Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Cloud 9 (zoo longgggg post)

Today we went to the zoo, the Zoo Aquarium Madrid. I would like to say I am speechless, but I am feeling the opposite. I want to tell everyone one about how amazing, and the one negative.
To start the adventure off I found out we needed to take two metro the number 5 then the number 33. I thought this was 2 buses. I was wrong the 5 is the subway,  who knew we had a stop down the rd. Shauna being the smart girl she is noticed that we could take the subway all the way. So that was what we did it was great we got off the subway walked up stairs into the sun and bam right in front of us was a sign for the zoo big arrow. We followed the arrows for a ten minute walk. As we were walking up we are realizing just how large this place is. As we were walking we could see into the zoo and the wolf was out and about.
It was 45€ for the 2 of us.
When we looked at our map Shauna was like there is no way we are doing this twice. There are over 90 species  in this park. The first animals to ketch our eyes was the pink flamingos, they are alot bigger then I thought. There were this large white crains nesting all Round the park. There were some making noise and this group of flamingos were very un happy at this and we're making noise and passing back and forth.
The panggines were not out. The sealions were and the keeper was testing the water for the connecting tank and they were so curious as to what she was doing.  The watched her and called to her the entire time.
They had an American bob cat who was asleep in the sun.
The Jagger was up and moving we got some great pictures of him because the monkeys across the way we're ketching his eye. He did not look over weight like the ones back home. He was rolling Around and standing up tall such a show man. They had a white tiger and a group of lions that were just chilling in the sun.
Something to note alot of the enclosures are made with a mot around them so u are not looking through a fence. We get to see giraffes, they are so tall and lanky looking.
Throughout the entire place you can tell they have a good breeding program there were young animals all around. The mountain goats were fun and man can they ever jump.
We got to see Hippocampus that is right there is a thing between me and my friend that I am traveling with about hippos. So it was amazing that we both got to see them together.
We stood and watched the bamboos for a long time. They looked gross and I can honestly say I do not know much about them so it was fantastic to watch them interact. But I did wonder if there was a better way to keep there enclosure cleaner. There was blood, garage, stail water, and feecies all over. This was the only enclosure that was discounting. And I wonder if the troop was just to big to get inside at once so they could clean.
Two of the gazales looked to be in the wrong place or guess the just jumped the fence for the grass on the other side.
I just noticed that we missed the merrcats, oh well.
We did the reptile house. It was a let down I did think they would have more. It was neet to see into the nursery room were they had baby snakes they were so tiny. They had a Scull sticker on some of them so my guess is they are the poisonous ones.
We went to just look at the dolphin show ring and just as we started to walk away a dolphin surfaced. I can just imagine how much my face lit up. The last time I was this happy to see an animal would have to be when mike took me to go dog sledding.  We sat and watched them surface then we noticed viewing windows so we found the stairs to go down.
There are no words for how amazing the look in the wild. My drive to go swimming with them in the wild is so strong now. They are so graceful and elegant.  And big I did not realize how big till u have them swim by.
We guessed that there was 6 in the tank. They were bottlenose dolphins. So amazing to see.
We got to see lots of amazing training in the work one of the rinos had a cut on his foot see we got to watch trainer and vet work with him to get it all cleaned up
The aquarium let's just say I want one. The fish tanks I could have stayed there all day watching them. There best price is at the end a 1000000 gl tank that had sandtiger, and nurse sharks a barracuda and other fish in it. They had sea turtles and black tip read sharks, lion fish,an eal. So many amazing fish and all looked so healthy.  They even had sea horses they were so cute.
One of the zoos main attraction is the panda bears they have been able to breed them witch is amazing. The baby's are 3 years old and still not fully grown one was asleep and the other was uphaving a snack. So neat to get to see such an endangered animal.
The elephants were neet they were weaving at the gate and it reminded me of stall bored horses. But we letter found out that a talk show was about to start so my guess is they were getting ready to work.
One one negative and this was a very big one for me. They have a bird show with is great. But for the hrs between and during the show the birds are chained the the ground. Some had a stump to stand on. It reminded me of dog mills were they are chained up with and not able to get at each other.  There was a volture that was trying to get at another bird it was so sad to see him as he kept slamming into to ground.  they are the only animals that I saw that looked stress. Seeing the baldeagle and golden eagle on the ground did not give me a good feeling.
We did Ketch the tail end of the parrot show. They had some very colorful birds. At this point it was almost 4 so we went looking for food. One thing we need to start it eatting better. We went to the main cafeteria and gift shop. I had this great chocolate cake and a hotchocolate. On our way to the dolphin show we stopped at the sea lion show. It was so funny we laughed so hard. He danced and would sneak around behind the trainer. Do to see him balance a ball on his nose such amazing balance.
Now for the grand fanilaly the dolphin show it was amazingly stunning at what theses creatures can do we found out there was 6 adults and there 2 offspring. They had the younger ones off to the side just working on little things but me being who I am could not keep my eyes off them and how she was working with them.
They had 2of them spin on the platform it was interesting to see. The jumps were amazing how high out of the water.
There was a little girl that the dolphin pulled in a boat around the tank. So smart . And eager to work.
After the show we got our picture with joans a sea lion, he had his chin on shaunas shoulder I guess he was sniffing her and he smelt bad of fish. As we were walking back we noticed that the photo women was walking down this ramp me being noise went to see and it was were u go to get your picture with the dolphins,  that isright we gotour picture with the dolphins what an amazing thing. It cost 20€ I would pay that again any time. We did not get to touch her.
So the highlight. Of the trip so far was getting our picture with angle the dolphin.
Then we walked back to the subway and came home stopped at the grocery store.
Shauna made dinner it was very good. They have these large long beens that are green, and so good.
The zoo will not be something that I forget any time soon.

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