Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pope Benedetto xvl

We got up at seven am we wanted to get good standing room to see the pope. We got thee before 9. It started at 10:30. They made me throw out the cap to my water bottle so I had to carry around the bottle open.
We picked a place that had no banners or flags and that we could see the jumpo tv. They also had a special bus running.
Sadly thee was a group of teenage boys infront of us and they were tall. The pope drove around the square. We were maybe three feet from us. It was very exciting. He would stop to kiss babies.  From there he gave his speech then I think it was cardinals would go up and say thank u from the different lauange and he would say his speech again in that lauange. After all that was done he lead every one in a song, to hear the crowd sing with him was very moving. And older lady that was also by the boys reached over and pulled down one of there hoods.
There were flags and banners from all over. Very disappointed there was no Canadian flags or groups,  they thanked groups that came some from schools so from other churches and groups. But no Canadian.
There were lots of USA schools.
When we were leaving it was a shuffle to get out. You could stay and the pope would bless your holy items but we had nothing.
We decided to try the subway and not the bus because the street  that we had to walk down to get to the bus was packed.
We walked to a bus stop and decided to take a bus to the plazza by the musume that I wanted to see. So we were doth hungry and being the smart girls we are we decided to pack a lunch so we sat on a wall and ate our samwiches and watched all the people there were quite a few nunns.
So our bus came after we were done eating and we cramed on. Well I had this nun beside me that kept moving and bumming into me it was very annoying half way through the ride I had to lift one foot because it would not fit she was taking up that much room. So me and shauna decided to get off sooner because it was so tight we go to get off and the two women in front of us would not move they wanted us to use the back door witch had atleat ten people in the way. This was a group off 3 nuns and 2 women. So we could not get off. When we got to our stop I said exuse me again and again they tryed to tell me to go back I started pushing forward the guy in front of them told them some things my guess was move the said move he started to usher them to the side and I just pushed my way through. I am sorry but it is a bus and people need to get off you move out of there way.

We went to the musume but it was closed. So we decided to go to the island in the middle of the river witch has the hospital on it. So yet another bus not as full this time but close we had to stand up front and when people wanted off we moved because that is what you do.
The island was cool. The river was flowing quite strong.
From there we walked back to the neighborhood that we had our cooking class in. There was one church open, all the other churches we saw today were closed.
After wondering around there we went to a restaurant to eat I got the artichoke bad idea it was cold like it was pickled and not cut right eather.
From there we find our selfs at home. Going to enjoy some of the pie we got team other day tonight.
Today was the day we would final make it to the farmers market. We both slept in this morning. We got up and away we went with Shauna pointing the way. We found the market and itwent much smother then the day before there was some laughter in the house.
We got to the market. Ever been to the farmers market close to peir 21 take that and double it easy. But it was not food to eat rightthere it was a farmers market. We walked it allthen went looking. At the back was the fish section almost all of them had a soward fish hanging and they would cut a chunck off for you. And one got a good soward fish recipie?
We got alot of our stuff from one guy he was talking in English that was why we picked him. We got spinage, tomatoes and zukinni from him. Then we went a bakers stall had pies we got an apple pie and cookies. Then we went on thehuntfor artichoke. We got some great ones.
From the market we thought we would try to walk to the vadican to get our invitations. We stopped at a shop to get a snack I got a folded over flakey thing with cream in the middle shauna got a cinnamon pretzel thing.
We ate them as we walked down the street. We hoped on a bus and went to a plazza that we saw when we were on our bike ride in the heart shaped park. There was a guy there dancing to mickale Jackson. He was good. Went in some more churches. We went to the vadican to get our invitations but they were all sold out.
Went home to cook an amazing dinner. We had spegiti with meat and zukinni sauce, artichoke, and spinage. Another bottle of wine we got the other day.
It was so good.
I like Italian wine so much better then the stuff back home.
We finished the bottle off just the two of us.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Two feet and a heartbeat

