Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Upgrade then upgrade again

We arrived at the train station we were three hours before our check in time but we decided to try any way. We found the place again you had to buzz in. We'll there was no answer. So we wandered up the street found a church went in there then wondered back tryed again as we were trying this guy ask if this was the hostel we say yes. We try more times finally someone says hi, but that was it. So we keep buzzing. Next thing we know a girl opens the door. She is a guest as well. Apparently it is common for gusts to let other guests in. So we all talked and finally the owner showed up. So as we are getting checked in she tells us that they are over booked. So she is going to upgrade us to a private room up stairs . Sweet so we get up stairs and the room she wanted to put us in was not clean so she upgraded us again. We ended up with this amazing room two single beds two very comfortable chairs tv dresser. It was very nice but we still had to go down stairs for breakfast. After setaling into our room we headed back down into the common room there was talk of going out for dinner. The group of us ten went out for dinner. Two weeks of them spoke Italian so it was easier.
It was bed after dinner.
We wondered around town did some window shopping. Went up the tower. The town is funny for the fact that as u look out it is very midevil then it turns in to modern.
We went to a restaurant and u got a ten dish apatizer, pasta dish then desert. We just got the pasta. It was ok but we saw other tables getting desert so we did as well.
For desert: bowl of strawberries, bowl of crem that u find in pastry, plate lf brownies, chocolate chunks, and pana coda. Now there was more then enough for four people and we were just two but it was so good. Very tasty and 20€ each.
Then we go back to see the churches that closed for the lunch time. There is a cluster of churches called the seven churches. Well we were welcomed by the organs being played. The coolest thing was in one room there was a podium for them to stand on but it the bass was a very small door. Had to crawl through it. Inside was what looked to be a toom at one time it was very odd.
Back at the hostel shauna and one girl went to. Get wine.
As more people showed up we told them about the desert place and one guy was very excited and a girl from the USA came as well. So we left to go get desert. I highly enjoyed talking with the Italian guy very interesting because there were four there was even more to pick from this white and dark chocolate cake thing, cream puffs melted dark chocolate my favorite chocolate moose with chocolate cake crumbles.
The ended up kicking us out because we stayed well pass closing.
But the company was so good it was a wonderful evening. Got home after one.
The next day we checked out and we decided to go to this church up on a hill...  The way up is all up a steep hill thankfully it was a covered walk way the longest actually. We passed under more then 600 arches took us 20min of steep up hill walking. Then we get there start into the church and it is closing for lunch. At least we got to see it. Then we walked back down and got our bags and caught a train to genova.

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