Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fancy hotel restaurant

We have been to so many castles. This one is one of the best just for the fact that it is though to have inspired Walt Disney for the castle from snow White it is so cool you can see the drawings from Disney and other people and they are very similar.
You are not able to walk up the road to the castle you must take a car. So if you don't have a car you must take a cab. The reason for this is because it is surrounded by military. They have what looks like a training camp set up.
So the bosses driver drove us up well there was 5 volunteers going so we had the three girls and one guy cramed into the back of the truck and it was a good thing we were all so tiny. Now this driver MM he is crazy he should be a race car driver. But it is funny to see howhe drives so differently when the boss is in. The car. He is a perfect driver don't think he ever goes over the speed limit. When she is not in the car look out. Drifting around corners skidding the tires it just funy to see the night and day change.  Don't get me wrong he is a great driver I have never not felt safe but it is nerve wracking just in the fact that they drive on the other side of the road here.
So he drives us up the hill we stop at this military check point and he is taking to the gaurds you can tell they are joking and apparently he reached over and un zipped a pocket and took something out then put it back in. So we keep going up, and he told us well we think he told us that he is in or was in the military. Posable as a driver it was hard the hand signals were not that visabe from the back.
So we get to the top well top of the road were the castle is we get out he takes us into the ticket both talks with the man. It was 7tl(turkish leara) to get in. So away our group goes. We every thing was well signed and very easy to tell were you were and what the room use to be. They had a information thing at the start and they had a map of the place with sketchings of each place. So you had an idea of what you were about to see. The high light for me other then the view from the top was the old wall going up the mountain it just blows my mind that man kind could make something like that.
It was very stunning.
So the driver was coming back in two hrs we got back down with twenty minutes to spare. And he was already there. So he was talking with a guy and the guy said he was taking us to the big solder. We ended up driving to this look off were you can see the other side of the mountains. It was so weird it is so flat. Tons of farmland. So different then our side of the mountain because we are between the sea and the mountain. The other side is just flat.
So we get back and call the boss. She tells us we are going to dinner at the onix (fancy hotel restaurant). She tells us to pick a time. So

So we call the boys with three good peices of she is going to reimburse us for our trip to the castle, 2 we now have hot water in the shower witch is amazing once you have shower in ice cold you realy apriciate a nice hot shower. 3 we are going to the onix for dinner. Now D has been wanting to go to the onix for some time. He was very excited . We pick 8 as our dinner time and the boys were to come to our place to shower.
We got ready. Because it can still be quite chilly in the evening I was going to wear pants since I have no long dresses or skirts. B let me borrow one of her long dresses so that was nice. It was such a lovely dress.
We get there and they don't have any tables for big groups all they have are small round ones so we push two together.
The menu is on an i pad, that is right an i pad how cool is that u could click on something and see picture of it. I was extremely impressed by that. It was so cool. So I got pan ti
It was ok B also got it and she said it was not good compared to other ones she has had. We also got wine.
After dinner we had chocolate sufla. It was very good.  And apparently it is not on the menu only the bosses boyfriend can order it, felt very special.

It was a great day

Monday wondered around town got lost. Then worked
Tuesday wondered around town did not get lost had desert before 12.
Wednesday well to day was market day. So out came the belly dancing outfits. I could not find pants but thankfully B let me borrow hers.
I did end up dancing it was alot of fun but we did not sell much, lots of people looking. It was fun wehad this group of kids watch us for a long time. We tryed to get them to dance but no. It was a very fun day at the market.

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