Monday, February 18, 2013

Yaaaaaa another Zoo day plus a special extra

To day we went to the zoo and the Museo Civico di Zoologia. Ya that is a zoology museum so excited that is my kind of museum.
To start off with the zoo. It was ok they had some very interesting animals in got to see some for the first time. They had on the information boards for the animals were they came from on a map if they were endangered and what there range in the wild was compared to now a days. Very interesting. I would have loved to read each board but I think shauna would have killed me. Expecially since I am a slow reader. I will only take about some of the animals if you want more just let me know. This zoo is very old and has been taking alot of heat for not upgrading fast enough. The inclousers that the have done have been done well. They also are putting the animals in geological groups. The also seam to have a very good breading programs the are one of the only places to get Egyptian tortist to breed secusefully. Back to the animals.  The had Japanese macaques there, as did the zoo in Madrid.  These one looked so much better there enclosure was clean they still had wonds but I think that is just the animals they seam likre they are very agresive. They also had the same mountain goats and this enclosure look much cleaner and the animals were moving around.
The high light was the African wild dogs. I have watched so many documentary on them that I think I all most peeed my self with excitement to see them. They look just as amazing in person. There ears were so big and there head was large with a short snout there head alone looked very powerful I can see how they could crush through bone. there colorings are so intersting they are black and brown and white.  They had two pairs on eather side of the park I could have watched them all day. One of the males had alot of white on him it was very interesting. There legs are very skinny you can tell they would be good long distance runers.
They also had hippos and pygmy hippos. For those of you that know us hippos are mine and shaunas mascaute so to see them is very exciting. I think the pygmy on was the most exciting he was so small compared to the regular ones. I would so try to keep one as a pet. I have no clue why other zoos don't have one they are so cute and little.
When we got our popcorn witch was right by the hippos we noticed one was in the water. They had two hippos and they're pen was side by side but there was a bar devididing them. There water holes were also connected and once again they had a metal bar separating them. Well the needed to be separated they were trying to fight through the bars it was very odd. However I did get a great picture of them with there mouths open.  It was very interesting to watch.
They had some goats there that are the only wild native goats to Italy that was cool.
From the zoo we went to the city museum of zoology of Rome. This was what I was realy looking forward to. There needs to be more museums like this. The big down side was it was all in Italian. But I still loved looking at there collection.
The have over 5 million specimen. And they were not all insects. They had a room with just birds. All the birds it was so interesting to see. They are all birds that you can find in Italy. They had some very small ones the reminded me of hummingbirds back home. They even had little chicks that I think my thumb would be bigger then them mind you the adults would fit in my hand. They had a birds of paradise desplay they are very beautiful.
They also had some mamals. They had a cheata and tiger and a young male lion. A moose, and more. It was all so facanting I wish I had paper to write down the signtific names to figure out what animal some of them were.
Over all I would go back even though I could not read the desplay I would go just to look.
From there we walked into the park that the zoo is in. We were trying to find this temple looking thing that was on out map.  We found out our map was lacking so much. There is a replica of the glob theater were it looked like they put on shacksper plays we just stumbled alone that. We plan to go back and have a better look tomorrow.

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