Tuesday, April 16, 2013

First day on the farm

We got up at 7:30.  The guys head out any time between 8 and 830. We got up I put on my jeans hiking boots and a white and green three quarter length shirt that I do not care about then a sweater.
The guys we work with are nice funny and help full.
The owner R came over to meet us that was nice. Went over somethings then we all walked together to the farm.
They have 3 adult dogo argintinos and 4 pups. 5 ducks and chickens. Then lots of plants.
So we get there and the dogs were so excited R has been gone for 3 weeks it was her first day back.
So we did a walk through got to see the green house and all the gardens.
We helped move plants from the green house to the garden. Then we planted.
To make the garden rows one guy uses a pick ax to dig the ditch then u go around behind him and remove the dirt by hand into buckets.  Then lunch it is suplyed by the hotel
For lunch
White been salid, soup, spegiti and almond bread and then as much fruit as you want. After lunch it was back to the trenchs
LOL witch works because it was a mini trench that we are diging.
So then I was tasked with the riping of card board job. It had been socking in water and had to rip it apart Athens into little squares. Texas water was dark and mysterious.
Then we had to mix the dirt to fill the trunch we dug out. Did that.
But now tomorrow we can plant tomorrow.
It was a good day and it ended with making juice out of left over fruit so we had apple juice pear and orange. It was very good.
I think it was a great day, got to find myself a hat.
Very excited think it will be fun.
Mega down side do not have hot water.  Showering in stone cold water in not fun or refreshing.

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