Sunday, February 17, 2013

It is dom time!

I would like to start off by going on a rant about how much people get in your way. I get that the sights are amazing but stand to the side some people just want to walk. You will be walking down the side walk and people will just stop and u run into them and the give u a dirty look. People like to not pay for the subway and they just walk very close behind you so the can get in on your ticket it is very annoying.  We were walking towards the entry of the subway were you put ur tickets in and this women cut me off then decide to go to other mechin and then after paying and getting through she managed to bump into me and then she rushed of. So as I am telling Shauna about the women guess who cuts infront of us on the stairs. We start talking about ways to push her down because she is now walking very slow infront of us on her phone.  After all that rushing she is walking like a turtle.
As we are walking down a busy street and people are just stopping to look at there phones we come up with a donaino theory that is shauna "pushed" me into them or vs then it would look like more of an accident.  We came up with the name dom so that people would not fully ketch on.
We are on the very very crowed bus going home and the couple in front of me start to make out very loudly like came on people. The kissed a couple times after that. And each time I said if the start making out I am going to tell shauna "it is dom time" and hope she got it. Thank fully they were just little kisses after that so I did not get to try it out. On the subway I told shauna and I told her what I was going to say to her she cracked up laughing saying she total would have got what I ment. To bad.

OK so to get to what u really want to know. Today we did the big C the colossum. It is very big. We took the subway. I just got to say I don't want to ever live somewhere with out a subway. The colossum has its own stop so that made things easy. We get off and exit and right out side we get stop buy a guy offering tours for the colossum and 2 other places but we had already done one according to shauna. So we passed on the tour. So ofcorse the guy had to try to sell us something else it was how ever funny because when he first started talking we did not say anything so he stopped mid sentence and was like you do speak English. It was funny. He spoke very good English. He then gave us a thing for a night cub it is 20€ free cover and drinks till10:30 it sounds like a great time. We are planning to go next weekend.
If u are ever in Rome and want to see the colossum get the Rome card. We skipped the line and it was free it was so awesome. We just walked right in. The colossum is exactly as I expected. I wish they had more information posted they had like 2 models set up of was certain parts looked like,  I would have like to seen more of what it would have looked like. They had parts of pillers lieing around and u have no clue what they were from. I love that the have not rebuilt the floor so you can see the tunnels and what would have been the holding pens.  It was very big and very busy.
From there we went to sit in the sun to plot our next move.
We were trying to decide on what to do next when a guy came up with a flyer so the bar thing Adam talked to us about.
Rewind as we were exiting the colossum and trying to find a sunny spot to sit and talk this guy came up to us with the same flyer Adam gave us. We said we already got one and he said from who and we said Adam. And the guy was like ahhh the US gangster.
OK so we are sitting there and another guy comes up with the same flyer and we said we all ready had one he asked if we were going we said next weekend.  Then I asked him if he knew a good place to eat. He said well not around here. I said that is fine because we can bus or sub way. So he looked at our map and said that there were alot of very good places around here we said thank you and away. He went. The place he pointed out was close to the panthom that shauna want to see so we figured out what bus we needed and away we went.
We got there found the street there were so many places to eat so we went to the panthom first. Rapheale the painter, his cofin is there. It has glass so u can see it under the statue. We look and shauna asked who this was so read the sign and I am like is it Rapheale, she just looked at me and I am like the painter/ sculptor. Still no response I am shocked that he did not know who he was. Mind you I only know he is famous because of the teanage muntain ninja turtles but come on.
We left there and found this little restaurant and we got pizza it was not very good. The one we had the other day was much better they put the toppings on after the cook the pizza. From there we went to get gelota. I got chocolate and someother kind they give you a little mini cone on top when you get it in a bowl. The signs were all in Italian so we guessed at what kinds we were getting.
We went and ate our icecream at the fountain that is right infront of the panthom. We're a pigion atacked me this is not the first time sadly but this one was behind me and when he went to take off his wig went up my shirt. It scared the crap out of me.
We then hoped a bus then the subway home. It was a another great sight seeing day.

Ps shauna stole my blog name. I had it picked out yesterday. She was like I don't know what to call my blog so I told her mine and why. Then she stole it. Last time I tell her before I post lol although it is a good one I can see why she would want to steal it.

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