So we got up early to go to the farmers market. We did not leave till late though. we were on a time crunch so we did not end up finding it because we'll we got off at the wrong subway stop. After we could not find it we went towards home. Shauna got off atvour place and I kept going.
I was on a mission, as some of you know I got a new credit card right before I left. Well I was on my way to UPS to pick it up. MOM decided to not send it to my address and to the UPS store. So I had the address and directions and away I went. Well for one I could not figure out how to get out of the terminal because it was for busses and trains as well. So I found a taxi stand. I should point out that it was pouring down rain. I had 20€ so I showed the drive the address and he was like yes yes. I told him only have 20€ he said about 15 so away we went. Well we got to the address no ups store... OK so he Googleed it. Got same address it is raining so hard we drive up and down street then on side streets we found a parked ups truck but no shop. So he pulls into gas station guy tells him were to go. So yaaaaaa we found it so I gave him all 20€ because it took so long to find it. I go in get my envelope that easy exciting. It is still maga raining out so I ask if bus stop is close. She said 45 min walk that way. Both women gave me sad look.
So away I went in the rain to walk back to sub way. I found out very fast how not waterproof my hiking boots are.
So as I am walking down this industrial street with no side walks cars were atleast slowing down to pass me. Find the street I need for my walking directions and not even two min up that road I am maybe 20 min away from ups walking. There is a bus stop and the subway I want was on itt. So as I am standing there thinking do I wait for a bus that may not come for an hour or do I walk. A bus comes around the corner. I was so happy to see it. So I hope on and away I go. Now I had to use my card for the subway to get on bus so once I got to the terminal I went to get some pizza.
I fit in so well here all the places have margarita pizza witch is cheass pizza. My favorite. This place had pizza with French frys on it.  It also had a hotdogs one. So I went with the hot dog had to break my ten any way.
So after my pizza hoped on the subway and went home.
After worming up and drying off. We headed out to go to a museum. we found the museum no problem but they only do guided tours and they were sold out. So we walked to the mouth of truth. But it had just closed.
Oh before that we went to the church that is ontop of alot of steeps it is the place to go to get married if you want to punish your guests. It is alot of stairs. But stunning church.
They had just closed the mouth of truth for the night but we were able to get great pictures jut through the bars. I had no desire to stick my hand in there. Then we decided to go to the pantheon area for dinner again. So we jumped on a bus.
We wondered all around there looking at all the restaurant we went pack to one and decided to eat there only to be told no, reservation only.
So we wondered around some more. In our wondering we came across a wine and pasta store shauna has been on the hunt for some wine so we poped in. We the guy had us tasting all these flavored drinks the best part is the one we both liked most was the one we have sitting at hoe that we got because of the bottle.
Then we told him what wine we were looking for tryed some more it was very good so we got a bottle for drum roll 16€.
We went back to the pantheon and ate at one of the places right in the square. I got some kind of dumplings and a price of chocolate cake for desert.
After dinner we walked to the colossum to see it at night.
Oh yes in our walking around we stumbled alone the trevi fountain, Spanish steeps, and a square that we went to at the start.
We got to see lots just by walking.
Once you get an idea of tea place you can walk to almost all of it with out a problem. And if u wander down a side street you may just end up doing a loop.
It was a good rainny day
Oh yes the churches almost forgot. Sill me.
So with all our wondering around if we saw a church with its doors open we went in.
At Once church I even lit a candle.
There was this one little church that was tucked in with these apartments and we went in there. There was no one in there. It was very stunning lots of old paintings. As we went there was a book to sign so shauna did and this guy looked to be security comes out. And waves for us to fallow him to back room we tell him English and he gets a paper and it says look at ceiling so we do very stunning painting of the baby angles checapis I think they are called with a cross. Then he users us to move across the room and look again. We do and we are like ok his paper on pack side said look at cross. It was an optical allusion. The cross would be down to up right. He then had us wake and turn in middle then walk backwards to see it. Very nice old man in a little church with a very interesting hidden treasure.
All text churches that we saw were stunning in there own way.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Rain rain go away

Have not done anything to exciting the last couple of days. Went to get icecream at the old place again. Do not mix chocolate grapefruit and peach. Not a good combination.
We went back to the restaurant that we got salids and desert from the other night I got lamd for the first time.... There was so much fat it was also dry. Shauna gt the same thing and hers was very good. Guess I just got the shity peice.
It has been very rainny here so that is why the small adventures that are close to the subway ways.
We booked our apartment looks like we are off to athans grease next. I think one week from today we fly out again.
I am so excited to see the temples. It should be a great time.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Artichokes = yummy

Yesterday we went to the oldest icecream shop in Rome. We payed 2€ for two medium icecream that is 3 scoops of what ever flavor you want. I got chocolate, caramel and more chocolate. They were having a half off sale. But still that is an amazing price we payed 10€ at the trevi fountain for the same amount of icecream. Now I know it would help. More expensive at the attractions but I was shell shocked.
Now to get to the yummy events of today.
We went to a roman cooking class it cost 65€ for 4 course meal, you start at 10 am and then it takes about 5 hours.
So me and shauna were late because we got confused taking the bus. We were told the bus stop was on a street so we fond that street and it was not listed. So I got the bright idea to ask the guy selling hop on hop off bus tickets were the stop was. He told us it was on a different street on the other side of round about. So we get there and the bus shows up well I had to flag it down it is so full only the back doors open a little so we waited for the next one. Thisone had enough space for us to just fit on.
Away we go the entire time shauna was upset because I did not know the stop name. So she could not see were we had to get off on the list. I kept telling her in the direction that I got it just said to get off right offers u cross the bridge over the river. The river is very big so I did not see the need to ask what the stop was called because right after u cross the bridge sounds straight forward to me. So when we were crossing the bridge I went to hit the stop button and someone already had. So the stop right after the bridge we got off.
They gave us good walking directions however I put down a left not a right but thank fully they had that end of the street blocked off so we had to go right.
There were 12 students in the class. We were the last to arrive.
We got started. By preping every thing. He explained so much like what was in season he only cooks with fress ingredients. And what part of Italy. I think the most useful thing he told us was that you can have raw eggs and not run the risk of smaminalla. I did not know the bacteria was only on the out side. So clean the egg and donot break them on a bowl you are cooking in. He also taught us how to tell fress eggs from old. How to keep pealed potatoes.
We used alot of oil. And wine to cook with.
So the menu
Apptizer roman style Artichokes. I wish these would be in season when I get home they were so good and not to hard to make it think it just takes practice to get it looking right. They were very yummy and I will be making it for my self.
First course fettiuccine with boschiola sauce we made the pasta from scratch people keep an eye out for a pasta press and cutter because it was very easy to make our own. And I would love to do it he even showed how we can dry it out and store it for a week. I did not jump for joy over the sauce the one I got had alot of mushrooms in it.  
Second course chicken scaloppine with proscitto and sage. This was my least favorite not a fan of chicken and ham. It was good, and I watched how to de bone a chicken breast I was a little sad that I was separating eggs and shauna got to cut the meat ok well she was supposed to but she will not touch raw chicken so she let the other guy do it all. Oh well.
Side dishes roasted potatoes and spinage salids roman style. I loved both of these and will make them all the time at home.
Desert was traditional tiramisu. Help full tip if u get this at a restaurant and it has achahol in it do not get it, it will be old. So this is a dish that is very simple and it has coffee well experso in it so it picks up up after dinner.  It was not bad I loved the top of it not so much a coffee part.
It was an amazing experience and I will most definitely be taking another class.
After all the eat was done every one stayed and talked me and shauna were the last to go because we knew it took over an hr to get there so we used the bath room. We asked them about places to see that were not on the normal list, how to start ordering wines with dinner, what was up with just getting on television bus. Runs on television honor system, and we asked them how to use the expresso machine that we had at home because it is an odd thing the coffee perculates up..... It is very odd. They were very helpful and next time I am back in will most definitely be taking another class.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wanted rich husband!!!!!

