Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Night one
Went out at lunch time and got some sangria, who says you can't drink before lunch. This is vacation after all.
Well kicked off first night with a mega up set stomach.  I think it was the spaghetti sauce we tryed a new kind.... Not a good idea.
We headed out not dressed up. We got to the right bar lol Mario was very specific as to witch one. We walk it it is after 11 and there is no one there. So we decided to go for a walk and we noticed alot of people dressed up in Halloween type costumes heading from the hamburger shop to the bar so we did a lap of the board walk and when back to the bar.
This time there were alot more people.  Shortly after we got there a guy shows up and what does he have with him a SHEEP. A live sheep in a bar. It was so odd to see. And the bar staff did not care they just came to pet it. It has to be the odest thing I have seen at a bar.
Now more about the costumes. I must say I have never seen so little of girls. It was not a slut fest. There was a girl as a bunny and she had black leggings and a black long sleeve shirt. Every one was dressed for the weather.  There were alot of people that just had on old and odd looking prices.  There was a clown cupple. There was a girl in a chicken costume.
We were not out long because I felt like dinner was going to come back up to party. So I called it an early night we were home around 1.
Oh I almost forgot for a drink we got screw drivers my favorite and let me tell you the put atleast 2 shots in and then she hand squeezed an orange then toped it off with bottled orange juice. It was strong but very good.
Night 2
Well we went with the surf school to watch because we had nothing better to do. It was so hot and sunny. It was hard not to go surfing I miss it so. We did get to walk out this wave braker to protect the ship yard. Because of this man made wall that place is know for its great tub waves. The body boarders are so cool.  Mario had his body board and man he has moves I can see how it is an extreme sport. There was a girl there from Madrid he parents have a flat here so she comes and surfs with the school.
After a late dinner me and shauna curled up in the bed room it was so cold. My back was bugging me so I layed down and put my head phones in. Next thing I know it was after 12.
So we did not end up going out.
Day 3
We went back to surf school to watch again and to bring back our wetsuits. It was very cold there is a big storm coming. We went back to the beach that we surfed our first week. It was nice to walk around and see the clifs to bad the swell was small today because the first couple days the waves we crashing on top.

With all the packing and cleaning we decided to not go back out. I did however go back to Aquarius to do some banking. What a hoping place. There were alot of people and they were dressed up. Lots of clowns seams to be a popular one. The girl that works there got talking with me and the shops birthday is in may and I guess they do a big thing for it so hopefully we will get to see that.

We are off to Rome next. Thankfully the school offers transportation to the airport ya for not having to lug our stuff around.

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