Thursday, April 18, 2013

Chicken naming

So we started work at 6:30 this morning. We had a local rooster wake up the apartment at 4:30 sun rise is 6:18. I think if it keeps up we will be having chicken for dinner.
So we got to the farm shauna was going to water green house and stuff that hose could not reach. I did everything else. So shauna goes to the green house I decided to start at the back work my way forward. I turn the water on and walk to the back. All I here is rushing water. So I walk towards the water tank and water is gushing out a gallon a minute easy. So I run to the lunch zone were my bag and cell phone is call D Wake her up she calls people now we had this problem yesterday so thankful I knew who to call and she understood when I said water problem again. Because no one else was to come to the farm till 9 and it is 630. We had no keys to unlock the gates. Thankfully the back gate was left open.
So after that excitement I went to start the watering. Some one came fixed it. It took my full five hour shift to do all the water. There is that much just so you get and idea of how big this place is. Shauna finished way before me and weeded the row that we are preping to plant next.
Once I was done it was quiting time and almost lunch time. So we sit at the lunch table and some of the chickens came over. So we named them well one was named yesterday,  I named a hen gladis yesterday. So you got roger the rooster, then his hens gladis, lusial, sookie, and phillis. Then there is the roster that has no hens that stocks the others he crows alot so some times he is ugly or annoying. Dapending on the moment. Then we decided to count the chickens and ducks and we can't find one chicken and there was a cat snooping around the chicken coop this morning who I got with the hose. Scared the living daylights out of the poor thing.
We found her in the hen house. But we got a plesent surprise when we went in the chicken coop we had six baby's our boss got them at the market the other day so we are hoping they are hens so ugly can have some lady's and maybe that will make him shut up.
It was a good day. Still no hot water in the shower. Had to flip head up side down to cold to stand under water.

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