Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Switzerland for chocolate why not

Last night after we got pizza we got talking to a girl from Australia and a guy from USA. The guy was going to climb a mountain today but it was going to rain witch it did. So we decided to get a bus into Switzerland.
Off we went to ketch the bus. The three girls it was alot of fun we got stoped on our way into Switzerland and the guy came on the bus and just gave everyone a hard stair. We got into town and first off we were in the town beside the town we were supposed to be in. So we look in a map and just had to cross this river into town.
So we found the Torisum both. We asked them what there is to do since it was raining out. He suggested that we go to the chocolate Factory or an outlet malls. so chocolate Factory it was. It was very cool you could go into the factory. OK getting ahaid of my self. So you walk into the building and the smell hits you just pure bliss. U pay the 3 € and they give you a stick that they just diped in chocolate from there chocolate fountain. Then they have a museum. From there you go into the factory (hehe side note just took a break from writing to go and get chocolate) you go through a door and into a walkway incased in plexy glass.
 So as yu go along you go up on the gangland to see the factory floor. From there we could see the packaging part and some quality control. This guy was taking white chocolate bars and putting them on the scale they all weight around 10. Then he just tossed it in this box. They were in the possess of cleaning up. They had boxes and boxes maybe boxes is not the right word crates would be better. Well there was so many white chocolate bars in there I can ony guess they will be melted down and sent through again.
They had a movie set up on how the chocolate was made at the end of the musume. We watched that. Then it was off to the store part to get to try some chocolate. Got to love free samples. There was five kinds to pick from I tryed them all and may have retryed a few again and again. So we all got chocolate. In the end we had 3 kl of chocolate... It was awesome and our bag was heavy. There was so much to choose from it was all well priced as well. So I got two crispy chocolate bars, two milk chocolate bars and a bag of whoppers. They make great chocolate.
We got the train back to town.
Oh oh rewind to the Torisum booth. The chocolate Factory was not in the town we were at so we had to take the train and to get to the train up needed to take a cable car up the hill. Well this cable car was harder to find then alantise. We did not have a map we ended up going half way up this very large stairs wondered around town. I wanted to go one way shauna wanted the other way. Well what a wondering mess so bake to the Torisum both for map well the map sucked and we still could not find it so we started asking people. Well that halfed work. Finally we found it. Stupid little thing was hiden. Oh also they use the franks not the euro. They will except the euro bill but u get franks change.
So up we go and we are trying to find the orange train with a smile face. We ask a guy, wrong direction so we go into the ticket office. And stand in line. To be told to cross the street.  Sure enough it was right there. Oh man what fun we have.
When we came back from the chocolate Factory we decided to walk down the hill. So so could have walked up it. Not hard at all.
So back in the town in Switzerland we decided to stop for lunch well dinner it was four. Oh man the restaurants here are so messed up the kitchen classes from four to six. It is very annoying. We finally find a place and get some pasta.
Then we stop at a candy shop to get some for the ride home.
As we are on the bus. Oh we needed to get bus tickets and so the driver stoped at a news stand. And was able to get them there shauna gets off and three other people do. So shauna was the last one to get off. So last in line. Me and the other girl kind joke about him leaving shauna. And sure enough the third person gets back and he classes the door and starts to drive well me and her jump up and are like no no no, he is like ok calm down moving and sure enough he stopped right at the news stand before he was a little way down the street. People on the bus are laughing at us we are laughing and shauna gets on the bus and looks so out of place so when she gets back on we tell her about it. We had a good laugh over it.
We did not get searched at the border we did not even get stoped. And we realized that it may be illegal to bring that much chocolate over the border. Well thankfully we did not find out because no one stop our bus.  Go us for smuggling in chocolate.
Back at the hostel we had a great night just socializing drinking wine.
Oh almost forgot. When the hostel was telling us how to get there. They were very adiment that we get off at the right stop so I thought the stop was coming up so we ding the thing well there was one before it. How are we to know there are no signs saying we're it stops so we are like no he asked next one we are like si we think.
Good times on the bus.

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