So today was a shopping day I know me shopping but fall out of your seat yet. So we went to this street / shopping section very close to the Spanish steeps. And I just need to say I have some very expensive taste the bags all the big names were there guicci, coach.... You name it it was there. They had door people to open the doors. The jewelry stores they had diminond rings that I would have to work out more just so I could hold my hand up.
We did find farther down the street a makeup store that would not brake the bank. So we got some nailpolish, and lipstick.  Shauna got this nice bright light pink and I got this pink red more red then pick not turned completely crazy yet. From there we went in to tones of other shops we went into the nikey shop there women's stuff was down stairs and they had very little. But they did have this awasum teal colored sweeter. It would be so worm for when we go back to surfing.
I tryed on a dress... Yep I think that was it. I did not find  much that I liked not like I need any thing.
Shauna got some stuff.
We went to look for some were to eat we went to a restaurant and got salids and shauna got a squash bloom fryed. Then we got desert chocolate pear cake with hotchocolate.
From there we went to the trevi fountain again this time it was night. It was just as stunning again. There were alot of kids there so we decided to go to the icecream shop get some icecream and just sit by the fountain. So we were able to get3 flavors so much to pic from. I got lemon, raspberry, and kiwi. It was very good. I got to say I am loving life sitting looking at an amazing peice of work and eating icecream what could be better. We got some great night time shots.
There were these to fringe there taking pictures of each other and shauna was doing her photo thing so I asked if they would like me to take there photo for them I hurd them talking English earlier. One of them was like get yes thanks the other looked shocked and stunned that I would offer and even ask realy. Guess nice people don't live were they live.
It was a very good day

Monday, February 18, 2013

Heart shaped park

Yesterday we went to the zoo witch is part of a heart shaped park that is very popular in Rome because it offers so much.
We had a lazy morning were we just got up when we woke up no alarms. I went to the grocery store that had a bakery in it to get us some bread.
We took the subway to the park no problem.  Walked all the way to the other side. We found the temple in the water I wanted to see. We walked past it atleast twice yesterday. We could not tell what God or godess was in it. Then we cut through the dog park to get to the place we saw yesterday that rents bikes. You can get 2 people bikes that look like golf carts. We get there and the place was closed. So we go to a sign and it showed other places to get carts so we walk to the bottom of the Hill hoping he is open. Thankfully it was a short rwalk because I got to hear about how nothing ever works out. He was open so we got. A bike
They are eletice to help you out. So happy we got that because it would have been hard with out it.  We biked around there were some cool things to see. A big massive man on a horse status. We hit some dead ends they are not fun to turn around. We learned not to park up hill. We saw what might have been a temple for the goddess of hunting. There was animal decorating the ceiling and at the center of the ceiling was a women and a hound and she had a bow in her hand. There was a pedistial in the middle but no statue on it.
We only had the bike for one hr so we crossed this busy street and there was another part of the park we had yet to see. We came to the top of this building / look off point. You did not know it was part of a building till you looked down there was a square there and what a view of the city from there. we could see a castle that intreaged us. We will have to go looking for it another time.
From there we had to head back since our group was almost up. So we went back and we tryed to get back a different way. Bad idea. The gate at the bottom of the path was closed. We tryed to get the bike past the pillers but the pedles would just not fit.
So we had to back track up the hill and around to return the bike.
From there we walked to the riding ring to eat our packed lunch. There were some mounted police getting ready so we watched them as we ate. Just as we were finshing this dark omanus clouds rolled in and it got very cold so we headed for home.
On the way we stopped to get hotchocolate and the guy making it was very friendly and was telling us why it was different and how it was to be like a hot moose not runny. He put whip cream in the bottom then the hot chocolate moose then more whip cream and to top it off cooco powder. The hotchocolate here is the best you have to eat it with a spoon and it is so good. Don't think I can ever go back.

