Monday, May 27, 2013

Market protest fun!

On the car ride to the market we got the down load. Now I was sitting in the back so I missed somethings.
The market is in a very small town and it is the only one close to a cluster of small villages that is free. It has been going on for more then ten years. There are alot of hippies that live there. Apparently last week at the market the police showed up full gear guns out. And the fined every one, children, elderly every one. They even confancated people's stuff. So not only were these people just trying to make a little extra they got fined and had there stuff taken. How is that good for the economy is don't know.
So we drive past and I guess there were very few people there, normal it is much fuller. So we go park and the parking lot had six cars and apparently it normal is full. So we walk to the market place. And there are gypsys there. Horse and donkeys and carts in all. I was very shocked and surprised to atuly get to see some with the horse drawn cart.
Any who we walk over to were there are like camper vans pulled in a circle. And people are sitting on the ground looks like one big picnic going on. We pull up some grass. Our host woman brought some beer plus the colslaw with no untincles woops.
There was a group of people play interments and singing songs. Oddly enough English was the lauange spoken most there. More people would join in as the arived. There was a woman with a ucilaily, man with guitar and he was the main singer older gentleman with a floral shirt on also played dishes and ac ordain this man he had three picks on his fingers I have never seen some one picking like that before very intersting, a younger gentleman about 30 playing a guitar he also played spoons, another older man playing a small drum, a woman with a tamporin an egg shaker and a wooden recorder, a woman played the flute, a kazzu was floting around, there was also a man with a hermonaca, as we were leaving another man with gitar showed up. There was a woman in a yellow dress that would also sing or hum along.
On a side note I don't care what the studies say your boobs will sag with out a bra on. Just I side not!
It was nice all the kids were playing together the dogs were running around, people were singing, lots of beer drinking, lots of conversation. It was very lovely.
Around one. This guy did this show and it was a fire show. This man was so funny. He did juggling fire and some hat tricks, he tryed to balance a bike on his chin and juggle fire but it was two windy. He rode a unicical and juggled. It was funny it was him that made the show very good stage presence. Very funny the kids loved him the adults loved him. It was wonderful
Like any performer he asked for money at the end. Here are this people that have very little them selves, have just gotten a fine and they were giving what they could.  Sadly I did not bring any money because I knew the market would not be set up.
After that the music picked up again and we head back home.
So duing all this I was taking some photos and this woman came up to me she was from Germany visiting and she forgot her camara and asked me to email her photos of it. So I have her email and will do it once I get home. She was very nice we had a lovely chat.
It was a very good day.

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