Friday, February 22, 2013

Artichokes = yummy

Yesterday we went to the oldest icecream shop in Rome. We payed 2€ for two medium icecream that is 3 scoops of what ever flavor you want. I got chocolate, caramel and more chocolate. They were having a half off sale. But still that is an amazing price we payed 10€ at the trevi fountain for the same amount of icecream. Now I know it would help. More expensive at the attractions but I was shell shocked.
Now to get to the yummy events of today.
We went to a roman cooking class it cost 65€ for 4 course meal, you start at 10 am and then it takes about 5 hours.
So me and shauna were late because we got confused taking the bus. We were told the bus stop was on a street so we fond that street and it was not listed. So I got the bright idea to ask the guy selling hop on hop off bus tickets were the stop was. He told us it was on a different street on the other side of round about. So we get there and the bus shows up well I had to flag it down it is so full only the back doors open a little so we waited for the next one. Thisone had enough space for us to just fit on.
Away we go the entire time shauna was upset because I did not know the stop name. So she could not see were we had to get off on the list. I kept telling her in the direction that I got it just said to get off right offers u cross the bridge over the river. The river is very big so I did not see the need to ask what the stop was called because right after u cross the bridge sounds straight forward to me. So when we were crossing the bridge I went to hit the stop button and someone already had. So the stop right after the bridge we got off.
They gave us good walking directions however I put down a left not a right but thank fully they had that end of the street blocked off so we had to go right.
There were 12 students in the class. We were the last to arrive.
We got started. By preping every thing. He explained so much like what was in season he only cooks with fress ingredients. And what part of Italy. I think the most useful thing he told us was that you can have raw eggs and not run the risk of smaminalla. I did not know the bacteria was only on the out side. So clean the egg and donot break them on a bowl you are cooking in. He also taught us how to tell fress eggs from old. How to keep pealed potatoes.
We used alot of oil. And wine to cook with.
So the menu
Apptizer roman style Artichokes. I wish these would be in season when I get home they were so good and not to hard to make it think it just takes practice to get it looking right. They were very yummy and I will be making it for my self.
First course fettiuccine with boschiola sauce we made the pasta from scratch people keep an eye out for a pasta press and cutter because it was very easy to make our own. And I would love to do it he even showed how we can dry it out and store it for a week. I did not jump for joy over the sauce the one I got had alot of mushrooms in it.  
Second course chicken scaloppine with proscitto and sage. This was my least favorite not a fan of chicken and ham. It was good, and I watched how to de bone a chicken breast I was a little sad that I was separating eggs and shauna got to cut the meat ok well she was supposed to but she will not touch raw chicken so she let the other guy do it all. Oh well.
Side dishes roasted potatoes and spinage salids roman style. I loved both of these and will make them all the time at home.
Desert was traditional tiramisu. Help full tip if u get this at a restaurant and it has achahol in it do not get it, it will be old. So this is a dish that is very simple and it has coffee well experso in it so it picks up up after dinner.  It was not bad I loved the top of it not so much a coffee part.
It was an amazing experience and I will most definitely be taking another class.
After all the eat was done every one stayed and talked me and shauna were the last to go because we knew it took over an hr to get there so we used the bath room. We asked them about places to see that were not on the normal list, how to start ordering wines with dinner, what was up with just getting on television bus. Runs on television honor system, and we asked them how to use the expresso machine that we had at home because it is an odd thing the coffee perculates up..... It is very odd. They were very helpful and next time I am back in will most definitely be taking another class.

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