Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pizza at the leaning tower of Pissa

We got up me and shauna went to post office to mail our boxes. 26€ for 3kg box. This however made us late for our time for the musume witch c was waiting at after running her own earn. We got there got in no problem. We'll C had problems getting the tickets because they said the never got the online payment. But she got tickets in the end. Slept in we went we got to see the David. He is massive. And so life like it was stunning.  When in there we ran into E and told her our plan was to train to Pissa it was 7€ one way. So she decided to come. Off to get the train well we ended up having to run to ketch it and sadly they had already closed the doors so we missed our train thankful there was another one in 20 min.
Once we got to Pissa itwas maybe an hour train ride. Itwas raining we got to the tower and sure enough it was. Leaning. We got pictures pushing it over. From there we went to the cathedral it was 18€ to go up the tower. So we passed. From there we found a restaurant to have lunch. I got pizza , had to install was at the leaning tower of Pissa. We then got on the train and headed back.
Oh we did shopping on the way I got a shirt.
Every one was tired after that so it was off to bed.
The next morning was easter Sunday. And the clocks changed.  We got up and packed and I noticed that my sweater that I had put in the wash did not come back with my clothing. So I went to find someone well the women that was working did not speak English thank fully another guest translated for me. So we went look. We did not find it any wear. Shauna was also missing a tee shirt.
She then accused C of sterling them because she was the only one else that had gotten laundry done that day. So we did not find them sadly. We left our bags because we did not want to be late to mass.
Oh side note on one of the days we climbed over 400 steeps up the Bell tower and they had no one to direct trafic and the stairs were so tiny there was little room to non for two people to pass it was a slow and long climb because of the people coming down. Beautiful view of the city so worth the fight up the stairs.
So we went to mass and he even talked in English to welcome us and tell us what easter represented and then again to bless us and wish us good health.
From mass we headed into the square to watch the parade and the blowing up of the easter cart.  This people moved so I was thankfully able to wisal up to the gate. I ended up letting a little girl stand infront of me she was cute and would get excited and try to tell me what was going on in English but would flip back to Italian so I don't know what she was telling me. Then I man that was in the parade came and got her and her mother and they went into the special viewing area.
So they had four white ox pulling this massive cart thing it reminded me of Chinese design.
Then the ox were aten away they hooked the cart up, a man came around and blessed the crowed and tossed holy water on us. Sone one was handling out flowers and olive branches. Then a dove fire work flys out of the church into the cart then it goes bake into the church.  Then all the fire crackers and fire works go off on this cart it was massive and amazing. YouTube it to see. It is amazing.
From there we faught the crowds we were trying to find the musume with the birth of Venus painting well the line was long and it was 10€ so we skiped it shauna S choice.  From there would found what seemed to be a good restaurants well we're we ever woung we were there for over two hours I got a meal deal. So lissania. Then finally after close to an hour beef stue with potatoes. It was cold and gross. Then came my selection for desert I got pana cota. Well he forgot to bring it mutable times then finally he showed up with terrimasu. So had to sent it back. Finally I got it we paid and left.
From there we went to the hostel to get our backpacks. When there is asked the women again about my swater and again she said C took it. She was going to let us search her bag because no one was there the hostel was closed for cleaning. I was shocked she wanted us to go through another guests bag.
From there we got on a training bloglonia

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