Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Farm life here we come!

So got up at 6:30 get on a train heading to Rome. Well we have to switch trains near the end so had to ask around it was confusing but we made it. As the train pulled up people got on and this one guy infront of me turns at the top and grabs my handle to help me then I stow it and he wanted to put it up top I say no. And try to get back to the door to help shauna.  But he is in the way. This older man was helping shauna and the young guy takes the bag from him and then puts her bag up and then helps her with her back pack. He moves my bag on top of hers before I can say anything. So we go sit down and a few mins latter the you guy comes up holding out his hand with a sad sad face on. Well I had no coin on me and if I did I would not be paying. I did not ask for help he just did it. If I would have been thinking I should have offered him an apple..
The train ride was uneventful iventfull.
Got to the airport. I have forgotten what it is like to fly with a nice airline. We were greated with a smile treated nicely. We get on the plane and it was a little over half full.
We got headphones they put on just for laughs. Then we got a drink and a little bag of peanuts you could move to what ever seat you wanted. Then the put on 17 again the movie with greek subtitles.  Then we got super, rost with noodles, role with butter, and a little desert like cream puffs, we also got another drink. Then tea or coffee.  It was a very pleasant flight we had mostly blue skys so we could see alot it was soo cool because we flew down the cost of Italy and then we passed over the islands it was very nice.
Until (doom noice) there was turbulence and we were at the back of the plane so I sucked you should not go sideways in a plain. Just saying.
So that was ok got over it the movie helped. So we come up to cypers and fly over it then fly towards the ocean turning and getting lower and lower and the landing gear comes out the turblance picks up all you can see is ocean out the window..... Lower and lower, finally as we are just about to and you see beach and run way. It is very very close to the ocean. Was not fun, I was death griping my arm won't lie. Sucked that shauna laughed at me for having stiff hands from griping,  but every one has there thing. Flying is not one of mine I will do it with out a word, but still I don't enjoy it.
So we land
Oh oh back up the bus
In Roma airport had to go through passport check and got my second stap yaaaaaa you can't read it but it is there so great.
OK so we land and have to go through passport control again and got another stamp. Oh ya I rock.
So we get our luggage it was hot in the air port so I am putting my laiers away in my suit case oh ya I weighed in at 19.7 it was great.
So we are supposed to be picked up and we look at the sings but non have our name so we stand there wondering what to do. And a guy shows up and has a sign with our names.
Now have had two signs with my name moving up in the world look out.
So we ear will not pop so I get it. The back. They drive on the opesit side it is so weird.
We get to the turkey boarder and we give the driver our passports he goes and get us turkey visas.... They are a peice of paper that says vias and you passport information and another stamp. Oh ya.
So once we get over the border the guy gets out and puts a taxi light on his roof. We pull up to this hotel the Rocks hotel and casino. Well there is a jagyer parked out front. Very very expensive looking hotel. He gets out I guess to ask directions,  and shauna turns to me and is like the metter is running it is at 40 already. I am like I hope they are paying because we did not know we would be paying for a cab.
So he gets back in and drives us around the city to this apartment building and says this is were you live. He unlodes our bags a young guy greats us we will call him J and then the cab takes off.
Now we are pretty confused because we thought we would be on a farm not in a city.  So we meet another guy D. There is another girl living there as well. So me and shauna share a room we each get our own bed.
We found out that the farm was just a 20 min walk. We do not have Internet at the apartment but we are able to go to a hotel and eat there and use the Internet,  and it is the facy rocks one. So we were talking fiindkng out about the guys we are going to be working with, more about the job the owner. It was nice.
We walked to the hotel to us the Internet. Sadly my play book died.
Then to bed because I wanted to go to the farm with the guys in the morning to check it out. Very exciting.

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