Monday, February 18, 2013

Heart shaped park

Yesterday we went to the zoo witch is part of a heart shaped park that is very popular in Rome because it offers so much.
We had a lazy morning were we just got up when we woke up no alarms. I went to the grocery store that had a bakery in it to get us some bread.
We took the subway to the park no problem.  Walked all the way to the other side. We found the temple in the water I wanted to see. We walked past it atleast twice yesterday. We could not tell what God or godess was in it. Then we cut through the dog park to get to the place we saw yesterday that rents bikes. You can get 2 people bikes that look like golf carts. We get there and the place was closed. So we go to a sign and it showed other places to get carts so we walk to the bottom of the Hill hoping he is open. Thankfully it was a short rwalk because I got to hear about how nothing ever works out. He was open so we got. A bike
They are eletice to help you out. So happy we got that because it would have been hard with out it.  We biked around there were some cool things to see. A big massive man on a horse status. We hit some dead ends they are not fun to turn around. We learned not to park up hill. We saw what might have been a temple for the goddess of hunting. There was animal decorating the ceiling and at the center of the ceiling was a women and a hound and she had a bow in her hand. There was a pedistial in the middle but no statue on it.
We only had the bike for one hr so we crossed this busy street and there was another part of the park we had yet to see. We came to the top of this building / look off point. You did not know it was part of a building till you looked down there was a square there and what a view of the city from there. we could see a castle that intreaged us. We will have to go looking for it another time.
From there we had to head back since our group was almost up. So we went back and we tryed to get back a different way. Bad idea. The gate at the bottom of the path was closed. We tryed to get the bike past the pillers but the pedles would just not fit.
So we had to back track up the hill and around to return the bike.
From there we walked to the riding ring to eat our packed lunch. There were some mounted police getting ready so we watched them as we ate. Just as we were finshing this dark omanus clouds rolled in and it got very cold so we headed for home.
On the way we stopped to get hotchocolate and the guy making it was very friendly and was telling us why it was different and how it was to be like a hot moose not runny. He put whip cream in the bottom then the hot chocolate moose then more whip cream and to top it off cooco powder. The hotchocolate here is the best you have to eat it with a spoon and it is so good. Don't think I can ever go back.

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