Friday, April 5, 2013


So the guy that told me not to go in the bathroom because it was a girls one. Well he was on the bunk above me and I wake up this morning and he taps on his friends rail and tells him to get up the is a fire well his friend sits bolt right up. It was funny. May have to try it on shauna.
It was a gloomy day calling for rain so we decided to go to the aquarium yaaaaaa.
It was 19€ to get in. It was enjoyable they had lots of things to read they had a video of there baby dolphin being born. Not a baby any more. All the tanks were very clean made it very easy to see the animals I just love aquariums.
We went back to the hostel because it was raining. We did not want to cook sowe went to get pizza and we got it from this little restaurant that had the stone oven with wood burning to cook it. It was however a very salty pizza.  Back at the hostel some people were playing kings cup. They were very funny it is hard to play when not everyone understand one language. But still very funny.

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