Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jaw dropping day

Well still not fully able to sleep. Had a shower, think my elbow will permanently bruised very tiny shower. There is also not much hot water, short showers from now on.
We walked down the rd got a little lost, there was a nice park that we passed it looked very nice and there were lots of people out walking there dogs, large ones at that. After we passed the park we saw something cool so we walked up these stairs that put us right infront of "the crypt at Almudena Cathedral, Madrid " It was very beautiful, cost 1€ . From there we walk back to this little plaza, from there we were able to see this very cool looking bridge, so we walked down the rd towards it, shauna wanted to walk over it. As we got closer we noticed homeless people sleeping under so we turned around an went back to the church. From there the "Palacio real de Madrid" was right next door. It cost 10€ and was well spent.  We did not pay extra to see the armor. The gold oh man the gold. There was soooo much everywhere.
From there we walked to plaza Mayor, on the way we stopped at this very cute bakery we got some yummy treats. Plaza mayor was cool all the restaurants had out door setting areas with a waiter standing by there stand with a menu.  There were a few people dressed up, you could put money in there hats. We went to the information store shauna was looking for a place to extange her money. We walked towards were the place was to just check it out. We ended up at this second plaza, Plaza Sol it was a very busy. There were these people dressed up as goat heads with rainbow bodies. They were very odd looking. There were so many people dressed up sponge bob, mini and micky mouse. We walked up this very very busy stretch because there was a store mango, that she wanted to go into. From there we walked to another plaza, "Callao". There was a star bucks off this one, so we went and got shauna her tea. We walked back the way we came and we walked over the bridge that shauna liked. From there we walked to "Basilica San Francisco el Grande" once again an amazing place. This church also had some old paintings it was very interesting to see. This church was very different from the one we saw earlier.
As we were trying to get back home we passed this road and at the end was a church. We walked to it but it was closed. From there we could see the arch in the middle of the round about that is close to our home. there was some on with out shoes on all I saw was the socked feet, since it was a back ally we decided to go back on to the main street.  We got back to the main street and got pictures of the arch. On our walk home we passed people dressed up in the same color we think there was a football game on tonight.  Allmost all the shops were closed.
We went back out to the little vegetable store but it was closed. We had some ham and spaghetti with salsa on top.
Very crazy and fun day
Should hopefully sleep well tonight :D

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are already experiencing alot! Great!!!! Don't stress over sleep, that will make it even more elusive. One technique for falling asleep is doing old fashioned cross-words (may be hard to find in Spain)...even 'easy' crosswords can stump me when i'm tired...CANNOT tell you how many times I have woken up with my face stuck to the page!!!

    You can add photos on your blog...WE'D ALL LOVE TO SEE!!!!! :) hugs, N