Yaaaaaa another Zoo day plus a special extra

To day we went to the zoo and the Museo Civico di Zoologia. Ya that is a zoology museum so excited that is my kind of museum.
To start off with the zoo. It was ok they had some very interesting animals in got to see some for the first time. They had on the information boards for the animals were they came from on a map if they were endangered and what there range in the wild was compared to now a days. Very interesting. I would have loved to read each board but I think shauna would have killed me. Expecially since I am a slow reader. I will only take about some of the animals if you want more just let me know. This zoo is very old and has been taking alot of heat for not upgrading fast enough. The inclousers that the have done have been done well. They also are putting the animals in geological groups. The also seam to have a very good breading programs the are one of the only places to get Egyptian tortist to breed secusefully. Back to the animals.  The had Japanese macaques there, as did the zoo in Madrid.  These one looked so much better there enclosure was clean they still had wonds but I think that is just the animals they seam likre they are very agresive. They also had the same mountain goats and this enclosure look much cleaner and the animals were moving around.
The high light was the African wild dogs. I have watched so many documentary on them that I think I all most peeed my self with excitement to see them. They look just as amazing in person. There ears were so big and there head was large with a short snout there head alone looked very powerful I can see how they could crush through bone. there colorings are so intersting they are black and brown and white.  They had two pairs on eather side of the park I could have watched them all day. One of the males had alot of white on him it was very interesting. There legs are very skinny you can tell they would be good long distance runers.
They also had hippos and pygmy hippos. For those of you that know us hippos are mine and shaunas mascaute so to see them is very exciting. I think the pygmy on was the most exciting he was so small compared to the regular ones. I would so try to keep one as a pet. I have no clue why other zoos don't have one they are so cute and little.
When we got our popcorn witch was right by the hippos we noticed one was in the water. They had two hippos and they're pen was side by side but there was a bar devididing them. There water holes were also connected and once again they had a metal bar separating them. Well the needed to be separated they were trying to fight through the bars it was very odd. However I did get a great picture of them with there mouths open.  It was very interesting to watch.
They had some goats there that are the only wild native goats to Italy that was cool.
From the zoo we went to the city museum of zoology of Rome. This was what I was realy looking forward to. There needs to be more museums like this. The big down side was it was all in Italian. But I still loved looking at there collection.
The have over 5 million specimen. And they were not all insects. They had a room with just birds. All the birds it was so interesting to see. They are all birds that you can find in Italy. They had some very small ones the reminded me of hummingbirds back home. They even had little chicks that I think my thumb would be bigger then them mind you the adults would fit in my hand. They had a birds of paradise desplay they are very beautiful.
They also had some mamals. They had a cheata and tiger and a young male lion. A moose, and more. It was all so facanting I wish I had paper to write down the signtific names to figure out what animal some of them were.
Over all I would go back even though I could not read the desplay I would go just to look.
From there we walked into the park that the zoo is in. We were trying to find this temple looking thing that was on out map.  We found out our map was lacking so much. There is a replica of the glob theater were it looked like they put on shacksper plays we just stumbled alone that. We plan to go back and have a better look tomorrow.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

It is dom time!

I would like to start off by going on a rant about how much people get in your way. I get that the sights are amazing but stand to the side some people just want to walk. You will be walking down the side walk and people will just stop and u run into them and the give u a dirty look. People like to not pay for the subway and they just walk very close behind you so the can get in on your ticket it is very annoying.  We were walking towards the entry of the subway were you put ur tickets in and this women cut me off then decide to go to other mechin and then after paying and getting through she managed to bump into me and then she rushed of. So as I am telling Shauna about the women guess who cuts infront of us on the stairs. We start talking about ways to push her down because she is now walking very slow infront of us on her phone.  After all that rushing she is walking like a turtle.
As we are walking down a busy street and people are just stopping to look at there phones we come up with a donaino theory that is shauna "pushed" me into them or vs then it would look like more of an accident.  We came up with the name dom so that people would not fully ketch on.
We are on the very very crowed bus going home and the couple in front of me start to make out very loudly like came on people. The kissed a couple times after that. And each time I said if the start making out I am going to tell shauna "it is dom time" and hope she got it. Thank fully they were just little kisses after that so I did not get to try it out. On the subway I told shauna and I told her what I was going to say to her she cracked up laughing saying she total would have got what I ment. To bad.

OK so to get to what u really want to know. Today we did the big C the colossum. It is very big. We took the subway. I just got to say I don't want to ever live somewhere with out a subway. The colossum has its own stop so that made things easy. We get off and exit and right out side we get stop buy a guy offering tours for the colossum and 2 other places but we had already done one according to shauna. So we passed on the tour. So ofcorse the guy had to try to sell us something else it was how ever funny because when he first started talking we did not say anything so he stopped mid sentence and was like you do speak English. It was funny. He spoke very good English. He then gave us a thing for a night cub it is 20€ free cover and drinks till10:30 it sounds like a great time. We are planning to go next weekend.
If u are ever in Rome and want to see the colossum get the Rome card. We skipped the line and it was free it was so awesome. We just walked right in. The colossum is exactly as I expected. I wish they had more information posted they had like 2 models set up of was certain parts looked like,  I would have like to seen more of what it would have looked like. They had parts of pillers lieing around and u have no clue what they were from. I love that the have not rebuilt the floor so you can see the tunnels and what would have been the holding pens.  It was very big and very busy.
From there we went to sit in the sun to plot our next move.
We were trying to decide on what to do next when a guy came up with a flyer so the bar thing Adam talked to us about.
Rewind as we were exiting the colossum and trying to find a sunny spot to sit and talk this guy came up to us with the same flyer Adam gave us. We said we already got one and he said from who and we said Adam. And the guy was like ahhh the US gangster.
OK so we are sitting there and another guy comes up with the same flyer and we said we all ready had one he asked if we were going we said next weekend.  Then I asked him if he knew a good place to eat. He said well not around here. I said that is fine because we can bus or sub way. So he looked at our map and said that there were alot of very good places around here we said thank you and away. He went. The place he pointed out was close to the panthom that shauna want to see so we figured out what bus we needed and away we went.
We got there found the street there were so many places to eat so we went to the panthom first. Rapheale the painter, his cofin is there. It has glass so u can see it under the statue. We look and shauna asked who this was so read the sign and I am like is it Rapheale, she just looked at me and I am like the painter/ sculptor. Still no response I am shocked that he did not know who he was. Mind you I only know he is famous because of the teanage muntain ninja turtles but come on.
We left there and found this little restaurant and we got pizza it was not very good. The one we had the other day was much better they put the toppings on after the cook the pizza. From there we went to get gelota. I got chocolate and someother kind they give you a little mini cone on top when you get it in a bowl. The signs were all in Italian so we guessed at what kinds we were getting.
We went and ate our icecream at the fountain that is right infront of the panthom. We're a pigion atacked me this is not the first time sadly but this one was behind me and when he went to take off his wig went up my shirt. It scared the crap out of me.
We then hoped a bus then the subway home. It was a another great sight seeing day.

