Thursday, April 11, 2013

Castle at lake como

Woke up to a beautiful sunny day. It was very exciting to seethe sun. There was still fog over the mountains but the sun was shining so you know it will burn off. As we ate breakfast to the amazing views of the snow covered mountains and talking about places to see and go with other guest. It was just heavenly.
We set off for the town that a girl we hung out with in Florence.  E she is the one that told us to go to lake como. We got down and caught a ferry over to the town with the train. We don't have any time to spare before the train is there so we book it up the hill. We get to the train stop and the building isfully locked, there isn't were to buy tickets. We ask one man he tells us to goto the bottom of the hill at the Torisum both or on the train. We look atour watch there is no way we can go down and back in less then five minutes let alone get tickets. We decided to try and buy our tickets on the train.
We got on at the front of the train the sign we read said to get tickets from the conductor so to me front ofthe train seemed like a good bet.
We walk from car. To car trying to find some one. Finally we found a woman we got our tickets, they were no more expensive so that was good because we had maybe 15€ and we hadn't clue how much theride would be.
We arrived in nthe town around 11 we are to meet E at 12 at the train station. So we go for a wonder around town, find an atm go down to the lake. There were so many swans. I have not seen so many with were ever were and it is spring so the males were swimming around all puffed up and strutting there stuff. Very funny to watch. I love watching the wildlife they are so intersting to watch there behavior expecially spring time.
We wondered back up to the station. Well we were taking up all the space on very tiny steeps. Not really but it felt that way. The steeps were very large like long, and every one wound walk up them were we were sitting. Shauna had to move for one women. Why they had to walk the extra steeps to were we were in do not know.
Once E showed up we went down to the water from the girls got capahino I got hotchocolate. Well the guy was so nice he gave us little pink marange things. It was some of the best hot chocolate ever. So great it may even beat out rome. It was very good.
E had to run to work so we went and got our train tickets back but we had an hour to till. Window shopping was not an option because it was after one and all the shops close from one to three. We found a cool cortyead inside a shopping center. Who ever designed these places are litk hay let's remove the roof and put in a cort yead let's and a random balcony for fun. Some things are so different.
We got back to the town that is just across the lake from our place. There is a castle somewhere so we decided to go there. We went to the Torisum both she said it was 20 min hike. So off we set well it was 20 min up a steep hill. Shauna was were her new flats and we'll they had no grip. She was slipping on the mule trail we were walking up. That is right not a road not a hiking trail a mules trail.
We took two half times on at this rock that was sticking out of the wall. No laughing it was very interesting. Next we stoped at this little watering fountain. As we walked away shauna want to get its picture so as she headed back down I could here the squalls as she would slip. Was going to be an interesting trip down.
We came to this little town I pray they have a road because if nott, if I was living there there is no way I would be walking that every day I would become such a hurmit.
We got to the castle and guess what more hills and stairs. It was 4€ and you got a peice of paper with the history and information about the castle.
As shauna was reading the paper I watched two lizards make babies it was very interesting, at first I though they were fighting.
At this castle they still did falconry it was funny we walked up the hill and there was two hocks and a barn owl just chilling. They also had a great horned owl at the entrance. They had suits of armer hanging around I picked up an arm price and it was so heavy. Could not imagine how heavy all of it would be.
Then you climb these steeps that are made out of stone and are just hanging out of the wall. It was very sketch steeps but the payoff was worth it because we got to see a draw bridge it was so cool it moved under your feet. Once in the tower there were more stairs to climb. These were food and even more sketchy then the rock ones. Totly feel like we should have signed a wavor. Just to look at these stairs. However you could see the crank to pull the draw bridge up. Then they had fosles just hanging out in the middle of the tower it was so cool to see they were found on the grounds and they are of sea lizards. It was very cool.kinda like there were dragons in the tower.
We walked down around the outer wall. There was still an old gate standing so I tryed my best to do my best gaurd impersonation. I just looked constipated but shauna had a good laugh. There were these stairs that leed down under the castle. So I made shauna go first since it was dark.
Well we get down there and there are two paths one you can kind of see the other pitch black. This family with three young boys can down so we let them go first. There was some armer but other then that itvwas just dark and wet. The celing was driping water.
As we made our way back down the path
Oh rewind, shaunas camara died witch sucked because it was a great view from the top of the tower.  We decided to go pee before going back down. Well we experienced our first hole in the floor. Now it was a fancy hole but a hole non the less so I go in take a picture and just stair at it. I had no idea what to do. So I go back out and I look and shauna and say how she just laughs and said no idea. Thankfully there was a handicap stall. There was a toilet but no seat not sure how some one handey cap can squat but then again no idea how they would get up there.
OK so walking back down still laughing about the hole in the floor. Only thing we can think is take pants fully off.
So as we walk down we noticed a sign for a water fall. It was certainly steep down hill so igo down to see if I can see it. Nope I didn't find it.
Second go and get on the fary and take it around the center of the lake. It took close to two hours to do and we did not get off any were. For a dog to go on the ferry if they are over 20 ponds they must have a muzzle. If they are smaller they must stay on your lap. If off your lap must be muzzled. What a great rule very simple and straight forward.
After our two hour ferry ride we get back to our town and decided to get some dinner. We went back to the restaurant that we met the greats couple ever. I got this pasta thing that one of the girls from the hostel had suggested. I don't know what kinda pasta it was because it was gray and had stuff I. It. It came with some type or greens and potatoes and lots of cheass all mixed together it was very good. I understand why it is one of her favorites.
Back at the hostel we planed out the rest of the trip. All that is left is to book the flights.
we got up this morning and got ready we were running a little late and made it to the ferry with 2min to spair. From there we gout our train tickets at the bottom of the hill. Then the hour wait for the train. Now we are on the train on our way to Venice.  The sinking city.

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