Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Cyprus hobby farm

Today on the farm lol
So odd to say.
So last night the boss shows up with our cell phones yep we have cell phones. MOM we will have to come up with a time to talk.
So she said she would call us in the morning because there is a market and she wanted us to help out. So we wait and wait no call at like 8:30 we go to the farm because still no word from her and the boys had all ready headed out.
So we get there and she is all good morning nothing about not calling us. So we go and help pick vegetables well greens to sell.
Then we are off to the market. It is a very big market. So we set up. Sell a few things. mostly stood there.
She got her driver to drive us back. We'll the steering wheels are on the right side and the drive on the other side of the road. It is so freaky, the roundabout is the most nearve racking part because you go in it back wards.
Back at the farm we had lunch... Well it was ok.
After lunch we finished the second trench so lots of mixing dirt to put in, and then planting. We planted turnip yaaaaaa.
Then some unbearing the poor baby's got covered so we had to find them. Then so weeding, well most of them have thorns it is not fun. I got one in my finger hurt so bad. Then it was quitting time.
After work we went back to the market, because we have no clothing to work in. Spent 35 leara and got pants and two boys tanktops lol.
Going to look so sexy tomorrow. Will come home with some nice tans.
On a sad happy note my boots (black dress ) they bottom is giving out so I will have to toss them, good not less weight and I get to buy new ones.
Well I am off to bed 5:30 comes nice and early

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