Ps shauna stole my blog name. I had it picked out yesterday. She was like I don't know what to call my blog so I told her mine and why. Then she stole it. Last time I tell her before I post lol although it is a good one I can see why she would want to steal it.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

What a view

Went to Castel Sant'Angelo. It was interesting the steps were far apart it must have been hard for the solders to run up them in there gear. The had signs up every were with the history and what things were and the best part was they were also in English yaaaaaa. I don't think I have read so much for one place but it was all so interesting. The view from all the levels was amazing. The bridge that crosses the river infront of the castle is decorated with angle status.  It is a very beautiful bridge.  You can go down and see the family burial area witch was later turned into a prison that they would toss people in to die of starvation and dehydration. There was a saying on the wall for them to read till death took them.  " little soul, gentle and drifting guest and companion of my body now you will dwell below in pallid places, stark and bare; there you will abandon your play of yore " the king wrote that saying
The most famous part of this castle it the bronze statue on the top of an angle putting away is soward. With statue was created because as the pope of the time of the plage gathered the uninfect the sky opened up and there an angle stood and he took his flaming soward and sheathed it, these ending the plage. It is a very stunning statue with an interesting meaning. Every time it is destroyed a new one is made emidiatly for fear of bringing back the angles wrath.
They decorated the rooms in the castle after story's / legions of the gods there was one for quipids lover.
My favorite room was the main one it was a tribute to alaxader the great. Although I was shocked that his horse was not in any of the pictures because he was in so many of the story's and has many of his own.
From the castle we went hunting for the trevi fountain. To get there we had to walk through piazza Novona. This is one of the most popular piazza in Rome. It is were the good street artest go. In the summer there are performing people. This is were we took lunch here there are 3 beautiful fountains. One had a god I forget witch could one and his sons fighting sea monsters. It was a very beautiful place I had lazzanina I got to say the ones at home are just as good but I will just have to keep trying the pasta here. From there we found a place that sold old maps the entire time trying to find the trevi. Shauna wanted an old map so in we went she got one we payed and asked the guy how to get there he said a 30min walk or take the bus. So thanks to our Rome cards witch give us free busses we hoped on the bus and away we went. So we get off the but at the stop the guy said to her also said what number and what side of the street.
We got off and there was a sign pointing the way. We walked that way and there it was. It was as stunning as in the pictures. Lots of people were there. Once we finally made it down we got out our coins out and tossed them in. I though we were to wish I was informed that it was to mean that you would go back to Rome.
From there we walked to this tower column that had Egyptian stuff all over it.
Then home to our very nice and worm apartment.

Into another country

We started the day off by getting a hotchocolate from the cafe on the corner. I must say it was the best so far.  You need a spoon to eat it. I will be getting another one tomorrow morning. I finished first so I left the money with Shauna and went back to our place.  There was no way I was going out without. Sun glasses again. Yesterday was very hard on the eyes.
We got on the subway got in town and one of the busses was waiting so that was great. We took the bus to the Vadican. We wanted to go there first because the line was so long yesterday. The line was just as long as we drove buy it today. As we got off the bus there was a woman there offering tours of the Vadican so we stopped to here what she had to say because we had good luck in nyc with buying the tickets early.
With the tour group you got 45min on history in the court yard. I did not know that vadican city was its own country. The richest in the world. We got to skip the 2-5hr line up. Head sets to here her plus a tour guide through the entire place. And you are not allowed to go backwards so if u miss the turn to the next museum to bad. So the guide kept u going in the right direction.
She got us to drink out of a fountain to taste how clean the water was. I am now a roman Catholic lol. We then moved into the very beautiful courtyards after walk for at least 15 min to a side entrance.  From the courtyards we went into a statue museum it was very interesting but we went to fast and did not get to look at half the stuff she did show us a statue of vinus the goddess of love I said a prayer for my love life. It could not hurt.
There was a museum of tapestry and there was one that it looked like Jeuse eys were following you. And there was a table that would change from left to right. It was very odd.
We got to see the chaple where the cardinals will be locked in to select the next pope. The room was amazing the thing I do not get is there are no talking signs and no photo taking and peoplewere talking at a normal level and taking pictures then when a gaurd aproched them the said they did not know. How u could miss all the signs I don't know. People can be very aaragent.
You were able to send postcards from there so that was very neat. We went into the church part we did not go up in the dome it was over 500 steeps. We got to see the mummy of one of the cardinal that they have in glass to show why he is a saint because the body has not decayed past bones and he is very old.
We touched the feet of a saints statue and they were so smoth from people touching them so much over the years.
It was a very powerful place. I am excited to go back and get our invitation to see the pope for his last aduadiance on the 27. Very exciting.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Rome here we come!

