Thursday, January 17, 2013

Chocolate Surprise

We got off to a very slow start today. We did not really know what to do today. Shauna suggest that we go to Valor Chocolate shop and restaurant. To me that sounded amazing chocolate is always welcome in my tummy.
I must say that we are getting very good at the subway. The subway here is so much easier to navigate then NYC and they were not that hard there. You are able to switch trains with out repaying, and if you are on the wrong platform no problem just walk over to the other one via the conenting tunnels.
We find the shop and to or disappointment it was closed and would not recommend open till 5. Shauna forgot her watch so we are like great... Now what. Well right next door was a restaurant and long behold it was the chocolate shop. We did not know that it was two different shops. So we decided to go and eat and drink chocolate till the chocolate shop opened.
We go into Volor Chocolate restaurant and look at the menu.  I wanted it all, it looked soooo good. We got creaps with icecream. I got hotchocolate it was just melted chocolate. Shauna got some chocolate moose thing. So we eat our desert and shauna said I could try her thing. I get a spoon full. And I noticed that there was a dead maggot so opon looking closer it was not dead and it was not alone. Can u say ewwwww shauna broke open a chocolate ball on her thing and there was another one in there.
After that I was not able to finish my drink.
Since we can not speak there lauange. I just took it up to the counter and pointed at the maggot.  She took it off the bill.
Little to say we were not happy and did not wait for the shop to open.
So my poor body that is yelling that it is chocolate deprived is still up set because as I sit here talking about chocolate all it wants is chocolate.
From there we went to the mall. The clothing was so cheap looking, and I think maybe 2things caught my eye. How ever there was a movie theater and the popcorn smelt so good. We tryed to come up with how to get it home, very hard even when u don't know how to even order it. We decided to not get some. Shauna just got a star bucks.
We went home got groceries and watch grays anatomy.
It is official we are hooked. I almost burned dinner because we had to see if he would be shot.
We will see if tomorrow will be better. Here is hoping.

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