Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Shauna and her big mouth

On Sunday it was beautiful. A little chilly in the wind but great when in the sun. I have such a great farmers tan going on. I think I have gotten as dark as I will because I just get red pink in the sun now. Do not burn. This is great so should not need sunscreen this summer.
Shauna was facetiming her parents that afternoon and was going on about how there is never a cloud in the sky.
Well Monday morning we wake up to dark clouds rolling through. OK we can still work and it was nice to have shade. We had to request carotts, zucinies, brockly, and some others from the evil weeds. They have this vine like weed here. It is so hard to get out because it wraps aroud every plant it can. So it was all through the carrots. It was very hard to get out. We need to be taking before and after shots the garden looks so different once we are done. There is atualy ground underneath.
We did a second bed and then it was lunch time. As we were weeding the second one a man came he has a small garden. He is from France he wind surfs. And he brought us a traditional north France cake for desert.
So for lunch. There was fryed potatoes, fryed zucchini, salid. It was very good and an egg to go on top of your salid. This cack was so good and it had plums in it. Just like big dryed raisins. We made beet dip using a beet from the garden. Took that down for dinner, witch was pizza but with lunch on top so zucchini salid and eggs. She likes to make left over pizza alot. Then there was an apricot cake for desert.
This morning I did not even here the alarm. I slept so good I have not been sleeping well on my weird pull out coach.
So this morning it was dark out the clouds were promising rain. I blame shauna. She provoked the clouds to come. We got chased inside once due to rain. I has been a very slow day but we are almost finished another garden were we rescued beets. And apparently some of them are as big as shaunas head.

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