I slept in so we did not get out till lunch time. We took the subway to Termini witch I guess is the hub of the city. We got a map.
Then we ended up talking to this guy Adam he was selling the hop on hop off bus tickets. So we decided to get our selfs a ticket.
We got on the bus and it took us to the colosseo. It is very impressive so we get off. Of back track Adam said he would be shaunas Italian boyfriend. He was very funny and friendly. He told us we can ask hem for information any time he all was works there so we would know we're to find him.
So we got out at the colossum. And walked up to it I am very very excited to get to go into it. We then walked around this ruin area that turned out to be the temple of peace well what was left of it. We also got to see the police / political building I don't remember the name but it was so amazing it is guarded 24/7.  There is a giant brass statue of a man on a horse. And idea on how big this is. When the statue was put in place they had dinner in the belly of the horse.
All this took us till the end of day. So we got back on the bus it was around 5.
Ohhhh back track in out wondering around we had to get lunch so we went to a pizza place. We sat out side in the sun it was soooo beautiful out. The pizza was very good. I got tomatto and mozzarella. So cheass pizza but come on in had to try.  After that we got "icecream" I don't think I can go back to the stuff we have at home.  
We both got chocolate.  So as we ate out ice cream in the sun we walked towards the colossum. What a hard trip. We stopped inan information place and got Rome cards for 3 days we get cheap accesses and express lines also public transport is free. So it is great..
We went to the store on the way home got some food, on our way homewe stopped at this little hollow in thewall of a place to send an email to the owner of the place because the Internet was not working and the numbers on there business cards would not work.
He came by latter to fix it. Oh and the stove because It does not work well that oven part. They will be coming buy someother time to look at oven because he did not know what was wrong.
It was a good productive day.

8 airplanes later

This makes 8times on an airplane in under two month's. We now find our selfs in Rome. Now we do not have the best of luck with flying or airports. We get off the plane and we have a plan.  Bags, tourism both, call to confirm they are at place, atm to get rent money, take train to subway sub way to place.
Bags took forever to come. It was the longest I have ever waited. so bags check
Torisum booth closed well it was night time.
I went to payphone shauna went toget water. I tryed to call no luck, could not get answer. So we go hunting for atm ok got one great. I get my money,  shauna had some trouble. But together we had enough so rent was a go. We went to get the train.
We fallow the train signs and we find it ok great.  We go to pay for a ticket and there is a train there whistling and there was some one yelling at the guy next to us frantically trying to get a ticket we know why it was the last train. We watched it pull away.... Ya that was not fun, so we go back to see if the bus ticket was still open try the pay phones again, still no answer.
So we go up to this guy infront of the bus stand. First thing he says is you are very beautiful. Then he said we look upset. We told him we missed the last train he asked were we were going. Shauna told him. And he found it on map said it was out side city center so he will do it for 50€ we say ok because he was offering door drop off. But little problem we don't know the exact address. So he let us use the phone and we got the address and confermeed that they were there. So away we go in a van oh because othere people were going as well he lowered it to 40. We get in a van after this very old man max loaded our bags I didn't think he would be able to lift our bags.
There were two guys from Quebec in our van...that is all we got out of them very hard to understand. And a cupple that spoke Italian. Away we go and the other four people get droped off. We drive farther and we are in this very sketchy looking area and we are trying to find the address so out driver gets out to ask this guy on the street.  It turned out to be the guy we are renting from so we get out max gets our bags at this point there is another guy there. We pay max he gives us a business card and said call us 24befor flight and he come and get us at our door yaaaaaa.
So we get in the apartment and it was so worm it was great.
We deall with the rent they show us what we need.
And they are on there way. This was at 2am.
Bed time for us.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Night one
Went out at lunch time and got some sangria, who says you can't drink before lunch. This is vacation after all.
Well kicked off first night with a mega up set stomach.  I think it was the spaghetti sauce we tryed a new kind.... Not a good idea.
We headed out not dressed up. We got to the right bar lol Mario was very specific as to witch one. We walk it it is after 11 and there is no one there. So we decided to go for a walk and we noticed alot of people dressed up in Halloween type costumes heading from the hamburger shop to the bar so we did a lap of the board walk and when back to the bar.
This time there were alot more people.  Shortly after we got there a guy shows up and what does he have with him a SHEEP. A live sheep in a bar. It was so odd to see. And the bar staff did not care they just came to pet it. It has to be the odest thing I have seen at a bar.
Now more about the costumes. I must say I have never seen so little of girls. It was not a slut fest. There was a girl as a bunny and she had black leggings and a black long sleeve shirt. Every one was dressed for the weather.  There were alot of people that just had on old and odd looking prices.  There was a clown cupple. There was a girl in a chicken costume.
We were not out long because I felt like dinner was going to come back up to party. So I called it an early night we were home around 1.
Oh I almost forgot for a drink we got screw drivers my favorite and let me tell you the put atleast 2 shots in and then she hand squeezed an orange then toped it off with bottled orange juice. It was strong but very good.
Night 2
Well we went with the surf school to watch because we had nothing better to do. It was so hot and sunny. It was hard not to go surfing I miss it so. We did get to walk out this wave braker to protect the ship yard. Because of this man made wall that place is know for its great tub waves. The body boarders are so cool.  Mario had his body board and man he has moves I can see how it is an extreme sport. There was a girl there from Madrid he parents have a flat here so she comes and surfs with the school.
After a late dinner me and shauna curled up in the bed room it was so cold. My back was bugging me so I layed down and put my head phones in. Next thing I know it was after 12.
So we did not end up going out.
Day 3
We went back to surf school to watch again and to bring back our wetsuits. It was very cold there is a big storm coming. We went back to the beach that we surfed our first week. It was nice to walk around and see the clifs to bad the swell was small today because the first couple days the waves we crashing on top.

