Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Best couple ever

Things got fun last night. We ended up getting pitchers of wine and the four of us split them. Two Canadians one American and one Australian. It was alot of fun I drank more wine then I should have.
This morning got up oh I have to tell u about the bathrooms they are so tiny your knees hit the door and u have to sit so far back on the toilet. Then to flush there is a pedal on the floor. Well I have to open the door to be able to turn and steep on the pedal. The sink also has a pedal that u need to step on. There is even a red and blue one.
Our first day here I found 15€ on the floor out side our room. So last night the guy that runs the kitchen was going into the staff apartments. ( we had meet him going down the hall right before I found the money ) so I asked him if he lost some money he said yes 15 € . So I gave him his money. He was so grateful that apparently we were to get free breakfast tomorrow morning. Sadly I decided to stick with just bread.
So we moved rooms to a bigger room with a balcony overlooking the lake and our own bathroom. So no more knee knocking.
We headed down into town. We walked along the water it is very cold here. There is snow on the mountains. We went in this caffe I got icecream with a ring of hot chocolate around it. So good. Shauna got chilly hot chocolate brave girl. We then got tea neither of us wanted to be out in the cold. We wondered around town but we either the stupid time when shops close. So we went for lunch. As we are finshing shauna was eating here desert and the gentleman sitting at the table behind us is like excess me are u Canadian or American. We say Canadian. Then came all the normal questions. They are from nyc the live on long Island. Jean and petter (the judge ) well they are the most wonderful people ever. The are so in love the way the look at one another it was so cute. Well we chatted with them for some time. Then they asked if we would like to go for a coffee with them. So we said yes they were very interesting and had been coming here for six years they have been all over Europe. The women got up to pay so I got up put my jacket on and followed her we met as she was coming back from the bar with our waiter in tow so I asked if she paid she said I got it. So I though she mentioned she got the waiter so I go back to our table the waiter goes to the computer and starts printing out a receipt well she dropped one at there table but not us so I ask her for the bill. The look of confusion on her face was so odd to see. She then points to the couple behind us. And it now clicks. Shauna gets what is going on so we are like no no it is ok thanking but we can get our own . Well she would have non of it. So we say we will get coffee. She would have non of that eather. They were such a nice couple. We enjoyed our time with them.
So we went with them to this cafe they love it there and the owner was very nice and funny. He came over and told us a joke now it will be very hard to type out because he just made it so funny.
So there is an archery tortament and there is a young girl for marriage with an apple on her head. We the first guy spitls the apple in half. Crowed goes wild he put his hands up and says he is from scotland. The next guy steeps up and splits the apple. Crowd goes wild he puts his hands up and says I am from England. Third guy step up and hits the girl right between the eyes and she dies. The crowd goes quite and he puts his hands up and says I am sorry.
OK so not so funny typed out. Bet you are laughing still mom.
We said good buy to the lovely couple they leave tomorrow morning bright and early.
We are just chilling around the hostel now.

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