Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Zoo number 2

Today I think is the first day we were out the door before 11. We went to Faunia today, it is a zoo. I think all our good luck has run out. I found this blog website with very detailed directions on how to get to there via the subway. So I wrote down and the direction didn't want to add repeat of the other night.
So we get on the subway we take the 5 to the 2 then we got on the 9. Once on the 9 we took it to the "end" there was a station that you had to get off and cross to the other side of the platform. there we got onto the 9 again, to keep going.  We went all the way to the last stop. The subway even went above ground.  We got to see this very cool hill looked like it was sandstone,  and there was a lake. The big white birds that were at the other zoo well they had nest all over the place it was funny to see them outside the zoo, makes me wonder if the are a native bird. Something for me to look up.
Once we get to the last stop we went to exit but the gates would not turn to let us out. So we watched and other people were putting there tickets in, as you would to get out. So we went back down to sudway to see if there was a second exit. No such luck so back up and we'll me being me I just slipped between the bars and went to pay for shaunas ticket. As I was at machine shauna wiggled between them but that of course got the guy in to office notice. He came out was what I guess was a what do u think you are doing. So I point to the ticket machine. He gets us to come over to his office and we had to pay 2€each to exit the station. They open the special door so we can walk back onto the other side and put are tickets in and walk through to the side we just came from.
I can just imagine how much they are thinking stupid American.
We get out on the street and try to follow the directions, we'll that was no luck because non of the street names were right. We walked around for over 30 min. we decided to go back to the subway and try to ask. We both did not want to do it,but we're out of ideas.  So we decided to ask at the gas station and this one was outside and not under a building.
So the nice lady there and the gentle man behind us informed us that we had to take the metro back to one of 2 stops they could not remember witch one they said to ask at one of the stops. So great now we had to get back on the 9 and go back the way we came. we had to switch at that weird platform again.
We look onthe map and see the stop close to the park we go there and ask the guy. He gives us directions and we start walking along with or written directions we were able to find the park. The teller spoke good English I thought it was fun how after he explained why the price on ticket was full but we only had to pay 15 (we got a coppon at the other zoo. He asked if we understood him. And we were like yes and he was so happy. Next he wanted my postal code. That was fun, he would put his finger over what key letter he thought I said. For shauna he said he just put in his postal code.
You have to walk through the gift shop to get to the park.
Once in the park we went through the petting zoo. The aquatic tank and show ring was next, they had some sea lions and seals in there. And u could not get very close to it. The crocodile house was closed we think there was a tour but we missed it. They had a butterfly house.... I think there was 4 butterflies in there, but once again it is out of season.
The nocturnal house was interesting, it was creepy because u walk up to the door and it must have a motion sensor because it just opened and it was so dark in there. I latched onto shaunas arm and got her to go first.  She is so brave. There were some very interesting animals in there. Lots of little monkies. There were this ones that looked like a cross between a cat and monkey. So cool and interesting.
The penguins were ok. It was neat that you could go down and see under the water.  
They had meerkats they were just like what I expected. I got my picture by one just for mom. It was very interesting to watch them interact. Maid me miss watching meerkats manor with mom.
The African forest was interesting it was raining and the birds were able to fly anywhere they wanted to. There was a part that u could pay for and feed the monkeys and bird.
In the jungle house there was monkies roaming around, and this little deer thing, wish they had signs posted about what animals are in the enclosure. It was cold cloudy day so the monkies were all huddled up for warmth.
We went to see sea lion show it was ok. I did not know that they could jump so high or do flips. That was the only intersting part of the show. When we went to leave it started to rain.  So it was a cold fast walk back to the metro.
We got to the metro started to go down the stairs and noticed that the gates were closed. So we went to check the one we came up, because there was no taxi around and we had no way to call one. Thankful it was open and once in the station we noticed that that other end was blocked off, looked like they were doing work.
The subway can cause use stress

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