With all the packing and cleaning we decided to not go back out. I did however go back to Aquarius to do some banking. What a hoping place. There were alot of people and they were dressed up. Lots of clowns seams to be a popular one. The girl that works there got talking with me and the shops birthday is in may and I guess they do a big thing for it so hopefully we will get to see that.

We are off to Rome next. Thankfully the school offers transportation to the airport ya for not having to lug our stuff around.

Friday, February 8, 2013

One month down

Today makes the one month mark for me and shauna.  Well what can I say. It is going just how I thought it would. I think the relationship is going great :P.   We fight like ever cupple but in the morning it is a new day and we are laughing and joking once again. If I don't get abbs from surfing then I will from all our laughing. We have been playing alot of life and monopoly let's just say I hope I do better in real life because man I suck.
I love having my best friend to experience this with and I think this trip will bring us closer because no mater how much we may fight the laughter is all was tenfolds more.
Hay boys she does the dishes and closeses the drawers behind you :P
Love Europe great life move. Parents incourage your kids to travel, it is good for them.

End of surfing

Well we are all done surfing and I must say I impressed my self with how well I did. I enjoyed it so much. I am so happy that I was able to stand up and turn and get green waves. There were some ruf days but shake them off and keep going. I can not wait to see what I will be able to accomplish .
The high light was having a conversation with Shauna and some one over hereing it because we don't know if the did hear it of just all our laughing.
Good times plan to make more memories when we come back and have a kick ass birthday.  I home to get the guys to take us out octopus hunting. We will see.
Stay tuned blog readers because after this weekend I will but up the good version of carnival weekend and then we are off to Italy.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Well after yesterday's dasater of a day. I truly thought a truck had run me over. I went home just laid on the bed. Shauna made super so that was great.
Today I am still in alot of pain, nothing drugs won't fix:P
Tthis morning we woke up to 2 guys surfing in front of our place we watched them as we ate breakfast.   For our morning session we got to surf out front of our place. That was exciting.  The morning did not go well. We ended up leaving the green to go back to the white.  We did get more pictures of us surfing so that was great. We also got the typical surfer pose. Wet suit half off with the board it made my morning.
We were back early because we did not have to drive anywhere so we went for a nice walk along the beach as we ate our lunch, I know u must be jealous.
For the afternoon we went back to the beach that we used at the start of camp. We got out and both marrio and shauna were yelling at me to go but I was still trying to get over my fear.  Once I talked my self into going it was great I got up on a wave and I did not look down lol I looked at Shauna and I surfed a green wave. I am sure every one thiuqi was crazy because I was yelling yaaaa at the end me and shauna had a 30 sec dance party.
After that I just got hammered by waves one gguy Allmost took my head off a had to dive to get out of theway but my board is still to big to go under when I came up I looked for him he did not fall very far, if looks could kill. Oh well he should have stayed with his group and left us be.
So I had one good wave but man was it good.
My feet are frozen I don't think they will ever thought out.
Good night here is to a good tomorrow since it is our last surfing day.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Has any one seen my mojo

Well went out last night... Went to the bar that Mario told us about. Got drinks sat down no one was dancing.  All the played was 80 music. We stink of sigarett smoke. Mario told us today we went to wroug bar, we went to old people bar. Oh only us.
Today we went to a secrete surf spot can't say we're. 
We were surfing green waves. One wave crashed on me and some how my board got behind me and was pushing against my back my feet hit me inthe back of the head. Back has been soor and stiff since. Very hard to sit here right now. 
I did tryto ketch this one wave I got into the right spot and started to flare my arms then I was like no and gripes the side of the board and was like no the entire time Joe was like up up up.  I did not get up. It was so fast and felt so different.  It was the wave of the day and I messed up. Shauna said that Joe was yelling up a storm at me because it was a perfect wave apparently he even took out a fack shotgun to shoot me. The day did not get better I maybe got up 2 times. 
For some reason it seams like I have lost my surfing self.  
Just not a good day alot of falls 

