Friday, April 5, 2013

Harry potter train rocks

SfToday we find our selfs packing and on our way to milon. Our checkin in time is not till 6 sowe were going to go to this cluster of towns in the side of mountains, but it was very difficult to get there apparently. So we took the guys advice and went to Nervi. There was a park and waterfront board walk.
So we asked the hostel guy how to get there. He told us bus 17 and the general area to get it. So as we are looking for the bus I ask a women and after some hand gesters she understood what we wanted and motioned for us to fallow then she walked us have way down the street nowthis women was waiting for her own bus and left he stop to help us. So she points to theroad we need. We say gracia (thank you) and away we go. Italians are so help full and friendly. The bus stop was right there around thecorner yaaa. We also eyed a book stools across the street.  So we get on. The bus validate our tickets and find some seats. As the bus is going along two elderly lady get on the bus is quite full. So we get up so they can have our seats. As one women is getting into the seat. There bus seats are elevated. We she slips and falls back wards thankfully me and shauna are standing right there to ketch her. She was very thankful then her friend said something to us and started laughing and so did other people so I can only assume that she was making fun of her friend.
The rest of the bus ride was uneventful there was a man with a dog and they were sitting in seats and about two stops before there stop the dog moved to Site at his feet. Then right before there stop he moved and hopped down to the floor. It was so cute he so knew his stop.
As we keep going we were told to get off at the last stop. So at one stop everyone gets off so we figured this was the stop nope there were still people sitting in the back.  There were two older women standing at the bus stop so I ask then if we are in Nervi. In Italian she says yes we were in the industry part but to get to the park go down this street. Is all we can understand so off we go. We just kept walking towards the water because the park was on the water.
We eventually stumbled alone it then on a tunnel that took you under the tracks to the board walk. It was a lovely walk there were lots of stairs leading down to the water but it was all rocks. We did find this very cute bridge that lead out to theses rocks that had half a round structure left standing.
There was a castle thing, a big massive house it was very impressive wish we could have gotten closer to it. We ate at this little restaurant the bread there was soo good I get a weird potatoes pasta thing with a tomato pesto sauce. It was good. Then we walked some more. We decided to try and find a bus stop and we did. It was great.
The bus ride was uneventful it was about 45 min.
Once back in town we hit up this book store this book store was very big it was a bifpg sprial. They had one little section of books we both got a book since we are on the train so much. This play book does not have much charge, it dies very fast.
From there it was a quick walk to the hostel then to the train station. We got pictures of the Christopher colombus statue that I some how missed when we got off the train Last time.
So we got on the train and went to find our seats. Can you imagine how excited we were when we noticed that they were like the train cars from harry potter. Sliding doors and all. There was even a guy with a cart selling stuff. It was epic to experience. Now just got to try out one of the double decoder trains. 
The hostel we are now staying at is the zebra and there are only 3/4 walls so we will see how tonight goes since there is no curf there is a cool comon room. I wish shauna Would play pool. 
I think the coolest thing is there is a club yep when you walk in there is two doors one to the hostel and one to the club very exciting.  Who knows what we will get up to. 

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