Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hang (music instrument)

Last night, shortly after I finished my blog we met a guy from Australia and the other one is from.... I don't remember maybe the USA. Any way they invited us to go see this band so we decided to go. We got ready and there are two girls from Quebec in our room they were sitting at the bar drinking. Me and shauna payed 6€ for a bottle of wine and they went to get ready. We played some pool. Australia has some very very odd pool roles. Like pouring water on the table to slow the ball down. There were other very very odd ones. We were killing time till the guy that was working got off at 12 because he knew were a great bar was.
Once we finally get going four of us take the tram and four go in the car. It was me shauna the Australian and the other guy on the tram we got there first because they had to find parking. So we go to go in and the bouncers did not want to let the guy in they were fine with me and shauna going in but the guys were harder to get in. So in we go and we wait the others so up I go out to see why they are not coming in. We'll they were past the time of free cover and had to pay ten €to get in. So they come in. It was an iterating night got to sleep around 6 am. Then the people were singing and yelling in the morning it was very annoying thankfully they checked out.
So I got up around 8 went and enjoyed my free breakfast then back to bed to sleep till 11. Got up and got ready. We went to the big church here. It was stunning it was a little odd because one guy has been dead a long time and under his silver face mask you can still see his hair on the back of his head. I don't know about decomposition but I think he should have been farther alone but that is why he is a saint I guess. they had this crypt underground ad well the room had chairs and candles and an alter of glass with a very decritive earn inside. It looked like a room a cult would use.
From there we walked to the castle.  Well I think this was the best one so far. It had a working draw bridge.  Soo cool it was very neet to see the crest of the family still hanging. The correct yard was massive in a side cort yard there was a garden with a lone shallow water pool. Shauna wanted to try out her portrit lends so I got to play model it was alot of fun. I did not mind she can try stuff on me lol I don't mind waiting not like we are in a rush.
The castle areal shot reminded us of cidadial hill back home for its star shape. It had the traditional four towers in the corner. There were alot of stay cats down in the moat. Kinda odd would have Been perfect if it had been filled with water and crocodiles.
From there we walked into park. They were setting up for a marathon the Milan marathon. So we walked around the park there was this half theater thing and there were all theses kids just drinking and hanging out. There had to be atleast 20 empty bottles lieing around. There was one guy that just sat on a bench and pulled out a beer bottle and started to drink.
In the center was a library it had glass walles it was very beautiful. Then we walked to the end and there was this big arch with a chariat on top. We wondered around the park more and saw the stadium but it was closed next came the aquarium.
It was small but free so why not.
Well as you walk up they have a fountain and the fountain head was a hippo oh yes so we were excited right from the start. The aquarium had some of the best tank designs that I have seen so far. They had a ship really one. A dock in the medatrainin, the coral reaf one was amazing they have some of the best coral I have seen so far very colorful and vigret. It was an great place. And then you could go out back and they had ponds in one they had these big fish and the jump out of the water scared me half to death.
From there we wandered back towards the hostel. We stoped for lunch it was now 4. Then we stoped at a shoe store shauna got new shoes. Next a bakery,  then the hostel.
Oh I for got at the castle there was a guy playing a hang (look it up) it was amazing to hear. On our way out of the park we passed back by him and he had stopped playing and was packing up. I had no idea what he was playing so I stoped to ask I found out there is only 3000 in the world and one second hand cost 10,000. But it makes an amazing sound.

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