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Painful day

This morning was a good morning Joe came with an extra treat for breakfast. This tart with some yummy filling. He said it was his favorite. And I forgot to and this yesterday don't know how but yesterday Mario showed up with peanut butter, we talked about missing it and asked if it was here, and u can only get it at special stores well he saw it and get it for us, he is so great.
So along with they yummy tart we also got to have peanut butter on toast. It was so good I think I went to heaven. I missed peanut butter soooo much.
There was bad wind and the swell was coming in wrong so we had to go to this new beach.... Well we were surfing were the river met the ocean...all my shark stuff tells me this is a no no but Mario said they don't get that type of sharks, so I trusted him and went in. We'll how the swells were coming in we were in calf high water with 4 to 5 feet waves crashing on us, and the water level got to maybe waist deep. Very hard to surf.
I took one very bad fall the wave slamed me into the bottom the right side of my face and shoulder took a good hit. After that my right shoulder hurt I only caught maybe 2 waves after that much it was hard to get up when favoring one side.
Oh on a funny note one wave slamed me into the ground so hard my hands got stuck in the sand.
I dropped half my spaghetti in the sink at lunch.
Then back to surfing we were not to happy to know we had to surf they same spot but Mario said he only goes there as a last resort.
The waves were much better waist high water so you were not getting slamed into the bottom.
The waves were bigger 6to 7feet. I got a few waves and my shoulder was still bugging me so I got out to stretch it, it felt tight. I was stretching it and I let out a burp and then it poped and felt ten times better.
So back to the water, I got one good wave went to turn to the back side witch is ur hard side to turn lost my balance, one foot fell off one foot stayed on board I did not know I could do the splits that far.
Then on another wave my legs were faster then the rest of me. Cut my hand with my toenail, was bleeding the rest of the time we were there.
We'll I think that was the most of the pains.
Going out to the bars tonight should be fun.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Hope you are sitting down for this!

To start off the day we were surfing the 9 feet waves there was a guy breaking the world record for biggest wave surfed it was 100 ft yep and it was less then an hour drive from were we were surfing.
We had 2 days off, surf 5 get two off.  The first day we walked to this fort that we can see way down the beach.  It was about a 3 k walk on this back road through the country. What a great view.
That night or surf instructor going to call him Joe because that is what his name is in English I guess is what Mario was telling us to day. So Joe took us out for an authentic dinner. We went to this restaurant that is his favorite and they had the fish just on ice and you could pick yours out. So we ended up getting a starter with octopus, muscles, shrimp (with there faces still on), and fish eggs. So I tryed the octopus and I liked it I had two pieces. The fish eggs were very grainy is the best way to describe it.
We ordered two types of fish and squid. One fish was silver the other red. I liked the silver fish shauna liked the red one. The squid was gross and it took everything to eat it. It was very much like a mushroom but chewyer. Mario was telling us it was most likely because it was boiled he only likes it grilled.
Yep so there u have it me miss picky tryed fish and enjoyed it. Fancy that.
The next day we tryed to ride the bikes into town, well my chain was rusted into spot, the third bike the tire was so flat it was coming off.
So we just chilled at home, had some alone time. We both needed it.
I love that I was sitting out on a picnic table in a tee shirt in February,  man life is so hard.  Now people remember this is me, miss cold as ice and I was in a tee.
Latter that afternoon we went for a tour of a surf board shop. It was so interesting to see how much harder work goes into each board. So very neat.
We were back to surfing today.
My turning is getting very good getting lots of claps and thumbs up from Mario. This morning we were surfing white waves.
Oh I should explain that. White waves is the waves that have all ready broken and they are white and foamy looking. Green waves are the ones that have not broken yet, they are the ones real surfers surf lol.
So this morning we were surfing the whites witch is what every beginner does but we have moved up and surf the bigger whites that are out farther so knee to butt level.
I went to get one white and it felt like it had more power but I still went for it and I even turned. I fall off and Mario is like perfect. So I was happy as I got closer he told me that the wave had got stronger and turned back into a green,  I surfed a green perfectly and I guess to ketch one get up and turn is the last steep you are taught so that made me happy.  Mind you that wave was maybe 3feet but still, it all so explained why it felt different. So after some more whites Mario is like ok time to get some green we are like ok. Well that poor man we went out to chest high water and he would swim run us in line and give us a push so we could get the wave. Of man what a feeling to get a green wave. I got up lots thanks to his push to get the speed. These were around 3 and 4 feet waves. It was so amazing and I think I did very well. Mind you when u fall the waves have alot more force.
Thank you water polo for teaching me to just wait underwater. I have been tossed by some big waves and not once panicked if anything I cought my self thinking I better get posesion once this ass gets off me, that was also one of my harder hits.
Over all it was a great morning  I wasn't cloud nine.
So this afternoon Mario told us to bring our camera I havevan underwater one.
So we started the afternoon getting some great shots of us surfing and falling lol. Well I know I got up and was able to turn what ever way he signaled witch was what ever side shauna was not on. There was slim picking for waves the wind was very strong and killing the white waves. Shauna said she did not get up much I was just in my own surfing bubble. So after a bit Mario said today is the calmest and smallest the big waves are going to be, the were at least 6feet. And we paddled out and sat there just like real surfers it was suchba great feeling kind of like getting to move up to the adult table from the kids. There had to be atleast 10 guys out there.  And what a great view getting to watch them try to make a wave from behind. Must say if the wind was not tossing sand and water in my face I could have enjoyed the view much better.
With Mario giving me a push I was able to get 2 waves but I chickened out slash the wind made me fall. So I stered to go down and we'll it is a big dip donw and I could not keep my self from looking down.  Rule one look were u want to go so the beach.
I will just need to work on that in may. Because Mario said it does not look like we will be going back out there if the swells stay so big.
It was a great day and I am excited that I got 4 more days to surf then it is carnival time me and shauna are going to stay because it is how they say good buy to winter it is just a big party and I guess you dress up and sounds like a blast.
I decided to treat my self for my birthday and I will be coming back here for my birthday.  I will fly in on May 5 then and will stay another two weeks any one is welcome to join.  Google global surf school to get prices.
We also discovered that the cafe with free wifi is only open on weekends.