you may be wondering why we were able to go on the tour and not at the market belly dancing. Our boss was away so no market.
Boat left at 10:30 had to be there for 10. We get there right before ten. Great timing.
M and J came with us B decided to work because every one else were taking off.
Off the 4 of us go on our adventure.
There was about 20 people on the boat, there was lots of space you could lie in the shade or sun.
We get to the first beach, so I go and ask for the gear. We all got a new pair and a couple got a pair. The couple and m were all ready in the water. We were having trouble adjusting them. I was very sad to find out that they were all to big for my face no mater how tight the sides would come off. Thank fully the women came back on the boat here's was a kids so I switched her. It worked out great.
The first beach had two rock outcrops to explore. Shauna, m, and,j.  Could not breath out of there snorkel. The water was crystal clear. There were fish of all sizes. The bottom was mostly sand. Then we got back on boat and got lunch. It was a very good lunch. Then we were off again. Me and shauna wanted to lay in the sun but most of the beds were taken. Then we spyed beds on the roof. We had to figure out how to climb up there. We managed to get up there. We had 8 beds all to our self, it was great. The next beach was explore beach. Now you have to pay to get on it. They hamics in the water,there was a boat offering pair guiding. But the best part was this island oh rocks. After looking at the others gear I noticed that there was no hole in the snorkel, so there were still sealed shut. We found one that was open. For shauna. The boys were on the island trying to find a place to jump off. Ps we only used the latter to get out. Jumping off different points was funner. Tons of fish , but I great videos just swimming around. It was so clear I had an amazing time just looking around. Another boat came and I watched and hurd his ancor drop that was so cool.
From there we made our way to a third beach. Oh something to note, that couple from Australia that also did snorkeling and I switched gear with her, we'll we talked with them alot. Oh also attached the hotel and resorts along the cost had elevators to get down to the beach.
So associated we are sailing to our next spot M and J joined us up on top it was a great place to get sun. So we stop at our third and final beach. At the last place me and shauna were contemplating if we could jump off the top there. We told the boys and sure enough M went first and then Shauna then J and now it is my turn at this point every one is watching us at this point. ... I went to jump and tryed very hard but was not able to keep in the squal. I could here the people anthem boat chuckling. Then I got my camara and got video of the others jumping. J did a flip twist. It was so much fun the intended think a total between 8 and 10 people got in the water. Why you would go on a boat tour to breaches to swim and then not I don't know. It was alot of fun. At one point I tryed to dive but lost my footing and did a graceful belly flop.
It was a very great day. We got back around 4:30. Me and M decided to play backgammon. Shauna asked if we were going to go to the place with the hot guys. I said sure we knew they had a board. The Australian couple went home to shower.
Now when me and shauna were talking tothe guys before we talked about backgammon. It sounded like the may have set it up differently. So we got a board M got his coffee and me and shauna got milkshakes the woman that owns it is very nice. She always puts extra chocolate in our milkshakes. Me and m were half way through our game when u guys showed up for work. So they pulled up chairs to join us. Something to note. Almost all the guys that work in the harbor are hot or atlest good looking. They dress very nicely. They were very very easy on the eyes. So one of them.... I will give you the names latter.... So me and one of the guys set up to play. It was set up the same way. And he goes so we are betting the bet we maid yesterday I was like no... The other day when talking about playing he want to bet " I win I get you, you win you get me" so I was like no not agreeing to that. M is convinced that they go to school to become smoth talkers. So we play he wins. I play four others, one of them was shauna yaaa they smoth talked shauna into playing yaaaaaa so after wining some games he decided to take me on again. So again he wanted bet so we had to explain in Canada a bet only counts if you shake on it. So shauna pipes up she wants a chocolate cake. So the bet was he won he came to the farm and had dinner with us. If I will he had to make us chocolate cake. So it was a very intense game. It came down to the roles and I won it was all very exciting.  After a few more games of different people playing. He left to go buy stuff to make cake the group of us went to dinner. Went to this roof top place with a view over looking the harbor. Then it was off to bed had to get up and water the next morning 5:30 comes early.

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