Wednesday, January 23, 2013

24h Barcelona

We had to get up at 3:30 am that is right AM. Our flight left at 6. At 4am we were walking down the street, not a soul around. Our plan was to walk to the hotel there is a taxi stand there. we got there and there were 3 taxi's sitting there. we got an odd looking when we walked up. The air port went smoothly, we were sitting near the back. I hate sitting in the back, it was a horrible experience, the plain. Felt like it was going side to side, I almost grabbed shauna. But her eyes were closed and looked like she was asleep.
The sun was just starting to come up, we had some breakfast then off we went to explore Barcelona.
The first thing we went to see was Sagrada Familia. This church is so stunning and amazing on the outside. The inside was ok, as churches go. The outside is stunning, when you first see it, it will make u   stop dead in your tracks. A cool fact is that it is not finished, 2030 is the expected finished year. When they finish we will be going back. We were able to go up in the tower the view was amazing.
From there we went to city center, witch had the magic fountain that sadly was not on, it did not even have water in it. This art museum was right behind the fountain it was stunning. We did not go into it, there were also  these very big tower's. I don't remember there name.
We went back to the church. We had to stop to look at it again. The hostel was close to the church. We went to the tour bus information both to ask if the knew were it was. The guy got the directions for us and mapped it out.
After what seamed like a forever walk, we found the hostel. What a great place. You have to be buzzed in or use your key. Our room had 8 beds in it. There was a locker that we could put our stuff into so that was great. We took a little rest did some research and mapped out what we would like to do with the rest of the day. The first thing was Casa Batllo, made by Antoni Gaudi. The house was made by the same man that built the original plans for Sagrada Familia. The out side is a mosaic of blues and greens. Finding the place turned out to be the hardest part I don't know how long we wondered around but we did find a Starbuck so shauna was quite happy about that. At star bucks we asked how to get there we thought the women said to just keep going straight. So that is what we did till I looked at the map and realized we went to far again. We did get to see a farrier car store. Then when back tracking back to Starbuck we found it, itwas right around the corner... We can be so oblivious some times. This house was amazing on the out side and the had pictures of the inside. They want 20€ to go inside. So we were standing there as Shauna was deciding weather or not to go in, I knew we were going to the aquarium latter so if she wanted this I was game. As we were talking it out this guy beside us asked us if we were going to go in, we were like we don't know that is a alot of money so he told us some neat things and showed us some pictures. It was funny because his friend was like it was ok but he was excited about it, and we got talking about other things to see and the aquarium came up and his friend was right excited about it. They reminded me of shauna and me.
We decided to go in. Now at most places that you go they have this ear thing that will tell you about the place orthe art. It is a tour with out a guide. Well this place gave them out with the ticket so that was great. For me the information was long and boring I don't need to look at a sealing and picture my self at a beach. Shauna however was right in her glory. I know what I want to get her, for her birthday.  Hope amazon has it :D. It took us quite some time Togo through the house the roof was the best part for me. I also loved the fire place with the mushroom decoration seats. It was were a women would sudervise your cupples on a date so one seat was smaller then the other.
When we left there shauna decided to cut out a church we had originally planned to see.
So we got onto the subway to head down to the midevil worf.  There was this amazing statue in the middle. It had attention these lion's and they were indifferent positions. I wonder what each one ment. From there we went and walked alone this very cool bridge. We got popcorn so good. As were were walking we noticed the that sea gulls did not look quite right. Then we noticed whey they were a different type these ones were small and did not have so much black.  There booies out in the water had statue men on them. We then arrived at the aquarium. This is the biggest one in Spain. It was amazing, they do however have to update there signs sone fish were not onthe list. This onefish an elephant fish is one of shaunas favorites he is very odd looking. They had one that was twice the size of the other ones we had seen. And we learned that he was poisonous. The main tank was very large and the tunnel was so fun to walk through. There was this one massive fish the ocean sunfish (mola mola scientific name). This thing was massive and very funny looking. You should Google it.
Once we were done L'aquarium Barcelona it was dark out. So we went to find the subway. The wind had picked up. I thought I would be blown away at times. So we took the subway to the closes stop witch happen to be the church. And once again we had to stop. It is just as magnificent at night as it is in the day. We start walking in what we think is the right direction. Nope wrong again the entire time we were trying to find a restaurant to eat at. Guess they are not like Madrid and eat late most places were closing. So we decided to go to MacDonald. We were both hungry and very cranky. After some food we got on the right track and made it back to the hostel no problem. We went up to our room and there was stuff on all the beds and there was a girl on one of the top bunks we said hi. We put our stuff away and went down stairs to book our flight so hopefully we would get better seats.
When we went back up to the room there was a guy there we tryed to talk to him but he only spoke Spanish we tryed but we were to tired and our brains would not work. Then a girl came in, we had a grand conversation with her, she is from Germany but has traveled all over the world. We are now Facebook friends she told us to contact her when we are in Germany and she will give us some great tips and maybe show us around.
Then we decided to try and sleep well u can't turn the lights off the are automatically set up. So we had to wait. It was hard to fall asleep with the lights on but I managed. It was weird that people would just come and go one girl came and packed her stuff up in the middle of the night.
It was an interesting but good experience.

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